The genocide contract signed in the United Nations at the date of 9.12.1948, went into effect at the date of 12.01.1951 in accordance with 13. section of this law.
Armenian genocide has not been accepted in that time, therefore, Armenians have no right to want anything like land or indemnity from Turkish side. i dont know why the sounds have increased for the name of the Armenian genocide in recent years. Where were these people many years ago? Maybe, they want to create a political pressure against Turks and cause Turkiye to open their borders to Armenians and break the embargo of Turkiye on Armenia... However, we will never open our boundaries to them, as they dont apologize from us because of their lies!
Even Turkish archieves are open (Armenians dont open their archieves!), many people believe in the genocide so that in their country, Armenians talk about a so-called genocide so much and for all over the years, Turks have not taken these claims seriously.
Why those countries accept this nonsense thing by their courts or laws and dont let historians talk about it?
However, if someone talks too much, that doesnt mean s/he tells the truth. Everybody has to be unprejudiced and make their comments after they read the history from every source.
And if someone claims the genocide, they have to prove it first, not the others have to prove there is no genocide.
Armenia continues to make propaganda against Tukey, says that there are lots of proofs, documents etc. but do not accept establishing an international committee which can finally come out with certain results. If you are so sure, why to hide then ?
The claimed genocide was in a time of a civil war that Armenians, Azeris, Turks and Kurds involved. Turkey accepts that thousands of Armenians was killed by Turkish gangs, militas but thousands of Azeris, Kurds and Turks were killed by Armenians also in the same period. So it is not so easy to name it as a genocide.
It is same every where, my friend. The actual history and national history that tought in schools,family etc. is different in every country. If you think there is an Armenian genocide, may be it is time for you to check other side of the story. For instance, you may start with the Azeris killed by Armenians.
The claimed armenian genocide was almost a century ago. The claimed first Azeri genocide was almost a century ago, and then again and then again. Today there are still thousands of refugees because of the conflict between Azerbaycan and Armenia. Why don't you focus on your existing problem first because of which thousands of families is still suffering ????
That wikipedia and the other armenian web sites are one-sided and the thing there are not real
is a web page, which was made by Armenians. Please visit it.
year: 1920s; there is nothing, but peace and agreements between turkiye and armenia and on their boundaries
year: 1950s; armenian racists claim = 300 thousands
year: 1980s; armenian racists claim = 1 million
year: 2000s; armenian racists claim = 1,5 million
so in 2050, what will these increments be? 5 million?
inside the whole ottoman boundaries, there were not even 1 million armenians. so how can you claim that 1.5 million armenians died in the east anatolia?
yes, many armenians died but not because of the genocide, they died because of the war, diseases and the cold like turkish people.
with russian incitements and commitments, some armenians burned turkish villages and those people's reaction was the same.
An investigation of Justin McCarthy (a professor of history at the University of Louisville) will help you:
"The plan of the Armenian Nationalists has not changed in more than 100 years. It is to create an Armenia in Eastern Anatolia and the Southern Caucasus, regardless of the wishes of the people who live there. The Armenian Nationalists have made their plan quite clear. First, the Turkish Republic is to state that there was an "Armenian Genocide" and to apologize for it. Second, the Turks are to pay reparations. Third, an Armenian state is to be created.
If the Armenians were to be given what they claim, and if every Armenian in the world were to come to Eastern Anatolia, their numbers would still be only half of the number of those Turkish citizens who live there now. Of course, the Armenians of California, Massachusetts, and France would never come in great numbers to Eastern Anatolia. The population of the new "Armenia" would be less than one-fourth Armenian at best. Could such a state long exist? Yes, it could exist, but only if the Turks were expelled. That was the policy of the Armenian Nationalists in 1915. It would be their policy tomorrow.
We should be very clear on Armenian claims. Their claims are not based on history, because Armenians have not ruled in Eastern Anatolia for more than 900 years. Their claims are not based on culture: Before the revolutionaries and the Russians destroyed all peace, the Armenians and Turks shared the same culture. Armenians were integrated into the Ottoman system, and most of the Armenians spoke Turkish. They ate the same food as the Turks, shared the same music, and lived in the same sorts of houses. The Armenian claims are surely not based on a belief in democracy: Armenians have not been a majority in Eastern Anatolia for centuries, and they would be a small minority there now. Their claims are based on their nationalist ideology. That ideology is unchanging. It was the same in 1895 and 1915 as it is in 2005. They believe there should be an "Armenia" in Eastern Turkey-no matter the history, no matter the rights of the people who live there.
History teaches that the Armenian Nationalists will not stop their claims if the Turks forget the truth and say there was an Armenian Genocide. They will not cease to claim Erzurum and Van because the Turks have apologized for a crime they did not commit. No. They will increase their efforts. They will say, "The Turks have admitted they did it. Now they must pay for their crimes." The same critics who now say the Turks should admit genocide will say the Turks should pay reparations. Then they will demand the Turks give Erzurum and Van and Elazig and Sivas and Bitlis and Trabzon to Armenia.
