I see this one brings out all the rabid anti-environmental knee jerks. I am really sick of all the half baked arm chair experts that show up on these internet sites who claim to know what they are talking about yet all they do is pick someone elses views and argue for them dogmaticly. Have any of you ever done any real research, as in in a lab, with real equipment, with real money riding on it and on doing the tests correctly and objectively so as not to ruin your credibility in your field?
Here's something for all of you. Making this a political or partisan issue makes me want to smack the lot of you upside your head. It obviously wouldn't hurt anything.
This is an issue that has to stand on it's own merits scientifically and politics should be kept out of it because whether it is right or wrong affects us all.
Environmental issues and the potential damage involved is the single biggest threat to the stability of nations and thus the dubious world peace as well as the basic strategic and economic stability of all nations of the world and thus the jobs, living conditions and well being of every single human being.
I am tired of the distortions on both sides of the fence. Oh, and for the record I too am ex military and I am for environmental caution, unlike so many who seem to be dead head lifers who cannot think past what is in it for them. I think their lifer juice (coffee) caused colon cancer has rotted their brains.
I am also a republican but I am a moderate to liberal republican who believes in common sense and reality rather than the foolishness of people who are stupid enough to listen that fat mouth organ Rush Limpdick.
Volcanoes, the sun, tilt of the axis, climate cycles, claims of lack of long term records, etc., etc. Wonk Wonk Wonk.
Guess what kids, these things are all already accounted for in the real research if any of you idiots had enough education and intelligence to be able to read them. I realize we cannot all have access to crays and large scale climate models but at least take the time to research what you are saying before you open your beer swilling mouth and prove what an idiot you are.
What is a provable reality today is exactly what my research in the lab predicted 20 years ago and was presented to several conferences and agencies and the same talking head spin doctoring morons brushed it aside then as they are trying to do now.
Here is a nice easy one for you. Check out the book "the little ice age" from the library. There is a very simple chart that shows side by side curves for the use of coal since the middle ages and the rise of CO2. They are almost identical.
Here is another one for you. According to the American Petroleum Institute, 1/3 of the current price of fuel in America is purely caused by the extra demand cause by people who *needlessly* drive large vehicles.
Mindless consumerism and laziness is the biggest problem in American and it is directly behind most of our environmental as well as economic woes.
By the way, that large piece of trash that you drive that cost more than some houses? It's actually less safe than a normal car so don't spout the BS that you need it as a family vehicle. That is why they have vans and wagons. Check national crash statistics, even those adjusted by miles driven and vehicle size. It's a coffin on wheels that drives up gas prices and is a pain in the neck for everyone else on the road.
It wouldn't even exist if it were not for special loopholes in the safety and other specifications that other vehicles have to adhere to. It is nothing more than a huge scam to appeal to you shallow vanity and delusional perception of your importance in the world.
SUV is actually a marketing term that means Stupid, Useless, Victim as in Victim of Media hype and brainwashing. Also known as more money than common sense.
As a so called patriot, how is it that you can justify wasting fuel and being a direct part of a system which endangers so many american lives and undercuts our economy just to serve the special interests of big oil companies?
Ever hear of the balance of trade? Well you and people very much like you are the biggest cause for the imbalance.
Even GW has stated that dependence on foreign oil is one of the biggest threats to our national security and economy.
You probably buy stuff made over seas as well, helping put more americans out of work while sending your money and their jobs to foreign lands with lower standards for how things are made and how they treat the people that work for them.
Mindless pawns of consumer culture slaving away to make more profit for your big money masters. All you do is serve the elite top money people who profit no matter what country a job or factory is in or what political party you think you are serving. You mindlessly go along as long as the price is cheap and you can continue your wasteful and shallow lifestyle and keep chasing the lie called the American Dream.
Funny how so many of you have the nerve to call yourself Christians as well.
2007-04-01 15:43:13
answer #1
answered by Crusader_Magnus 3
"Is it just a coincidence that the earth began to signifigantly warm just as the industrial revolution began?"
If you are trying to link human actions since the industrial revolution to global warming, can you please explain how human actions caused the medieval warm period??
"Even Bush put the polar bear on the endangered species list due to the melting ice."
No, it was recomended. It is NOT yet on the endagered species list, as the scientists take about one year to go through the documentation to make sure it is science and not environmentalism making the decision.
"The earth is in temperature cycles that last thousands of years. We are nowhere near the end of our current climate stage, yet republicans claim that this is natural. This is the first time in history that the temperature cycle has changed. It should be a few thosand more years until the earth starts warming. Global warming is not natural!"
Wow.....you really have not read any of the SCIENCE have you? Yes larger overall cycles last hundreds or thousands of years, but have multiple temp fluctations inside them. The only given is that we know what happened in the past, and that will NOT tell us what will happen in the future, although environmentalists will try to tell you differently. Global warming is natural, or we would NOT have had similar periods throughout history.
"open your eyes, this warming trend is unlike any other."
