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And now, 3200 Americans have died in Iraq, are Americans as outraged? They should be. The Bush War has killed more Americans than the 9/11 attacks. Wake up America, it's time to impeach.

2007-03-31 13:12:13 · 19 answers · asked by Dennis H 4 in News & Events Current Events

19 answers


2007-03-31 13:14:30 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 3 3

I just clicked on the button "answer this question" - oh, how I wish I could. I read the answers that others have given and am appalled at Hah"s behavior. Sweetie, the fools who flew those planes into the towers, the pentagon and the plane in Pennsylvania were not associated with Sadaam or Iraq. We went to Iraq for separate reasons. We pinpointed and eradicated Sadaam. If Bin Laden had been there we could certainly do the same with him. Our armed forces are superior and those young men and women are doing the best job they possibly can under the current set of circumstances. But take a reality break, it is time to bring them home. We won't be achieving anything except more loss of life to stay there and it is not clear what the goal is. For anyone to compare this "war" to WWI or WWII is rediculous - those both had distinct starts, distinct goals and were entirely winable -- we don't even have a clear understanding of who our enemies are this time. Sorry, but it is time to come home. It is time to vote for anyone other than the current machine, it is time for a change. Haven't we all had enough?

2007-03-31 13:30:32 · answer #2 · answered by kbama 5 · 0 1

This isn't anything new you know. Or didn't you learn anything from the Vietnam fiasco. We as Americans have short memories and there is a little bit of a difference between a trained soldier(enlistee not draftee,big difference) and a sneak attack done to civilians. And when you use the term BUSH WAR all I could think of was, wasn't that the name of a porn movie from the 70's.

2007-03-31 13:24:59 · answer #3 · answered by tootsie 5 · 1 0

We simply need to forgive ourselves for those deaths, learn to love ourselves, and we will be given the opportunity to start anew. It is the Way. The Omens are that we are succeeding, no matter how badly it looks now or during the forthcoming storms which are coming for the house-cleaning. Yes, Wake Up All. Anybody know where I can find a good bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon to start celebrating with? Cheers!
Oh. almost forgot.......Thank you bloggers all and all those who helped make blogging possible. You have no idea how helpful you have all been. I lift my glass to these brave heroes. Cheers again!

2007-04-04 13:00:51 · answer #4 · answered by canron4peace 6 · 0 0

Dennis H, your a retard, 3200 American Servicemen have died in World War three, so 3000 MORE CIVILIANS do not die on US soil, are you so stupid you fail to grasp that, this is not a BUSH war, Bush did not order 19 Arabs to fly into the twin towers, Wake up America is right its to to win this war and shut up idiots like you.

kbama2002, obviously a retarded civilian, yes it can be compared to WW1 and WW2 and when you consider we did not have a political party sabotaging the countrys war effort to spite the president you see how sick the democrats are, yes it would be nice to leave IRAQ but only when the WAR IS WON. YOu do not win wars by whining like you do. how can you say no distinct start to WW3, what exactly do you call planes flying into towers ???

2007-03-31 13:31:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Actually 2800 PEOPLE died. Many were foreigners, including about 500 british. The count of American dead is a little under 2000 if I remember right.

And of course, iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, Bush and Blair both admitted that.

The latest and greatest LIE is that "more soldiers died under clinton". completely untrue, unless you count soldiers who died from old age! Old soldiers are always dying in VA centres, its a constant stream and part of life, everybody dies.

Its just the latest Rush Limbaugh (draft dodger, drug user, pedophile) lie to deflect blame from Bush's disastrous war.

BTW we lost exactly TWO soldiers during Clinton's war in Yugoslavia, and we won.

2007-04-01 05:07:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Go look up some history. In WWI many more would die in one day for absolutely nothing. Just charge into machine gun fire from an opposing trench. An estimated 3,000 allied soldiers died on D-day alone during WWII.

Historically this is indeed war on the cheep. Very impressive.

2007-03-31 13:19:42 · answer #7 · answered by tenbadthings 5 · 4 1


Do you know the difference between civilians and soldiers?

Do you know the difference between an hour or two and 6 years?

Do you know that our casualty rate is less than it was during the CLINTON administration?

Do you have ANY idea what is required to impeach a President (as Clinton was)? Simply disagreeing with him NOW (although the Dems were way on-board with his plan when they voted him the authority to war) isn't enough, boy.

Wake up America - It's time to stop whining, fantasizing about conspiracy theories and daydreaming.


2007-03-31 13:52:57 · answer #8 · answered by Orion 5 · 1 2

Bush won an election that he didn't even win the first time

Ralph Nader has been pushing for impeachment for 3 years now but it appears we just going to have to wait it out until 2008

His actions are outraging and this is why i have voted to outst him

2007-03-31 13:20:42 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 1 2

The congress fully voted to go to war, so this "Bush War" was a war fully approved by congress till the Dems. decided they could change their mind "I voted for the. . .before I voted against" such a true statement. A war that seems un-winable is none the less noble in fighting.

2007-03-31 14:15:02 · answer #10 · answered by I'm so cool 3 · 1 1

What is a "Bush war"......:;;;;;;;.....I am outraged too......he promised, since you seem to recall 9/11 that we are going to find these people who brought these buildings down and make them pay.........and he was backed up on all the war efforts, which admittedly have not worked. Maybe if Bubbah had not been so busy in the ORAL office, it could have been nipped in the bud......you have a short memory.

2007-03-31 13:18:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3