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Explain your answer......

Thanks, for answering in advance! :-)

*Have a beautiful day/night*

Take care!

2007-04-01 13:39:25 · 15 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Thanks, Jimmy :)

2007-04-01 14:11:55 · update #1

Miguel M, Congratulations :)

2007-04-07 18:28:50 · update #2

15 answers

I got someone in authority to phone my father that my mother had had a stroke... he was several thousand kilometres away... and then cleaned the house.

My mum was menstruating and, though I didn't know it at the time, had suffered a brain haemorrhage whilst in the 'loo'. I asked her on the way out of the house if she was OK - got a positive response, leapt onto my Vespa scooter, and did what any self-respecting Mod at the time did: went out and got wasted.

I got home at maybe 5 or 6 in the evening, and she was still in the toilet. I couldn't get an answer from her at all. Given that this was the late-'sixties in Elizabeth, South Australia, we didn't have a 'phone. I ran to the corner 'phone-box, got hold of our family GP, and he came ASAP.

We broke into the toilet. It was horrendous... anyway, Mum had one side working and, bizarrely enough, it was the one that the doctor offered me to help carry her. She squeezed my arm and, after we laid her, naked on her bed, the GP organised an ambulance. They took her away, and I was left with this dreadful mess... I still can't cope with the smell of 'Pine-O-Kleen' (sic) - I saturated the house with it.

Anyway, two-days later, my father arrived home and went straight to the hospital. On the way back home, he got drunk as usual, arrived in a furious mood, blamed me for the 'incident', and meted-out his usual punishment. At the same time, he wanted MORE money to get even more 'pissed', and went to my mother's 'money-drawer' to find some. There wasn't any. My uncle had 'called-in' the previous day and helped himself. I was then accused of stealing and hit some more.

Given the fact that my father had beaten my mother on more than one occasion, and that his brother was a 'tea-leaf' who had, more than once, taken Dad's beer-money (coin change) from in front of him, with both of them 'standing at the bar' (a heinous crime in Oz - considered worse than murder), I was a little 'gob-smacked' that my mother's illness had now become my fault. Anyway, I kept my mouth shut (advisable given the circumstance).

The funeral was terrible.

Several days later, my father, after a drunken beating to show it had all been my fault, drove us to the grave, threw me on top of it, and shouted: "THAT'S reality, you little queer. Face it. She can't protect you now." And drove-off. By himself.

That was 1968. By '69 I was entrenched in the Melbourne music scene. By '71 I had returned to South Oz and become an officer-cadet in the Australian Army. I'd also got married for the first time (which led to my 'leaving the programme'). By '72, I was so drugged-/screwed-up that I enlisted in the Regular Army as a private. And became a grunt in '73. And went and did some things I am not proud of.

But, probably a very BIG butt, I did it all for love. Love of my mother, misplaced love for my ex-professional soldier father and, perhaps, misunderstood regard for what it meant to simply be me.

I hate the smell of disinfectant and don't cope with hospitals.


2007-04-07 23:50:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I really don't think of this as a "sacrifice" but I think I know what you mean. The only caregiver to a dying spouse, when my 24/7 meant not eating, sleeping, & even when I got pneumonia, I kept on going. All the phases, the patience, being constantly aware of what was needed physically & emotionally, never showing my emotions. Encouraging my spouse to include my stepson in the will (instead of just me) so there would be no "bad" feelings, & then being attacked by "the family" because the stepson did not get it all! There was no way to "redeem" myself by explaining this, as it would have invalidated my good intentions, & never seeing the stepson again. The financial loss, (on which I won't digress), was nothing compared to--oh--say--no good deed goes unpunished. The reason I said I don't consider this a sacrifice, is because it came from love, from my heart. & I would do it again.

2007-04-07 11:39:40 · answer #2 · answered by Psychic Cat 6 · 3 0

Well; I've almost completely given up any vestige of normal social interaction.

But I didn't have much of that to give up in the first place.

That's one thing that causes me no end of pain. I'm perfectly willing to make any sacrifice for love; but I never get the opportunity to make things better by giving anything up.

You have a good one, too.

2007-04-01 14:08:38 · answer #3 · answered by John 3 · 2 0

Well, as for me, the biggest sacrifice I have made for my love until now, is to wait. I must continually control myself, hold myself accountable, and preserve myself for her. That means staying pure. The time will come, but the biggest sacrifice for me is waiting. I must wait till marriage. I must have self-control. Patience.

ps Christmas gifts are only opened during Christmas, and not on Halloween, weeks before Christmas.

2007-04-07 08:31:19 · answer #4 · answered by john316 1 · 2 0

I made a lot of sacrifices to become a priest, but now I am giving it all up for the love of a good woman.

2007-04-01 13:44:53 · answer #5 · answered by fatherf.lotski 5 · 2 0

Getting off of heroin and remaining clean to this day.
Before / after mothers death....

I consider it a sacrifice only because I committed to it after nearly three decades of having lived that type of miserable time snatching life...

And believe that by having done so her life as a (parent to an addict) was not in vain!

2007-04-06 21:20:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Knowing I was taken advantage of (So the man thought)! he never knew I had to sacrifice my ego& Pride for "Random acts of Kindness!
Praying my behavior attitude and demeanor would teach him something!
And you know it did not teach him any thing, I departed from him and he begged for my friendship and kindness!
All I did for him was unconditional. He considered my actions as foolish!
The bottom line is I knew I am connected to all things and this he knew not!
For whom would have done for him as I was allowed to do by the grace of Allah!

2007-04-01 13:49:55 · answer #7 · answered by wise 5 · 3 0

I think when one becomes a parent unless you are well off the needs of the children are your first priority and parents often miss out all together.

2007-04-01 13:52:13 · answer #8 · answered by holly 7 · 3 0

Christ made the biggest sacrifice I can think of for love of all is children.

2007-04-01 13:58:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Not falling in love with anyone in particular!

since relationships can go either way, and then you may hurt our love.

2007-04-07 21:42:16 · answer #10 · answered by mr.kotiankar 4 · 1 0

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