No, it is similar to others, read the data.
"90% of glaciers are shrinking."
100% of glaciers are always changing their size.......
"Fun Fact -
Number of wildlife preserves clinton opened - 203
Number of wildlife preserves bush opened - 2"
What does this have to do with global warming? Better fun fact is that Bush's house in Texas is more energy efficient then Al Gore's.
"Is a ford expedition really neccesary republicans? I sure see alot of you driving them"
And Al Gore flies in a private plane. Planes use a lot more fuel then ford expeditions.....
Basically, you are trying to lame the blame of global warming on Republicans, which is a laugh. Wake up, read the science, and realize that by trying to politicize this issue, you will eventually cause it to become trivial over time!!
2007-04-02 04:34:05
answer #2
answered by Nice Guy 3
First of all, your inability to distinguish between questioning global warming and a republican is laughable...have another sip of the kool-aid.
Second of all, there were no automobiles, factories or airplanes during the ice ages, where ice covered as far north and south as the equator during the last great one. How did it all melt? Barney and Fred used "pedal power" to get around, so it's not like their CO2 contributions had anything to do with it. As a matter of fact, with the exception of cartoon humans and talking dinosaurs, there were no humans or complex human-like species on earth 530 million years ago...so where did all of the ice go? It's a pretty simple question I think, and one that comes with a pretty simple answer...it melted on it's own, either with help from the sun, or on it's own.
Our "200 years" of global warming science will never outweigh what 4.6 billion years of evolution has taught us...it's actually a bit ignorant to think so in my honest opinion.
Also, as for your last line (although I'm sure you'll invalidate it due to some republican internet conspriracy and cover-up perpetratied by KKKarl Rove) explain away this Repuiblican versus Democrat scenrio...Bush's Crawford Ranch vs. Al Gore's mansion.
And lastly, the cake-topper if you will, equating anything Europe means nothing...if anything, it throws the point completely. I'm not sure if you're in communication with the outside world or not (tin foil can interfere with many signals), but there's this thing out there that makes EVERY country in the world---big or small---jump through hoops and tell bold-faced lies to get it if necessary...it's called M-O-N-E-Y. What's the only real difference that has come from the global warming debates around the globe? Taxes....oh...I mean "cabon offsets". (ironically enough, a 'related link' to "carbon credits" in Wikipedia is 'Indulgences', or the "credits" of forgiveness that were bought from the catholic church to obsolve your sins and fund their religion...give it a google)
And, since it seems that the actors, actresses and politicians are making the most to-do out of this, I would think they'd start teaching by example, right? Maybe they can turn in their jets, and at least 10 to 12 of their 20 cars. Perhaps they can live in smaller houses too, although, I wouldn't want them to be bothered by us polluting peasants.
Keep patting yourself on the back and think that you're working for a global cause...paying taxes and "cleaning the environment" so that the fat, rich leftists of this country (we all know the fat, rich righties know better than to believe global warming) can keep their private jets running and can enjoy their pallatial 10,000 square foot estates in peace.
Use a paper bag at the market, save your electricity and keep taking the train/bus/bike...you're doing more there than you are on here.
2007-04-03 09:04:49
answer #3
answered by jdm 6
You need to check your timeline. From the charts I have seen global warming actually leads carbon dioxide levels. That is because the greatest producer of CO2 is the ocean. Global warming is natural as it is mainly caused by natural elements. That doesn't mean it is a good thing. Compared to several natural factors mankind actually affects the over all world system very little. Solar flares, clouds, volcanoes, etc. affect the world in much greater ways than mankind does. Of course, mankind has caused great local problems with pollution, garbage, oil spills, radiation, etc. So we should continue to think green in many ways but global warming is not caused my mankind.
In my opinion, global warming is at least partially a good thing. Since there was an ice age and a large part of the earth was covered with ice we now have a lot more livable space. Since there was an ice age then it stand to reason that we have had and general global warming trend since then long before the industrial revolution.
For lots of good facts and figures from leading scientist I suggest you watch the following video.
2007-04-02 23:39:38
answer #4
answered by Common Sense Analysis 1
Actually, here is a real fun fact. In the 1940's when the Industry's CO2 output almost doubled because of WWII. The world's average temperature decreased significantly until the 70's. Or...if the last fact wasn't to your liking, how about this one. Increases in temperatures aren't caused by increases in CO2, in fact its quite the opposite. Thats right, for all of those who believe Al Gore, you are being duped. An increase in temperatures is what causes an increase in CO2. If you see the graphic shown by him, it shows too much of a time span to realize this but a spike of CO2 comes as much as 800 years after a spike in temperature. Global warming is natural for two reasons. The first one is the fact that we are in the process of coming out of an ice age. The second fact is that the temperature increases that are happening now are being caused by the sun, not human factors. The support for this claim is the fact that temperatures on Mars are also rising in similar fashion as they are on Earth. There has been no significant human interaction with our neighboring planet. As for the endangered species, 99.9% of any species ever living on this planet is extinct. Environmentallists claim that over 50,000 species go extinct every day due to pollution. The truth is that not even that many species are discovered in a day let alone how anyone on this planet could know that 50,000 are dying off.
