no spotting
no side effects
no..my phone alarm always reminded me.
2007-03-30 05:52:45
answer #1
answered by claria 6
I take ortho Tricyclen. I don't spot and my periods are 3 days long, very light with no pain. Normally I have 7 day, heavy, painful bleeding. I had acne which is why I was prescribed my birth control. I've been taking it for 5 months and my skin hasn't been this clear in 10 years. The OCP called Diane will do the same for acne sufferers.
My body feels no different from before, and I haven't gained any weight though I was told I would. I don't smoke and if you do, consider a different form of birth control.
I forget a pill now and then, but pregnancy isn't an issue with me. If it is for you have a back up if you do forget. Forgetting doesn't affect my skin or flow.
2007-03-30 12:56:17
answer #2
answered by bigclaire 5
I used Ortho Novum for almost 19 years. I took the pill every night at the same time, but would still have spotting from time to time. My doctor said it was normal. After I stopped the pill, I got pregnant within 4 monts (we planned this!). I can't say that I had side effects other than the occasional mid-cycle spotting. In the few times I did forget a pill, I would double-up the following day, but then I would have more bleeding than usual. My cycle usually went back on track once I was regular with my pills again.
2007-03-30 12:52:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I have been on Ortho Tri-Cyclen, a generic of Ortho called Nortrel, and currently on the generic for Seasonale (where you take active pills for 3 months and only have 4 periods a year).
I never had any noticable side effects except maybe a little nausea when I first started them (over 10 years ago!)
They did regulate my period and that's awesome.
I forget a pill every now and then. Sometimes I forget until it's time to take the next one so I take two at once...never had a problem with that.
One month, I forgot 2 in a row. Since it took 4 months to get pregnant with my son, I thought my chances of getting pregnant were very slim....well, I was wrong, so now we have a son and a daughter..haha.
I do recommend the pill..easy to get on it...easy to get off it. And very reliable...IF you can remember to take it every day. Once it's part of your routine, it's kinda hard to forget though.
2007-03-30 12:56:15
answer #4
answered by Nasubi 7
I was actually taking Yasmin, to regulate my period , and it worked great, to b honest with u , I dont recall any side affects, so Im happy for that, I had no spotting unless I was about to get my P, and actually I like that pill because Its neutral in gaining weight, and yes I would forget to take the pill but the next night I would just double up , but u know what who doesnt forget I just began to set my alarm on my cell as a reminder, give it a try u may never know u have to find the one thats right for your body ,
Good Luck
2007-03-30 13:03:19
answer #5
answered by Ms Romance 3
Last pill I was on was was a steady dose of hormones all month because the fluctuating hormone pills were driving me nuts between my mood swings and the varying size and tenderness of my breasts. I didn't have spotting. I didn't have side effects and I would recommend it. I did forget to take my pill every now and again and I never got preggers on it. It actually took 5 months to get preggers after stopping. I'm now due in October.
2007-03-30 12:53:28
answer #6
answered by FaerieWhings 7
I was once on Ortho Novum(at least I think that's what they were it's been 7 years). I didn't really have any problems with them. Just be careful with any additional medications when you're on them because I that's how I got my second child. Birth control pills + antibiotics = oops! I did forget sometimes to take them which is the only problem I had with taking the pill. I guess it's up to you to decide what's best for you.
2007-03-30 12:54:07
answer #7
answered by lovelee1 6
I was on Ortho something about 4 years ago. I took it correctly and everything but now I have a 2 1/2 year old. I got pregnant while on the pill. I would not recommend any pills! Go on Depo. It is easier and cheaper.
2007-03-30 12:51:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I've been on Ovcon-35 and Apri in recent years. They both caused spotting, non-stop. I took them for a couple years and always had spotting. The Apri made my acne prone skin PERFECT. It sucks that I have to choose between spots on my face or spots on my panties :( They both make me gain 5 pounds that I lose almost instantly when I stop taking them. I also have a decrease in sex-drive when I'm on the pill. I would recommend the Apri for someone who has hormonal acne, otherwise I wouldn't recommend them. My doctor just gave me Yasmin so I'll see how that goes.
2007-03-30 12:59:45
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I used to take Ortho Ti Cyclin (not sure how to spell), and I recall getting sick to my stomach right after taking the pill. Now my Gyno just out me on Loestrin, and told me to take it before bed. I never gained weight on the pill or anything drastic like that. The only REAL side effect is the increased risk of breast cancer and blood clots.
2007-03-30 12:55:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Got pregnant with my son while taking the pill.
2007-03-30 13:09:49
answer #11
answered by deb 7