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I would like to know about my career & marriage.
My career was with many disturbances since 1999, and presently, i'm unemployed.
I got married to a girl in 1994, and latter I came to know that the girl is mentally handicapped and got divorced last month after paying hefty money.
Please let me know, what would be the best course for me?
Should I change my present line of study/ career? I am preparing to do MBA abroad.
When will I start earning money in career(I mean get a job, i'm also bit worried of my increasing age. I have read that Saturn in eighth house spoils and delay things. Is it true.
What would be the best age to marry?

Birth details: 4th October, 1975, (12:40 pm)
Hyderabad, India

Hyderabad, India

2007-03-30 02:29:21 · 4 answers · asked by donald 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

4 answers

First of all, I read one of the answers from "mr believer" and I just wanted to comment on his answer. God gave us free will, did he not? No one should go around questioning each others beliefs... not in this day and age. Christians used to burn witches at the stake for the simple fact that the person did not believe in something (which no one really 100% knows the answer to) that they believed in. That is not what God would want. He does not want us to judge each other. If horoscopes and astrology is so "evil" like some people claim then they should walk away and keep their opinions to themselves instead of trying to brain wash their own beliefs onto others.

now, to answer your question sir. Im no expert astrologist, but I have read a lot about the subject and was brought up by a mother who really believed in the influence the stars may have on our lives. Ive read Tarot and done fortune telling for about 7 years for friends and family. It fascinates me and I love helping people with their problems in any way that I can.

I have pulled a card for you.


The card represents *good fortune *reward *satisfaction
A book that I have states that this card means you have beaten the opposition. Now it is necessary to carry on.

My interpretation would be that now is the time for you to move forward in your life and forgive yourself and others of the past.


The card of victory!!

It would appear to me that there have been many conflicts in your life in the recent past but you have beaten them all now. When it comes to tough times the saying goes "what doesnt kill you, only makes you stronger"

You are an intellectual and reasonable person who has good fortune coming your way.

The only thing holding you back is sorrow from your past. If you can find a positive goal, and aim for something that your heart is telling you to do, everything will fall into place.

Good luck

2007-03-30 03:09:41 · answer #1 · answered by miss2sexc 4 · 0 0


As per the detail of birth provided by you, you get Poorva Shada Nakshatra, Dhanu Raashi and Dhanu Lagna.

The seventh house (house of marriage) in your Birth Chart is severely afflicted due to the occupation of Shani and Kethu over there, further both the planets have occupied Rahu’s Nakshtra. Your Lagna is powerfully occupied by Rahu and the weak Moon.

The Moon is the lord of your inauspicious eighth house and completely damaged due to the conjunction of Rahu and cruel aspect of Shani and Kethu!!

In this juncture, had you married Goddess Maha Lakshmi on this earth, there was no escape for you and you had to suffer in your married life for the merciless sins committed in your previous birth by you! You may ask me –“how do I know about your past birth”? –The afflictions to the Lagna and the seventh house very clearly indicate the degree of the Sins that you have brought along with you in this birth.

I am NOT at all ready to buy your story on her mental problem theory… no never-because your Moon is so heavily afflicted… There is Sloka in Sanskrit” Chandra Ma Manaso Jataha” Moon is responsible for mind.

You write that you got married in 1994 (At your 19 age????), on what basis she married you?? You also write that you are unemployed since 1999 so you earned just for four years after your marriage??? . No girl will ever prefer to lead a life with the unemployed husband!

Shani is not in the 8th house. It is in the seventh house. You write that you had to pay heavy amount for settlement… What is the guarantee that the same will not be repeated in the next marriage????

My dear, please do not confuse astrologers and try to be smart. You should never present cooked up stories to astrologers for your own benefit. Be open and accept the faults from your side also. I am here to help you under my capacity.

Do not get angry after reading my answer.

2007-03-30 21:11:07 · answer #2 · answered by NUPAKRY 6 · 0 0

Numerology sample reading October 4, 1975

This Year: 5
The 5 vibration brings a desire for freedom of movement, speech, and thought. Freedom to follow wherever the 5 senses lead. Travel, adventure, education, and communication are likely interests at this time. Changes are constant and the freedom to move with these changes is very important. Love affairs, sex, indulgences of every kind are a part of this vibration. This is the time to explore and investigate. You are accumulating knowledge and experience for the rest of your journey.

Personal Month August: 8
This is your month for progress, and money! There are many opportunities for advancement now and if you use them wisely, the dividends will multiply. Be careful with spending. Cash checks. Exercise your power and influence. Be benevolent.

Life Path or Destiny: 9
The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. You contain all of the qualities of the humanitarian. Patient, wise and compassionate, you love in a way that can choose no favorites. You are here to love and to serve all equally and without prejudice. Others are drawn to you as a role model and it is your responsibility in life to be the embodiment of integrity, wisdom and inspiration. You are attracted to the fine arts and philosophy and you seem to have a direct line to higher wisdom. You will always receive all that you need. It is important that you focus your attention on service.

Love & Blessings

2007-03-30 09:53:56 · answer #3 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

One reason Christians don't practice astrology, quite simply, is because the Bible tells them not to. Astrology and other forms of fortune-telling were very common in the ancient world, but the Bible writers scorned them and even called them "detestable practices" (Deuteronomy 18:12).

Why is this? One reason is because God did not create the stars to give us insights into the future, but as a witness to His power and glory. The Bible says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" (Psalm 19:1). When you look at the heavens, do they point you to God? Or are you only preoccupied with yourself and your future?

Another reason Christians don't follow astrology is because God has given us everything we need to know about the future in His Word, the Bible. No, it won't tell you what is going to happen to you next week; if it did, would you learn to trust God and seek His guidance? I doubt it. But the Bible does tell us all we need to know, for it tells us that some day Christ will come again.

When He does, Satan will be defeated, and Christ will reign forever and ever. Don't put your hope in something that cannot save you. Instead, put your hope in Christ, for He alone can forgive your sins and take you to Heaven.

2007-03-30 09:39:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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