Democracy expansion DOES NOT WORK! It never has and it never will. We tried in Korea,Vietnam, Cuba, Grenada, East Europe and parts of South America and we have failed each time. You cannot force your might on a country to believe the same ideals and morals you do, that is just invasion plain and simple.
We in America have enough problems right now , that we don't need to focus on expanding. We have an enormous defecit, high-energy prices, record job losses, health-care concerns. Trying to domination the globe is just insane.
If we persist in our domination or "liberation" if you ask any ignorant, bible-thumping conservative Republican, we will be crushed by a joint-coalition of record breaking proportions. It's time to stop playing the bad-guy police officer and time to act like a country for a change.
2007-03-30 06:14:06
answer #1
answered by clockwork_mike 2
We conservatives are the keepers of the constitution. We are the ones who resist government control of our lives. We resist the attacks on private property rights. We resist the attacks on free speech (fairness doctrine). We resist the having firearms outlawed. We resist political correctness. We resist the taking religious expression away.
We may preach to people about their behavior but we don't legislate it. We may not like what you do but we don't sue like the ACLU to impose our will.
You have been seriously misled in your thinking about the blessings of liberty. America has always been the land of liberty. We have always been the beacon of freedom to the world. We do not "force our way of life" on others. We offer them the gift of freedom, the blessings of liberty.
Americans were fortunate to be born in the single greatest country with the single greatest form of self-determing government that has ever been conceived. In other countries, not everyone can do as they wish. Not everyone can say whatever they like. We offer the oppressed people of the world an alternative. If not the United States of America, then who will offer them hope?
Focus on our own problems? How can you be so petty when people are being oppressed and slaughtered by radical Islamic militants?
Do you not see the images of the British female sailor forced to wear a headscarf? This is what awaits you if you don't stand against these intollerant monsters.
You say these people have been this way for thousands of years and these issues disgust them? Then it is high time they learn that there are alternatives to tyrany. Thousands of years of violent repression is long enough. The good Muslim people of the world deserve better. They now have the beginnings of a chance to realize that.
Slaves were kept in bondage for a long time too, that did not make it right. In fact it makes it even more wrong. America is the key not the lock.
2007-03-30 06:33:00
answer #2
answered by Jacob W 7
Force what on the world? Democracy? You're probably one of those liberals who figures no one else yearns to be free right? They may not know what living free means, but you shouldn't mistake that with satisfaction for their current predicament. Every man would eventually elect to be free given the choice. History proves that fact.
Anywhere tyranny has prevailed, it's going to take a fight to change the political and social atmosphere. Tyrants and those it empowered won't give up easily. Neither will those forces arrayed against the USA. It doesn't happen overnight. Besides, democracies rarely, if ever, attack each other. And I would rather live in a world filled with not so perfect democracies than in a world filled with irrational dictators and tyrants with their fingers on the button.
2007-03-30 08:24:51
answer #3
answered by silly-asious 2
No it does no longer be. as well any Philosophy that has followers would nicely be made right into a faith. each Philosophy it extremely is stated even clinical ones have a collection of morals & issues that they are afraid to do in concern that some thing disastrous will happen to them or others in the journey that they do. And that concern is what keeps religious human beings, (those who have self assurance in technological information protected) from doing issues that they'd in the different case do this may damage humanity & different residing issues which they'd probable damage more suitable in the journey that they did no longer have some faith or Philosophy that scares them or guilts them into no longer appearing on their base instincts. no one ever thinks about the atrocities that would were prevented because of religion. I for one imagine that they'd exceed the tragedies that were attributed to it.
2016-10-17 22:16:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You have the misconception that America is just arbitrarily forcing our form of government on any country at random.
You fail to understand that Saddam in power, supporting terrorists, after 9/11, with possible WMD's (everybody said he had) is a bad combination for America.
Throw in the fact he was constantly shooting at our airplanes and not allowing inspectors free access, I fully support Bush's decision to take him out. And I still think it was the right thing to do.
Clinton should have done it, but we all know he has no balls (unless they're slapping an intern on the chin)
2007-03-30 06:20:50
answer #5
answered by Philip McCrevice 7
PERVERTED? Oh okay, so next time there is a stupid war in Europe we can not show up to bail out the eurotards, GREAT. Starving people in Africa, hey, don't call the USA we are evil. Serbs and Croats killing each other, good, let them fight til one of them is gone. Think of all the money we can save by stopping all support to the UN, Foreign Aid, feeding the hungry except for Americans. Man this is a great idea.
2007-03-30 06:10:01
answer #6
answered by George D 3
Hey Dina W.
You talk about Saddam's rape rooms
What about Marc Foley and his underage pages
What about the troops raping and then killing a young Iraqi girl
What about killing 300,000 innocent Iraqi's and then manipulting that number for America calling it 30,000
Yes, perverted!
2007-03-30 06:37:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The cons think that if they force Christianity on everyone, that we'll all see the err of our ways and love them. They are unable to understand that they are no different than communists forcing their evil lifestyles on everyone else.
2007-03-30 06:18:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The world doesn't want them and American citizens are tired of them forcing their control over us too. We're working on getting rid of them. Unfortunately, the same corporate mentality exists in the Democratic party as well with Hillary, Kerry and some of the southern Dems. Conservativism and corporatism go hand in hand. We are all better off and more free without it.
I agree with notyou31…We need to get the conservatives off our backs.
2007-03-30 06:12:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nice ramble without any sustenance.
Do you really believe the stuff you are ranting about, how exactly are the conservatives forcing control.
What exactly are you talking about.
Taking away Saddam's "rape rooms"
giving democracy to people who have never had any choices before.
Your Liberal party is doing exactly what you preach against.
2007-03-30 06:12:42
answer #10
answered by Dina W 6