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I have a Seagate 36 GB SCSI 10K RPM Ultra3 Hard Drive, a sATA 320 gig and an IDE 250gig. I know IDE is slower, but will there be a big difference between having the SCSI as my primary drive vs having the sATA as my primary drive? The sata is 7200 rpm. Which am I better off with?

2007-04-01 09:39:25 · 4 answers · asked by Vexing A Nation 2 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

4 answers

If it were me and I could put up with the additional noise and heat generated by a 10k rpm hd, I would definitely use a 10k rpm hd as my boot disk.

The reason? 10k rpm disks have very quick seek times owing to the higher rotational platter speed (meaning the read/write head doesn't have to wait as long before the required sector on the disc surface presents itself to the head). This translates into very quick performance with everyday operations like Windows/program load times etc.

Remember the speed of transfers to/from disc platter to drive electronics is still slower than any of the interfaces (i.e. drive electronics to host) mentioned (SCSI, IDE and SATA) so that doesn't have as much of a positive impact on performance as boosting transfers to/from the disc surface does.

A 10k rpm disk will always outperform a 7200rpm HD regardless of the host interface used (as long as it's >40-50Mb/s - which all of the i/f's you mentioned are).



2007-04-01 10:14:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

SCSI because it's the fastest, and you can use your secondary drive as SATA. Some SCSI's are a bit loud.

2007-04-01 09:42:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

SCSI is faster, as for will it be noticeable faster, probably not to the naked eye, but it is the fastest of the three, so you should use it as your boot drive.

2007-04-01 09:52:31 · answer #3 · answered by mysticman44 7 · 0 0

Server? Use SCSI
Gaming? Use SATA

2007-04-01 09:44:16 · answer #4 · answered by Andy T 7 · 0 0

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