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I get angry when Bush waves a flag and applauds troops for their honest sacrifice in a war that he lied to start, mismanaged from the beginning, and refuses to end, while at the same time cutting benefits for injured veterans.

He got a deferment from daddy to go serve in the Air National Guard during Vietnam and didn't even report to duty so he could get high.

He is a disgrace to this country, and those who disagree with his policies are un-American, un-patriotic, cut-and-run wimps?

Bush knows nothing about honesty, sacrifice, or service, but because he waves a flag and says "God bless America", he is suddenly a patriot?

For your information, mindless Bush-lovers, I am a conservative- a true conservative. I don't advocate cutting veterans pay, passing anti-gun legislation, doubling the size of government, lying, or cowering away from service- all things this spineless chickenhawk, who we call "the leader of the free world" has done.

2007-03-31 12:39:42 · 2 answers · asked by einzelgaenger08 3 in Politics & Government Politics

2 answers

So, what's your question?

2007-04-01 02:25:05 · answer #1 · answered by jdkilp 7 · 1 0

Well I think you described the folly of BushCo pretty well. I am one of those people stuck in the middle as I also see myself as a physical conservative and at the same time cannot stomach what BushCo is doing to our country. I detest the rhetoric of the Spineless Chickenhawk's as you call them. I see the Propaganda of McCain standing in Baghdad saying it is safe while warring a bullet proof vest and surrounded by a security force reported to be 100 of our finest. If it is so safe, why the security force. It is al a PR stunt to make it seem like we are making a difference. Anyone that is saying it is peaceful and safe should be willing to show us the wide-angle view to show the circle of servicemen around McCain proving his statements are all folly. I hate the way our government attempts to manipulate We The People, especially so they can keep going with their WAR FOR OIL.

2007-04-02 09:50:34 · answer #2 · answered by controlac 3 · 0 0

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