Very few good HORROR movies left, too many are GOREY movies, and Gore isn't scary to me. Give me a good story that is scary as well, and I won't mind the gore aspect. Just cutting people up to "scare" me though doesn't work. Silent Hill is a good Horror movie, although never mind because most can't watch it and pay attention. If you aren't good at watching details and good with a deeper movie then don't watch it. Too many seemed to miss the more subtle points in the movie, it isn't just a visual movie. How about Pet Cemetery 2 it is supposed to be a horror movie but I found it really funny. Seriously though by humor we need a better idea what you like. As to the Scary Movie idea, watch the first 2 they were MUCH better then the third. Mostly because the Wayans knew what they were doing and they knew to stop after the second.
2007-03-31 13:54:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Good horror movies:
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Army of Darkness (that ones also a comedy)
Saw 1, 2 or 3 are pretty gross as well.
Good comedies:
Depends on your taste, but I love Spaceballs and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
2007-03-31 13:37:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
most of the horror movies these days are down right gorey, so if you wanna c one that actually has a plot,
go c the classic called the blob.
my teacher told me it was good.
or check out nething by m. night shamalan
his stories aren't "horror" but it can keep u on the edge of your seat. he's a really good director.
for funny, c borat (altho its a little offensive)
of blades of glory(just came out yesterday. it was HILARIOUS!)
stay away from such retarded movies like:
epic movie
date movie
both will make you wanna jump off a cliff...
2007-03-31 14:05:25
answer #3
answered by karibear 2
"Better Off Dead" is an old one with John Cusak. It's one of my all time favorite movies. It's a funny movie, but the humor is a little subtle. Me and my friends quote it all the time, it's just a great movie.
2007-03-31 13:36:21
answer #4
answered by fmxkrazyone 6
Scary Movie 3 & 4. They're both at the same time.
2007-03-31 13:35:51
answer #5
answered by Brittani♫. 5
I dont watch many horror movies, but Friday after next is one of my favorite funny movies.
2007-03-31 13:47:34
answer #6
answered by Fl@$hy Wi$e 5
Scream, it is a scary movie that is also funny...
But a classic scary movie is the exorcist!
2007-03-31 13:50:27
answer #7
answered by Carrie K 3
An American Werewolf in London is both at the same time.
Check it out.
2007-03-31 13:36:41
answer #8
answered by Barry S 5
one of the best funny old movies is
It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World.
And any movie with Jane Fonda is a good whore movie...
ohhh you said horror... never mind!
2007-03-31 13:36:50
answer #9
answered by Scotty 6
a good funny kinda horror movie is shaun of the dead.. i liked it...
2007-03-31 13:43:23
answer #10
answered by LION 6