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20 answers

Unless the NFL started a division with those 2 teams plus maybe the Lions, I'm gonna say neither!! The team in Oakland is a joke and as long as Al Davis is alive they will never win!! And bad news Oakland fans, Al Davis will never die! He is already 137 years old and still going. I HATE THE OAKLAND TEAM! God bless Al Davis for taking the franchise I hate the most and screwing it up. Long live Al!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-31 18:25:24 · answer #1 · answered by pimpalot23 2 · 2 4

Neither team will win a division title before 2010, but at least the Browns have something resembling an offense right now.

While the Raiders currently have the better D, the Browns aren't completely incompetent on that side of the ball, which is certainly more than I can say about the Raider offense. LaMont Jordan was ruined by lack of a passing game (last season, only Atlanta and Tennessee averaged fewer YPG through the air) and an O-line (last season, the team was dead last in PPG and total YPG), and if the Raiders botch the draft (again), there's no reason to think Dominic Rhodes won't suffer the same fate.

It's really a question of which team completes their rebuilding phase first, and the upcoming draft should provide better insight into which team will be further along, but for now, I'm going with the Browns.

2007-03-31 23:00:26 · answer #2 · answered by Judge Ghis 6 · 0 0

this is a very good question. i believe the cleveland browns will win their division before the oakland raiders win theirs. the reason being is because many of the ravens all pro players are getting old, such as ray lewis and steve mcnair. the steelers are going to go through a transition of a new coaching style in the next few years. the bengals will continue put pressure on that division, but remember they have players who cause trouble on the team, and can get into trouble, which might keep them out of the nfl for a year for certain players. the browns are a young team and just need a little bit of help in their OL and QB most importantly. they wont immediately win their division obviously, but i can see it as a possibility in a decade or maybe just under a decade. the raiders play one of the toughest divisions in the nfl, if not the toughest. the broncos have many young starting players. the chargers have a young team as well, most noticible, LT. the chiefs will probably always be an offensive team and will always be competiting as long as they have herm edwards as head coach.

2007-03-31 18:48:29 · answer #3 · answered by The Claymaker- Go Pack! 6 · 0 0

This is a tough question, and can better be answered after the draft. Right now, neither has a good QB, although they both have good targets. The browns play in a weaker division. The steelers have a new head coach. Half of the bengals are on their way to prison, and the ravens are one good hit on McNair away from sucking. The AFC west is much tougher.

Plus, the raiders have way too many problems to overcome anytime soon. The have an impatiant egomaniac for an owner, a new head coach, disgruntled players, and they have a lot of over the hill players.

But until we find out who they draft, this is a tough question.

2007-03-31 18:31:09 · answer #4 · answered by konf323 2 · 1 0

lol...might as well ask whether the cardinals or lions will win a division within the next half century lol.
Honestly, some of these teams are so terrible that I am not convinced they should be in the NFL. On the other hand, it took 40 years for the Steelers to become a great contended and champion, so there is hope for everyone.

I'll just go with the Raiders. why not, It's a 50/50 shot, and maybe we'll find out in 30 years or so.

2007-03-31 20:55:22 · answer #5 · answered by fromorto12 2 · 0 1


They've only got to beat an old team (KC), a team with Norv Turner as their coach (SD), and a team with no running game (DEN).

Cleveland's got a much tougher job. They've got to beat out the best defense in the NFL by miles (BAL), a dominating offense led by an elite QB (CIN), and a team that's undefeated in their last 6 games against teams not named the Baltimore Ravens (PIT).

There may not be 3 better teams in the NFL than the AFC North's Big 3. The teams in the AFC West all have far more serious flaws. I don't think Kansas City is a contender anytime soon unless they get 32 1st round picks this year. I don't think San Diego's gonna do much of anything with a loser coach. I don't think Denver's going anywhere until they find a RB who doesn't fumble every other play.

Oakland's also the far better of those 2 teams. The Raiders already have a great defense. They just need a QB, RB, WRs (Moss and Porter don't count unless they deal with their attitude problems), and a Line. Unless Lane Kiffin is as much of a fraud as Brian Billick, we'll see Oakland's offense improve significantly next year. Coaches usually do a good job coaching on the side of the ball they specialize on, but draft talent on the side they don't specialize on. Kiffin's already got his defense secured. He just needs to fix that offense (well, San Francisco fixed their offense last year and they were as bad as the Raiders).

Oakland's far closer to being a good team and they've got the easier division.

2007-03-31 22:05:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Cleveland Browns

2007-03-31 18:19:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Raiders easy. The Browns are in a tough division, they cannot beat the Bengals, Ravens, or Steelers. Last year the Raiders defense played incredibly well, it was their offense that let them down. They took care of that by getting a good runningback, a solid tightend and most likely will get a good quarterback in the draft. In fact, I think the Raiders will contend for the division this year.

2007-03-31 18:29:47 · answer #8 · answered by Smoothness 4 · 0 2


2007-03-31 18:47:28 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly H 1 · 2 0

the Browns, because they arguably have the easier (if it can be called that) division..Steelers, Ravens, Bengals. Compare that to the fierce rivalry(s) between the Chiefs and Broncos, and as long as L.T. is in San Diego, the Raiders dont stand a chance really.

2007-03-31 18:20:47 · answer #10 · answered by sp1nkxter 4 · 0 1