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13 answers

Now I am not one to argue but according to the charts that I have seen or has been stated on TV, the Mayan calendar comes to an end on December 21,2012 or December 22nd, 2012. It does not mean that the world is coming to an end because that is only one of the interpretations. What is going to happen is that the sun for the first time in around 26000 years will be in the direct center of the Milky Way Galaxy that is between the end of the galaxy and earth. It does signify the coming of a new age of humanity or it could be just an ordinary day, however if it should happen that the earth should happen to shift on its axis it could provide a very interesting scenario of weather related incidents.

2007-04-01 10:35:27 · answer #1 · answered by Dave aka Spider Monkey 7 · 1 0

No, for several reasons.
One, the date in question is Dec 21, 2012, not the 24th.
Two, the spelling is Mayan, not "miyan".
Three, calendars don't "say" anything. They measure time.

On 12-21-2012, Baktun 13 of the Mayan Long Count calendar begins, starting a new 396 year cycle. If the Long Count did roll back to zero, it would be at the start of Baktun 20, which is almost 3,000 years away, not at the start of Baktun 13.

2007-04-02 00:31:34 · answer #2 · answered by Gevera Bert 6 · 0 0

Are you sure that it says the world will end or does it just stop there? The Mayans were so advanced. You might die in 2011, still trying to figure it out. Me, I'm just waiting. If the end of the world comes in 2012 then that's really sad because my plans go a lot farther than that. But then again, it might be good because this way, humans won't get a chance to kill the world and slowly destroy themselves.
See you past 2012 (hopefully)

2007-04-01 10:50:34 · answer #3 · answered by stars 2 · 0 0

Misinterpretation. It's probably something like 'if these laws are followed by everyone for the future from this point on then the suffering will have come to completion'. Since they weren't, the prediction wouldn't mean anything. More attention should be given to world problems rather than personal ascension. I think this was an idealized view of what could happen but didn't due to such things as Holocaust and wars

2007-04-01 12:46:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its Mayan not Miyan and there is some interesting facts about this 2012 theory. I wouldn't start preparing for the end of anything but you should read this for more background on the Mayan civilization of Mesoamerica - http://www.aventurasclub.com/mayandoomsday.en.html

2007-04-03 05:52:41 · answer #5 · answered by viralcraig 2 · 0 0

Many people thought a lot of weird stuff about the new millenium starting, would the world end, would armegedden start, would computers go bezerk. Some people have nothing better to do than create drama and send it into the world to multiply and then some people are very superstitious. It is my belief that everything that happens, happens because people make it happen directly or indirectly because that is what they already believe will happen.

2007-04-01 10:59:47 · answer #6 · answered by Hjkl 3 · 0 0

I hope not for my kids, and grandchildren's sakes, but the way things are going, I wouldn't be one bit "Surprised!!" Especially when thier are no longer "Ethic's" in the "White House".....they put an ex-con, in the "White House" he has an arrest record, and so does his wife, and two twin daughters... So, since this country no longer cares about running things the way our "Four Fathers" did, there's not much hope left for America, alone!!! This Land used to be founded and based on Religion!! Not anymore!! These Politician's are for years been considered the most "Crooked People" next to "Attorney's!!" How sad & scary is that thought!!! And they are running our country!!! I have never seen so much "Devistation" in our world, and even just in our own country just since Bush has been in the white house!!! Its as if God's saying wake-up America, and be careful who you vote for next time!!! We've had disaster, after disaster, since he's been a President!! Now with "Global Warming" and the NWO, God only knows, is all I have to say about that!! And I wouldn't be "Surprised in the least!!" Great Question!!" Smile!!

2007-04-01 10:35:37 · answer #7 · answered by Hmg♥Brd 6 · 0 0

I guess we will find out whether or not their calculations were correct on December 24th, 2012. In the mean time, if the world is going to end on that date, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. And if it doesn't end on that date, you won't be able to recover all the lost time and energy you wasted worrying about the issue.

2007-04-01 14:50:07 · answer #8 · answered by Timaeus 6 · 0 0

There's not one scintella of evidence that anyone can predict the future. The projection that Iran will have an operational nuke by 2012 is pure coincidence. One has nothing to do with the other....just the same, i'll be stocking up on some water....but that's just me.

2007-04-01 13:05:14 · answer #9 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

We are planing a huge end of the world party for my son.

It will be his 20th birthday. We intend to have a great time. We are either going out with a bang or having a heck of a hang over the next day.

love and blessings Don

2007-04-01 10:30:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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