I know the Turks will not give in to this pressure. The Turks will not submit, because they know that to do so would simply be wrong. How can it be right to become a member of an organization that demands you lie as the price of admission? Would any honest man join an organization that said, "You can only join us if you first falsely say that your father was a murderer?"
I hope and trust that the European Union will reject the demands of the Armenian Nationalists. I hope they will realize that the Armenian Nationalists are not concerned with what is best for Europe. But whatever the European Union demands, I have faith in the honor of the Turks. What I know of the Turks tells me that they will never falsely say there was an Armenian Genocide. I have faith in the honesty of the Turks. I know that the Turks will resist demands to confess to a crime they did not commit, no matter the price of honesty. I have faith in the integrity of the Turks. I know that the Turks will not lie about this history. I know that the Turks will never say their fathers were murderers. I have that faith in the Turks. "
2007-04-02 03:58:50
answer #1
answered by ErAs 4
What Does Genocide Mean? The era of mass murder might be given as a name for the 20th century. Never in the history of the world have so many millions of people been deliberately killed since 1900. These millions weren't all because of war. They were victims of genocide: the deliberate killings of racial, religious, ethnic, or political groups. The word genocide is from the Greek genos, meaning"race", or "tribe", and the Latin cide, meaning "killing." The First Significant Genocide... The Armenian Genocide was directed against the residents of Asia Minor by the Turkish government. This deliberate slaughter began on April 24, 1915, under the cover of World War 1. The number killed are uncertain. The lowest is 800,000 and the highest more than 2 million. First the Armenians in the army were disarmed, placed into battalions, and then killed. Then the Armenian political leaders were rounded up on April 24, 1915, and then killed. Finally, the remaining Armenians were called from thier homes, told they would be relocated, and then marched off to concentration camps in the desert between Jerablus and Deir ez-Zor where they would starve and thirst to death in the sun. On March, often they would be denied food and water, and many were brutalized and killed by their guards. The authorities in Trezbizond, on the Black Sea coast, loaded Armenians on barges and sank them out at sea. The Turkish government has denied that this ever happened, but this event has been carefully recorded by others. My Comment: As I said before the "era of mass murder" should be given the name of the 20th century. This century was when most people for either their race, ethnic, or religion had been killed purposely. From the Jewish Holocaust to the all other genocides. Yet, there is also a reason why this happened. Maybe it was because it was a lesson to show us how easily we are capable of doing such atrocities as this. These past genocides also show us how important it is to be at peace with one another. Without this peace look what it all caused.
2007-03-30 12:29:58
answer #2
answered by WEHA 3
So-called Armenian Genocide is an absolutely lie.
There is no one explaining what is happening on 24 April 1915.
Did you hear that ?
I will explain to you. Decision depend on you .
The Ottoman government, against numerous rebellions that began after 1890 and promptly following Armenian massacres which resulted in the murder of tens of thousands of Turks, contented with informing most important persons of Armenian congregation and Armenian deputies that "Government will take the necessary precautions if Armenians continue to stab in the back and assassinate the Turks". However, it became a necessity to secure behind the borders because the army was in war at various fronts, the events did not stop but increased and assaults towards defenseless Turkish women and children increased.
I am also giving that adress for you . Please read and after if you want another question ask me. I am here.
Of course, lots of Armenian and Turkish People died at this war.
But this is not Genocide. Armenian Government want to divide Turkiye Republic. But they will never succesfull.
And then I will say something.
We came from Greece- Thessaloniki. In 1920, My Big GrandFather and his wife and their relatives killed by the Greek Bandit. Do you guess, how ?
Closed in the mosque, no food and no water. Starvation!
Did you understand it ? And, now, am I accuse all of Greek People who did Balkanian Turkish Genocide ?
Which one ?
If you do not believe 'Freedom of Speech', you can or someone report it to the Yahoo. Yahoo will deleted this answer with pleasure.
You can believe me.
Kind Regards,
Take care of Yourself
To Eras (Erhan): Congratulations . You are speaking very well. I hope, someday, Everyone will be learn the truth, well I hope,
Kind Regards
2007-04-01 12:05:44
answer #3
answered by Tanju 7
For info:
To buy stuff:
lastly..if you want 2 versions of the original posters asking the red cross for aid. type "they shall not perish" in a search engine and look in the images for a drawing of lady liberty shieldng a young girl, or a woman with a child on her back..
2007-03-31 02:23:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What your teacher ask you to do is absolutely illegal.
It's political propaganda and turcophoby.
So he's guilty, and he should be prosecuted, taken to court, and jailed.
2007-04-03 11:06:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think these will help you, some good sites\
2007-03-30 12:33:01
answer #6
answered by Somanyquestions,solittletime 5