Last we spoke, contacted my ex after 3 months - after this
i decided to just say hi online -
1st he was very nice to me, and then after sometime, he started to act crazy - he started name calling - he said i was crazy - and then said he is in love with a new women - Not the one he was in love with Last year - I gave it back to him, I gave him a piece of my mind - cause he put me through all this....
however I just don't know why he behaved this way, or what i did to deserve this??
today when we saw me, he pointed at me and was talkin 2 a friend while laughing, I went so humiliated...... Gosh!!!~ Help please. Post please...... Thanks;_ylt=AjtKsllojCTEA8fKUOhcxerty6IX?qid=20070327062400AApCb6L
for other details abt this - like what happened...
Help please help me soooon
thank you
10 answers
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I am not in contact with him - I have not been in over 2 weeks
06:06:51 ·
update #1
You want the harsh truth? Your still hung up on him big style and the only thing you can do is go cold turkey. He knows how you feel so can take advantage of you as an emotional manipulator. You are giving him all the power - i.e approaching him first with a "Hi there" Take it back, ignore him and forge ahead. Why does he need this constant reaffirmation from you? He takes and then abuses you for it.He is baggage - get rid.
2007-03-30 06:00:42
answer #1
answered by riz109 3
Aren't you so pleased the big kid is out of your life? If I had seen him with his friend(male?) and they started laughing, I'd have marched over with a smile on my face and said;"So this is the new partner you've been telling people about. Oh, and you can keep my underwear that you borrowed. It's probably been stretched by now." Doesn't matter how much he denied it, the seed of doubt would have been planted firmly in his friend's mind. Maybe he was being clever when he was on-line to you, and had a little audience when he said the nasty stuff. Write him off as a bad experience and have no further contact. There's a lot of truth in the saying "Never go back." Good luck
2007-03-30 06:10:24
answer #2
answered by Taylor29 7
YIKES, i dont call my ex except to talk about the kids. everytime a teeny tiny wittle bitty crack is opened on the "past" ALL HELL COMES LOOSE, it's like opening the gates of hell and little demons come flying in! (ever see hellboy?? lol) anyway dont call your ex!! i mean why do women do that, especially when you dont have any freaking kids! sorry you had to go thru that.
it's bad that when you try to be nice and courteous and make attempts at being friendly they're behind your back, rewriting history, desperatly trying to remove the stinch of their choices, and creating a nasty blog. (dont be confused i'm talking about me lol not you...see we've all been there!).
i deal with the blows as they come. other than that just ignore it. and dont change who you are to "ease tension". just be YOU and do it with confidence!
2007-03-30 06:01:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You have to stay away from this loser!!!! Do not respond to not email him...he is loving all the attention!
He cannot humiliate you!!! He is humiliating himself...acting like a child!!! I would be happy to be rid of him!!!
The best revenge is living the GOOD LIFE! So get on with your life and make it a happy one!
He is in the past....forget him....and smile :)
Remember you make you happy!
2007-03-30 06:07:35
answer #4
answered by bodacious baby 7
I think you should be the one laughing here for the simple fact to don't have to deal with an a s s hole like that...time to turn the page and move on with your life...I hope one day you'll meet someone who will appreciate you for who you of luck to you!
2007-03-30 06:05:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He's an ex for a reason. If you have kids only speak concerning them. If not, then cut all ties and move on.
2007-03-30 05:59:24
answer #6
answered by zinntwinnies 6
Point out his exceptionally small winky.
2007-03-30 05:56:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wow, you are in quite a predicament.
2007-03-30 05:56:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He sounds crazy.....we know about that lol - ignore him sweetie!
2007-03-30 05:56:35
answer #9
answered by Incognito 6
the only person who can make you feel inferior is yourself.
2007-03-30 05:57:06
answer #10
answered by flipdout2 5