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16 answers

Anywhere there is no windows. A hallway, closet, or bathroom. At least thats what they told us in school.

2007-03-30 23:21:28 · answer #1 · answered by Fab 4 · 0 0

I have not been affected by a tornado (though my city was subject of two very powerful tornadoes by British standards) but this is what I have been told.

Go to a room on the ground floor where there are no windows or objects that are likely to blow in and smash. Close the door. If it has a lock, that is much better so the best room is usually a ground floor bathroom or toilet room. If it is possible, collect as many cushions, pillows and other softening objects as quickly as you can and gather them around you inside the room. This way, if anything were to come your way, you would be protected.

Another thing I have been told is to get inside your bath and cover yourself in pillows, mattresses, cushions and quilts. This all has to be quick. This way, if you are hit directly and lifted by the winds, your impact will be softened and the risk of injury is lowered.

Whatever you do, don't stand by a window or door as this can smash or blow off causing great injury to yourself. Going outside is also not an option!

2007-03-31 02:56:57 · answer #2 · answered by Tom S 2 · 0 1

A basement is the best place to be if your in danger of a tornado. if you have niether a storm cellar or basement, a bathroom or closet can also provide protection. anyrooms that don't have windows are safer.

2007-03-31 04:33:16 · answer #3 · answered by Sarah F 1 · 0 0

In the smallest room in the house -- a closet or maybe the bathroom. The walls don't have so much ceiling to support there.This is a great site that gives you a lot of good safe places to go in case you are caught in a storm:


2007-03-30 23:25:04 · answer #4 · answered by Madame M 7 · 2 0

You want to be in the lowest possible level of your building, and get to an interior room if possible. Put as many walls between you and the storm as possible. Aviod windows.

Shield yourself under a piece of furniture or a mattress for extra protection.

2007-04-01 05:43:57 · answer #5 · answered by frenchy62 7 · 0 0

You need to put as many walls between you and the outside as possible, and stay on the ground floor. Try and get a matress to cover youself but if you don't have time curl into a ball next to a wall and protect your neck and head with your arms as best you can.

2007-03-31 01:09:45 · answer #6 · answered by weathermanpeter 2 · 1 0

I've heard a good place is in your bathtub with a heavy mattress pulled over you.
Otherwise a closet near the middle of the house and surround yourself with mattresses in there also...you want to protect yourself as much as possible from flying debris.

2007-03-30 23:21:49 · answer #7 · answered by GeneL 7 · 2 0

A room with inside walls (aka the walls don't meet with the outside. Also, the bathtub is a good place to go...with a mattress over top of you.

2007-03-31 01:21:47 · answer #8 · answered by puppyraiser8 4 · 0 0

okay here it is:
-bathtub under mattress with pillows and covers for protection
-in a hallway or closet with few objects or windows
-underground in a basement.......lol
-in another city far away
-with a mile with a video camera and a fast car
I hope these have helped you.

2007-03-31 07:09:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In a very small space. like a small bathromm, or if you are out side get down under something. If you have a family i would bunch all together.

2007-03-31 03:47:11 · answer #10 · answered by oriole fan 1 · 0 0