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i know ipod and stuff..

but idont get the itunes stuff..

and do you have to buy like itunes so you can put music in your ipod?

so you have to pay for every song?

2007-03-30 14:40:01 · 5 answers · asked by ria 3 in Consumer Electronics Music & Music Players

5 answers

iTunes is free (click the link below)

and yes, you pay for every song (I swear iPods would be in trouble without sites like Limewire)

2007-03-30 15:12:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Itunes is a software that connects you to the online world of apple's store of music, movies and television shows where you can purchase and download it to your ipod. Each song costs about 99 cents and movies and television shows range from two to three dollars each.

You don't have to buy your music at itunes. But if you buy your music at another website then you have to convert the file format of that song mp3 or wma (windows media format) into apple ipod format. There is a software that will convert the file extension for you so that you can play it on your ipod. If you buy your music, or movies at itunes then you will not need to convert any file. It will play on your ipod.

2007-03-30 14:48:41 · answer #2 · answered by ddominic 7 · 0 0

I use Limewire put the songs into a folder and transfer my songs thru itunes. I do not pay for itunes songs.

2007-03-30 14:44:38 · answer #3 · answered by Nuthouse 4456 5 · 0 1

itunes is free downloadable from ipod center. its a tool to transfer music from your computer to your ipod. theres another program that can do it, even better?, such as anapod explorer (but its not free, use trial ed is ok), vpod (its free), or sharepod

2007-03-30 14:49:13 · answer #4 · answered by ave 2 · 0 0

you use it with ur ipod
it holds you music
it allows u to buy new songs if you want to
you can put your own cd on it too
it keeps track of what is on your ipod

2007-03-30 16:31:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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