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So, i have decided to go to UCD instead of La Sierra University (where I got a full ride) because in my opinion they have a better biology program/neuroscience/neurobiology program

i want to major in Anthropology (forensic perhaps) and neurobiology/neuroscience...
and im going to live in a dorm...

so please..tell me..what is it like

im going to be over 400 miles away from home

are the ppl nice?
what are the dorms like?
are the classes tough?
is the experience "great"?
and was it worth it in the end?

im just curious cause im the first person in my family to go to college (yea, FOB status)...so yea..its going to be ALL new to me

2007-03-31 17:27:43 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

1 answers

Everyone I know who has gone there has loved it. You definitely made the right choice. It is a serious campus academically, but definitely worth the work.

2007-03-31 17:38:50 · answer #1 · answered by neniaf 7 · 0 0

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