I would question her sincerity if it were any less than 3 or 4 months. I think it takes time to fall in love with someone. People sometimes think they are in love when in fact they are more likely in lust. I have heard guys say "I know I am in love with her because I think about her all the time". I know how guys think, since I am one, and they will think about a girl all the time not because they love her, but because they think they are going to get her in the sack. I know it sounds bad but that's how many guys are. I have been with my wife for about 14 years so I am way past that stuff.
2007-03-30 07:01:57
answer #1
answered by sublime1973 4
"Falling in love" is a concept that many young people tend to confuse. It's better to say that you like the person than to say you love the person just after being together for some short time.
Young people tend to say " i love you", whereas what they really mean is "i like you".
Since people don't choose to love it becomes a bit challenging to say the average time for people to fall in love, love grows between people in time for as long as they acknowledge & appreciate each other.
We don't choose to love!, we grow love as time progresses.
The right time to say you love someone is when you hardly find the reason why?, because if you can, that implies you only like that quality.
2007-03-30 13:08:36
answer #2
answered by Katlego P. 1
Oh honey, why did you post here? We at P/S are a bunch of carefree, funky ppl and most of the time, we're crazy.
Okay, I'll put on my serious hat for you.
There is no timeline for falling in love. Love is a magical feeling that is all at once consuming, overwhelming and exciting. In its truest sense, love needs nurturing, in which case it takes time to develop and blossom. BUT love is also a strong dynamic force - when it hits you, boom - you're it! It can happen instantly! You would definitely know when you're in love - don't look for signs - feel it!
2007-03-30 12:59:45
answer #3
answered by Inday 7
I am a dreamer I guess. I believe in love at first sight, the instant connection that tells you he or she is someone special. My fiance and I have only been officially a couple for three months but I love him like I've known him three life times and I can't wait to be his wife!
2007-03-30 12:50:58
answer #4
answered by lovelee1 6
I think that people can (and do) fall in Love almost immediately. When (and if) they say "I Love You" will vary for each individual. I think all things are possible.
2007-03-30 12:50:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It depends. I personally feel that when you find that special someone, you just know. The day I met my husband, I told him we would eventually get married. He thought I was just some crazy chick that didn't know what I was talking about...lol. We just got married in December though.
2007-03-30 12:49:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Women decide in the first 30 seconds whether or not they will ever sleep with you. If they would just come out and tell us it would save alot of time.
2007-03-30 12:49:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i fell in love with my husband after about a month or two, i have also known him since i was in 8th grade. we were engaged 8 months later and married 4 months after that. we are celebrating our 8th anniversary next month. when i first got together with him, it felt different and somehow i knew that he was the one. i have no regrets. everyone is different.
2007-03-30 12:51:37
answer #8
answered by Exotic Pink 6
More than 1 day, but less than 5 decades
2007-03-30 12:48:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
depends on the person somtimes u know it from hello and others it takes a while 2 realize it
2007-03-30 12:51:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous