I have never served in the military,my Father served 13 years ww11.Anyone who serves in Our military has my utmost respect and thanks in or out of country!
~America,Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave~
2007-04-01 03:05:37
answer #1
answered by Classic96 4
Anyone that serves deserves the Nations respect. The job is tough and dangerous. The majority of the Antis have never served a day, and to me, that gives them no rights to bash the war effort. It shows me they are afraid that they may be called for service.
No one hate war more than those that have experienced it. We don't hope for war, but when The call comes, we go and do our jobs to bring it to an end.
If you don't agree with the reasons behind a war, that is your right, but you have no right to bash, humiliate of blame the person serving.
You also have no right ( in my mind) to bash and undermine the administration with public protests. This only creates an environment of separation and weakness. It demoralises the troops and give the enemy, a sense of security, knowing there is a divide in support.
All the Hippie Antis of the 60s & 70s were "Pro Troop" & anti war....then why did the troops recieve such a disgusting homecomming? My command suggested not wearing uniforms off base...Why? Because we would become the target of the Antis slander and abuse.
Comming home was a worse experience for some than staying in country. I feel that we had and have the right to exercise our dissent with antis by a show of force.......
2007-04-01 11:32:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, for they made the difficult choice to serve our country. While I support every ones right to free speech, I don't see how harassing a soldier makes anyone a better person or this a better country. That being said, I believe all soldiers deserve the same respect, whether they saw combat or not, with one exception. Those who used political and family connections for the express purpose of avoiding combat, in my opinion, these people do not deserve to be classified in the same league as soldiers. As far as the soldiers dealing with the abuse and name calling, although I wish it were okay for the soldiers to administer severe a** beatings, that would do nothing but lower them to the level of the abuser, and they are better than that obviously.
2007-04-01 10:13:12
answer #3
answered by Political Enigma 6
I don't think that the people in the military should bear the brunt of having to have fought in a bad war. They deserve respect, whether they went abroad or worked on our soil. They didn't have a choice about going into the armed forces back then, there was a draft. Yes, there actually were a lot of ways of getting out of the draft if you knew how, but you had to have them in place in advance and had to know them, but a lot of people didn't, so I have respect for these people, just as I have respect for people in Iraq, a lot who joined the service, never expecting to end up at war as soon as they got into the service.
2007-04-01 09:57:32
answer #4
answered by lochmessy 6
The military is a job, most hope not to go to war. They mostly just want good benefits or to learn a trade or money for school not to go kill so you can't judge these guy's.
If the person in the military is being an ****** well then i will judge.
Military shouldn't judge civilians either because a lot of non military people are good at what they do including politics or law enforcement.
2007-04-01 10:13:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
My brother was a student at Princeton during that war and opted out of the military. I lost a certain amount of respect for him because of this but I admit that I am overly patriotic! I would not resort to vulgarity, however!
2007-04-01 10:00:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have served for a while now most of my family has served and all of us that have served have been to war. We go to war so that we protect freedom and especially rights IE free speech so in my opinion do I think it is morally right to bash those that have served hell no! I have actually been spit on in uniform by people it disgusts me. You may not agree with the war or war in general etc however I don't appreciate being bashed because I go and protect their freedoms. Usually I shrug off peoples nasty comments but it gets to you eventually especially when some one spits on you and the uniform that you pride your self in I will admit I hit the dude in the face. I don't take being assaulted. ....shadow stalker
2007-04-01 09:56:24
answer #7
answered by srtfugitiverecoveryagency 4
I was drafted & spent my time in the army doing my job.
I feel that we should always have a draft for our military.
Off course you need a strong cadre of professionals to train & lead.
A professional army holds to much of a fear of what could come of it. (A President just decides to declare a crises & takes over) Getting us in to war with several countries & more of the world turning against us.
Don't laught, Much of what as been done by the present president are small steps to set up such an acttiion.
And the ideas & hate being spread also leads to these ends.
The threat of danger to our way of life in a America is coming more from with in than from with out.
2007-04-01 10:19:13
answer #8
answered by Floyd B 5
If we are at war and someone is in the military then they should cycled into a combat position for a portion of their time unless their religious beliefs totally prevent them from combat.
I have issues with people like GWB, he server during wartime, decline overseas deployment then initiated a war himself. I don't have an issue with the Americans in uniform doing their duty for this country, it's not their fault they have the likes of him as a CIC.
2007-04-01 10:06:17
answer #9
answered by Alan S 7
No i think it is wrong to insult someone just because they never went to the country the war was occurring in. Not everyone can be in the country without taking away our effectiveness at home and in other countries of interest.
2007-04-01 09:53:20
answer #10
answered by Donny C 1