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2007-03-31 23:46:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

8 answers

Capricorn the goat will be found quietly and patiently scaling the mountainside. Whilst other more flashy people make more noise and fuss and seem to be making all the running, you will merge into the crowd, calmly watching and waiting. You will win in the end. You are the ultimate social climber. You study those who you perceive to be socially superior and you know you will be emulating them soon. You give off an attitude of serious melancholy, and impose stern discipline on yourself along with self-denial. Your gentleness flatters and persuades. Although others may judge you to be soft, you can be very tough, persistent and relentless inside. You steadily follow an upward path. You respect authority and tradition and study these things intently as you court success in your chosen medium. Some may think you snobbish and stuffy, but your gaze is dead ahead and your feet - like the sure-footed mountain goat of our analogy, are firmly planted on the ground. You are embarrassed by public scenes and raw uncontrolled passion, because social acceptance is so important to you. Although you can be romantic you don't believe in letting your heart rule your head and being blinded by emotion. You are dutiful and responsible, and security, especially in old age, is never far from your thoughts. You are kindly but can be stern. You are wise and cautious. Your steady endurance gives you fantastic survival potential.

Love & Blessings

2007-04-01 01:52:17 · answer #1 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

The sure-footed Mountain Goat can climb to higher altitudes than any other mammal. And you sure-footed Capricorns are also well-suited for climbing. Capricorn sets high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As Capricorn climbs the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to Capricorn and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.

Capricorn can dance out on the edge of a cliff, but will never fall. Why? Stability plays an important role, but so does practice. As a typical Capricorn, you may appear reckless, but chances are that your actions will have been very well planned, and probably also rehearsed. Capricorn is always calculating what will happen if you do something. You Capricorns are energetically conservative, only expending enough to get you to where you want to be. No silly impulsive actions for you. This is your best insurance to get to the top of the mountain.

The Capricorn motto might be Milton Berle's "If opportunity doesn't knock, then build a door." But this doesn't mean that if there are no mountains to climb that you must build the mountain. For you, hardships can be your path to fulfillment, but for the sake of happiness, it would be good for you to learn to appreciate what you have, instead of always striving to reach the next plateau.

Element: Earth
Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth. There is no escaping the reality around us. The Earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For earth signs, seeing is believing.

The earth of Capricorn is that of foundation and structure. It's about having a stable base so we don't build our life on shifting sand. Even the great mountains earth, and if it weren't for their foundational integrity, we couldn't climb upon them.

Tenth House: Career
The Tenth House is the House of the Father. It is where we pursue the outer world, which is often related to our career. This isn't about our personality. It's about how the outer world sees us through the role we play in it. It is here, in the Tenth House, that we look to find out about status and recognition.

Key Planet: Saturn
Saturn, the ringed planet, is etymologically tied to the word "Satan." But, as demonstrated in the Tarot, the "Devil Card" is not a bad card. It's only difficult if we've made the deal with the devil that we believe the physical world is all there is. Saturn is the planet of boundaries and limitations. If we succumb to those limitations, we are doomed to live within the laws of cause and effect. But if we do the hard work of spiritual practice, we can be rewarded by the wisdom that exists beyond the material plane. As the key planet for Capricorn, Saturn does symbolize that we get what we deserve. Take shortcuts in life and we'll meet up with problems later on. But if we do things with integrity, then the rewards will be ours.

Capricorn Greatest Strength: Your ability to overcome obstacles

Capricorn Possible Weakness: Too much work and not enough play

2007-04-01 12:02:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Capricorn is one of the most stable and (mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. These hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme persons, are capable of persisting for as long as is necessary to accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. They are reliable workers in almost any profession they undertake. They are the major finishers of most projects started by the 'pioneering' signs; with firm stick-to-it-ness they quickly become the backbone of any company they work for.

2007-04-01 08:59:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A person born under the Zodiac sign of Capricorn tends to be ambitious, trustworthy, patient and perspicacious.

2007-04-01 07:46:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I cant remember the supposed characteristics of us Capricorns, but I know our planet is funky Saturn! and that we have the same star sign as Jesus, how cooooooooooool is that!!!!!

Capricorns rule!!!!!!!;)
I'm a Cap!!!;)

2007-04-01 13:18:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Capricons grown younger with age in their outlook and spirit
So they start life quite mature and end it quite child like I guess
They also aspire for the best and usually with their tenacity reach it

2007-04-01 08:20:52 · answer #6 · answered by ~*tigger*~ ** 7 · 0 0

You need your exact time, date and place of birth to get an accurate reading

Beyond Sun / Star Signs is a world of Astrology where every aspect of a Horoscope (Birth Chart) has meaning.

You cant judge anyone on just their sun sign, it all goes so much deeper than that

IN GENERAL (without your birth details)

Capricorn THE GOAT - the sign of Consistency
Capricorn's symbol is the sea goat, rather than the mountain goat and this represents a sure footedness but also an ability to be a lot more fluid and flexible than their reputations suggest. Often having a superbly dry sense of humour Capricorns are instinctively knowledgeable about timing and will know when to make the most of opportunities. Tending to be quite career orientated, they will focus on making a name for themselves or finding their life's purpose. Practical, pragmatic and realistic they can have a no-nonsense approach to life but with a strong sense of simple elegance and good looks.

Get More from Life
By having less need to control others and let them find out through their own experience.

Ideal Careers
Medical practitioner, CEO, administration, farmer, builder, engineer, dentist, civil servant, politician, comedian.

