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Liberalism in the USA is based on the belief of four freedoms:
Freedom of speech.
Freedom of religion.
Freedom from fear.
Freedom from want.

It is the last tenet which prompted a lot of economic reform in the US, including control of monopolies, wage laws, and spawned entitlement programs like welfare and social security.

Freedom from want was once based on the idea that all Americans were entitled to the same opportunity to succeed through their own efforts. Liberalism helped remove the obstacles that prevented ambitious people from rising out of poverty.
Today, freedom from want seems to have taken on an entirely different nature. It no longer seems focused on the individual's right to succeed. Rather, it seems focused on the individual's right to fail and still not want for the necessities of life.
Freedom from want based on the success of others seems a road to national ruin. Why would a person produce if others satisfied his needs?

2007-03-30 10:16:50 · 15 answers · asked by .... . .-.. .-.. --- 4 in Politics & Government Politics

15 answers

Only about 45 years ago.

I was taught that being born in America was a privilege. That I didn't do anything to deserve our rich blessings and heritage. And that as an American, I had some responsibilities with those privileges. I accepted that we were the "world's policeman," because we were rich and powerful and needed to take care of the weak and less fortunate.

I don't see a lot of that today. But it's not "progress." It is turning us into a 3rd world country. And that's not a fair statement either, Argle. You are the most judgmental person on this site.

2007-03-30 10:20:15 · answer #1 · answered by Shrink 5 · 3 2

The four freedoms that you mention are skewed from the original conception. For example there was no welfare until the mid 20th century.

Liberalism may very well have taken a wrong turn as you suggest, however, you shouldn't leave conservatives out of the mix as, they also are a "force government down your throat" kind of entity.

I just read a question that referred to abortion. "Should it be allowed in America"? I would ask right back: Why does the federal government need to get involved in a subject that is so up close and personal to a "woman" and her rights. Additionally, why should a man be able to make a decision about a woman's body? Not saying I'm against or for, just reflecting on thought of political wrong turns.

Another example of wrong turns: Conservatives believe all Americans should be armed with cannon's, where Liberals think a pee shooter is going to far. Our forefathers spoke of an armed militia... Where's the wrong turn?

Our political system (all parties) have created a U-turn on behalf of democracy.

2007-03-30 10:36:12 · answer #2 · answered by ggraves1724 7 · 1 0

It has taken many and isn't looking back. A once more peaceful and humane effort in society has now become the movement of the hateful, the shrill, the religious intolerant and the blame America first crowd.

Your assessment is entirely correct. Modern liberalism has now so overloaded the "wagon" that fewer and fewer are pullling it, while more and more are climbing aboard for their free ride. Liberals continue to look for "victicrats" and continue their 30+ year promise, that their way will be the cure-all. This helps keep them in power. Instead, all that their unquenchable social programs succeed in doing, is creating never ending handouts for all. Anything subsidized always becomes out-of-control.

Liberals suffer from the illusion that everything in life for everyone should be made "fair", - and by them. When life is not, can not and never will be fair for everyone. ( Which in it's own paradoxical way, makes the unfairness for everyone, fair.)

Fair advantages are fine. Fair outcomes are impossible.

I also think it's a crying shame that their every waking effort and energy is aimed at hating and destroying a man, when that sheer amount of energy could be so much more positively directed. However modern liberals have no solutions or ideas of their own, whatsoever, only negativity, nay-saying, back-biting, downplaying and finger-pointing.

Liberals really have become quite a miserable existence.

2007-03-30 10:42:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Since I happen to be a liberal, would you all mind if I told you what I believe, instead of all of the righties telling me what I believe?

I believe that the US has a responsibility to uphold a standard for the world. I think that a single person in this country going without healthcare, food, or shelter is a national shame. I believe that the system should be EXACTLY THE SAME for everyone, rich or poor, black or white, straight or gay. I think that skewing the rules toward those who have the most ensures that they will ALWAYS have the most- and the American Dream fails. I don't want the rich to be poor, I don't want to redistribute wealth, I want every American to have the same opportunity to succeed as someone born into a fortune. That means that access to education is equal. That means access to health care is equal. That means that every precious zygote is not forgotten at the moment of birth, but raised to be the next generation of great Americans.
Sadly, that means paying taxes. For you bible thumpers out there, "rendering unto Caeser that which is Caeser's."

Here's another one to chew on from that book you love to pound me over the head with: "what you have done to the east of these, you have done to Me."

2007-03-30 11:05:29 · answer #4 · answered by Schmorgen 6 · 1 1

No, it has always been wrong. Now they're just flipping out again because America is fighting a war on terrorism, so we can remain free from it. Liberals don't like Freedom, they like a government to control their daily lives. Examples are: Welfare, free housing, free education (ESL), Universal medical care, no fighting back against terrorism, because they don't want to pay for Freedom, with money, or their lives. It doesn't seem to me that they want to pay for anything. There are a lot of freebies there, aren't there? No wonder they don't want a Republican is charge, he will make they work for their livelihood, not beg for it off the Republicans, and Conservatives. A Liberal (Socialist like Hillary) will give it to them, while the Republicans and Conservatives work to pay for it!

2007-03-30 10:29:33 · answer #5 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 0 1

I agree. Before liberalism was practical and necessary for the advancement of the human being. John Locke, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were liberals in their days. Today, they will be seen as conservatives or Libertarians. Liberals have taken the concept of liberalism to a nanny state and big government that opresses everybody. I'm a Libertarian but we Libertarians liked to be called classical liberals. We uphold the ideals of Jefferson and Adam's economic goals. The liberals of today have got it wrong and they need to return to classical liberalism.

2007-03-30 10:45:50 · answer #6 · answered by cynical 6 · 1 0

Successful people will still succeed. I just sorts out the strong from the weak.
Remember Russia, a small group got very rich, and the majority suffered = Revolution, time went by money spreads out = Democracy.
The rich in America are getting richer, the poor getting poorer.
The poor are working harder for peanuts, and the peanuts are being stolen by the fat cats.
I suspect your not poor just pissed off about not being rich.

2007-03-30 10:28:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

"Rather, it seems focused on the individual's right to fail and still not want for the necessities of life."
This is a strawman I'm sick of hearing. It just isn't true.

2007-03-30 10:26:33 · answer #8 · answered by Pete Schwetty 5 · 2 2

all good questions.

you are correct, but the reason is because libs are short-sighted. they don't look far enough ahead to realize the result of their policies will be less productivity.

2007-03-30 10:29:40 · answer #9 · answered by WJ 7 · 2 0

I think that both conservatism and liberalism have gone too far to each side of the political spectrum because all they do is bash eachother and dont get anything done or accomplished

2007-03-30 10:21:42 · answer #10 · answered by Jose G 3 · 1 1

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