In the atmosphere, only .54% of all of it is CO2. When referring to the part that is there by human means, it is less than half of all CO2. The plants and animals that the environmentallist want to protect create more CO2 than humans.
Wildlife preserves are not a good idea because it restricts where the animal can go, when their food sources leave then they are at a loss for what to do and cannot adapt. Nature preserves should not be used because they cause more harm than good.
I can't wait to be able to afford the old BMW that I really want.
2007-04-01 14:22:08
answer #5
answered by asylum31 6
Hmm...your arrogance is unimpressive.
Yes, the Ford Expedition is really necessary. And Democrats sometimes drive them too. If one has a large family, it is necessary to have a large vehicle.
And most people can't afford to buy windmills. If you want to buy me some, I'd be thrilled.
By the way, I walk to work, and take public transportation when possible. Typically, I drive once a week, to buy things that I can't get locally. However, I'm also not so arrogant to believe that everyone can live the same life I do. I've lived in places where the distances are in the hundreds of miles from the nearest jobs, and where one has to drive kids to school 40 miles away. So, take your self-indulgent garbage and stick it in your hat. You have no moral authority over the world.
By the way, if your goal is to undo the industrial revolution, you ought to go live without all the benefits it brings. Yes, there are some negatives, but people aren't starving in the streets and dying of pestilence on a daily basis in industrialized countries. You don't think that's a fair trade? Go ask people anywhere that still deal with starvation and disease, and see if they'd rather live in the "polluted" industrialized world or in the natural, unindustrialized world. I've lived in both, and believe me, it's nice to have medical care and food and the things that come with industrialization. Clearly, you can't see beyond your romanticization of idyllic society. Life was difficult before industrialization. A level of difficult that you clearly cannot understand. You need some perspective.
2007-04-01 14:15:58
answer #6
answered by skip742 6
Number of wildlife preserves mentioned in the Constitution. Zero.
I think its funny that you think 'democrats' are all for the little guy and the environment.
You are a brain washed, gullible and probably nice person.
Glad you only get one vote.. consider it cancelled by mine.
Read the constitution sometime buddy.. FREEDOM is far more important than trying to change water levels or earth temperature levels. Mankind can ADAPT to those changes.. mankind CANNOT adapt to tyranny....
COMMUNISM killed 150+ million in the 20th century. YOu are driving down that same road.
2007-04-03 08:31:07
answer #7
answered by kentejohnson 1
Have you seen this: "Cheney’s office involved in global warming manipulation." ?
Cheney "...manipulate[d] global warming reports."
"A House probe into reports that the Bush administration improperly edited federal climate studies took a new turn yesterday"
"...Discusses a study by two “industry-affiliated” scientists who conclude that there is no convincing evidence of warming. “The study,” says Morello, “kicked up controversy shortly after it appeared in the journal Climate Science, with three editors of the journal resigning” in protest against the study’s publication..."
I don't even wonder that there are still people thay say: "Hey... there's no conclusive evidence of warming...". And it's not their fault either.. they are manipulated and base all their arguments on people with political agendas...
It's called corruption people and let's hope Cheney pays the price for what he's been doing with all his media manipulation.
Global warming is real, it is not a theory anymore, it has been proven. Ask any scientist with no political interests and he will confirm global warming is real and caused by the greenhouse gases.
Let's just hope people wake up soon enaugh.
2007-04-01 22:09:04
answer #8
answered by Amelie 3
You should read State of Fear. You may be interested to learn some of the truth. I'd like to know where you get your so called facts though. Where do you get this claim that 90% of glaciers are shrinking? What next we are going to say since Mountains are eroding that is caused by global warming as well? After all if you want to make up crazy "facts" I can too. Global Warming is at best an exaggerated threat and at worst total B.S. I'm all for cleaning up the planet. Just don't try to scare me into it. Ever hear the old phrase you catch more flies with honey then vinegar? Maybe if you used the TRUTH instead of spreading lies people would be more willing to do their part to help keep the environment clean. Yeah that is part of the problem. People get tired of hearing crap they don't believe and that just don't care anymore.
2007-04-01 14:08:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
how come you don't mention the two things that have happened in the past 27 years that most likely affected the weather patterns and maybe even the magnetic field of the planet which could possibly be causing a lot of what's going on now--mt. saint helens, when it erupted it blew out against the earth's rotation and caused a 1 degree wobble in our planet. the 9.2-9.4 quake that caused the indonesian tsunami also caused a 1 degree wobble and altered the weather patterns worldwide. in regard to the comment about wildlife preserves--clinton did most of that for political paybacks as some are so small they make no difference, or they were used to protect his rich backers property values. and for your last statement- good for you, but apparently you do not live in a city.
2007-04-01 14:05:03
answer #10
answered by mike_dooley49 3