Advice for Partners & Friends
A good idea - help your Capricorn to lighten up and to consider that buying that expensive present is actually a great investment.

Not so useful - ridiculing their dreams (they don't have that many to start with).

We love you at your Best ...
One of Capricorns best assets is its sense of humour, and also the ability to do the jobs which require patience and persistence. A Capricorn will not wimp out when faced with difficulty but can provide a step by step guide to getting out of trouble. It's a good idea to take their advice, or at least consider it. These people are very grounding, and to some may seem to depressing. However, here is someone you can rely on and we all need that from time to timed.

Reliable, determined, ambitious, careful, prudent, disciplined, hard working, persevering.

.... Difficult to Live With!
A negative approach to life can dampen early enthusiasm and they can be naturally suspicious of anything new an untested. Capricorns quite often begin a sentence with 'You should...' or have the ability to point out the downsides to any venture or idea. They can make great accountants, assuming that success is measured with money. But ultimately, Capricorns are just realists and can save a great deal of time and energy by cutting to the chase, even though their nearest and dearest see that this parsimonious attitude gets in the way of fun and frivolity! Bah humbug.

Sun Signs You are most Compatible with
Cancer - a rather good match.
Capricorn - solid & long lasting.
Scorpio - very strong.
Aquarius - straight meets weird.

Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with
Libra - sorry, its not going to work well!
Gemini - hard work may pay off.
Sagittarius - unsuitable.
Leo - so very different.
Aries - likely to argue & fight.

Your Opposite Sun Sign
is Cancer

The Capricorn's life is a constant uphill climb toward greener, loftier pastures. She wants the view from the top of the mountain, and will work long and hard to get there. Capricorn knows she has a tedious climb ahead, so she may take it slow, enjoying life while she can, or she may dig in her hooves at any time and get moving.

Capricorn will do whatever is necessary to achieve the goal she has set for herself. She will conform to the standards of her chosen profession, she will seek help along the way from those who will give it, and she will start from any lowly position offered. Once she gets to the top, watch for some amazing leadership abilities.

They say that Capricorns look old when they're young and young when they're old. Their spirits age backwards. The young Capricorn is wizened before her time with a foreknowledge of a long hard life ahead, while the old Capricorn, having reached a good height of accomplishment already, may relax and return to the fun, capricious nature of the playful young kid.

The Capricorn sees her life as a series of steps. She is in no big hurry, so she makes it a point to stop and have fun along the way. She combines the joys of living and loving with her goals as if they were integral to them - and so may make a life out of her career and a career out of her life. Such is the earnestness of her existence, and the determination of her soul.

The Capricorn is determined, hardworking, businesslike, ambitious, and also fun to be with. Her earnest nature is not confined to practical matters. She also takes love and lovemaking very seriously.

Symbol: The Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Earth - Cardinal - Negative
Night Forces - Feminine
Growth Phase: Experience
Secret Motivation: "I Use"

The sign of the Priest, the Administrator

Personality: Hard-headed and practical, ambitious, suspicious, resentful, diplomatic, reserved, selfish, orthodox, determined and unscrupulous.

Positive Qualities: Practical and efficient, steadfast, helpful, strength of character, logical, quiet and reserved, hardworking.

Negative Qualities: Suspicious and cold, selfish, inhibited, pessimistic, obstinate and resentful, hard-headed.


Hard, shrewd, diplomatic, practical, pessimistic, opportunistic, down-to-earth. Fixed in love. Adaptable in work. Just in aim. Uses means to ends. Deals in facts, figures, time, order and precision. Tangibles and tangibles only. Respects those who are in position to grant favors! Cool emotions. Trouble-shooter. Gets better with age.

Capricornians are not the greatest of lovers. They are more the providers, craving security themselves and providing it for their mates. You are really not up to showering attention on people. You are conscientious, but a little too dry for romance. The solid benefits are all very well - such as home, financial security, comfort, position, children - in fact all the good things of life. But there has to be a little romance, a little bit of tender loving care also. Learn to give. Your inbuilt inhibitions need some emotional release. Learn to live life fully. Give the persons in your life attention, reassurance and love also. Just being conscientious is not enough. Get involved with life!


Sex plays an important role in the life of every man and woman. It lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to revere life until we know how to understand sex. Indian astrological science attributes certain sexual characteristics to persons according to the sign under which they have been born.

You are ascetic in your ways towards your partner, and in sex as well. You make a good partner, but are rather cold and sparing in your sex life.


You will be faithful and reliable once the initial hurdles are crossed. You are not too polished or very tactful or you may have an unfortunate tendency to snobbery which you ought to try to overcome.


Birth Stone: Garnet
Lucky Gems: Dark Sapphire
Lucky Colors: Steel Gray, Black and Brown (all dark colors)
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22, 26, 28, 35, 40, 44 (the 1, 4 and 8 series)
Lucky Talisman: The Plough
Lucky Herbs and Flowers: Ivy, Pansies, Hemlock, Hops And Woodbine
Lucky Day: Saturday

2007-04-02 05:24:31 · answer #7 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 0 0

Artistic and Creative, sceptic at times ;)

2007-04-01 08:35:58 · answer #8 · answered by Sheldon 6 · 0 0

pos Practical and prudent
Ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful
Humorous and reserved

neg Pessimistic and fatalistic
Miserly and grudging

2007-04-01 10:16:47 · answer #9 · answered by artsy 2 · 0 0

5'6", brown hair, glasses.

2007-04-01 08:24:58 · answer #10 · answered by tharnpfeffa 6 · 1 0

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