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Circuit City news from today

"Retailer firing 3,400 workers to replace them with lower-paid substitutes"..."On Wednesday officials at the struggling electronics retailer announced they would fire 3,400 of their highest-paid clerks and replace them with workers who will take less money, essentially hoping to find their own bargain-basement work force right here in the good old USA."


The Walmart business model at work.

So how is this good for America?

2007-03-29 15:52:54 · 4 answers · asked by Perry L 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

There is a good reason Walmart is blamed for so much LOL. It is a NWO company and is intent on screwing the public as much as it can whilst still bringing in the biggest bucks.

Wal-Mart is the epitome of an Illuminati swindle of the emerging One World Order. Wal-Mart has destroyed countless individual businesses. It has championed outsourcing of manufacturing and jobs to China from the beginning. By controlling jobs, you control the people.

The Illuminati owns Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart has 700 plants in China. There is almost nothing in a Wal-mart store that comes from the United States of America, despite all the eagles on the wall. They have big flags saying "Buy American" and there's hardly anything from America in their stores. What's even worst is they will hire a factory and right next to it will be the sister factory which is inside a prison. You can imagine the conditions of these workers producing this lovely stuff for Wal-mart.

Despite being a supreme predator, Wal-Mart receives nothing but praise from Zionist Jewish-owned newspapers. During most of Sam Walton's reign, Wal-Mart had a worker turnover rate of an incredible 35-45%.

The company now operates over 5,000 stores and buys a vast share of its merchandise from China. Wal-Mart is rabidly non- union and pays its employees at scale 33% less than equivalent union employees. It has driven over 100,000 small stores out of business in America...wiping out thousands of downtown shopping districts in small and medium sized cities and towns.

Workers at the Jonquiere Wal-Mart unionized the store in 2004, becoming the company's only union store in North America. Last week, Wal-Mart closed it. Officials say the location wasn't making money. It is interesting to note that a few months later a new Wal-mart was opened just down the street from the location they closed.

Wal-Mart's stranglehold on suppliers forced them to cut employee wages, close manufacturing facilities and outsource their production to overseas sweatshops. A girl in China makes $1.20 an hour. She replaced a Tennessee housewife that made $14.40 an hour, plus health insurance benefits. The housewife paid taxes which paid for local schools.

As America's largest company, with more than $285 billion in sales and more than $10 billion in profits, Wal-Mart has a responsibility to set the standard for customers, workers, families and communities. America's largest employer, with nearly 1.3 million workers, must reflect America's values.

Wal-Mart is not the victim of globalization it claims to be. This company offers lower wages and lack of health insurance. More accurately, Wal-Mart's business practices created many of these problems in America today. Look at the record.

A company that reflects America's values doesn't pay below poverty-level wages to its workers. At 34 hours per week (full-time at Wal-Mart), the average Wal-Mart associate makes $17,114 per year, well below the poverty level for a family of four.

A company that reflects America's values doesn't have 660,000 of its employees without company-provided health insurance, forcing workers to seek taxpayer-funded public assistance. In fact, in 11 of the 12 states that have disclosed employers who have employees on Medicaid, Wal-Mart tops the list. In Georgia, for example, a state survey found more than 10,000 Wal-Mart employees on Medicaid — 14 times the next highest employer.

“Let the American taxpayer pay our expenses” Founder of Walmart

A company that reflects America's values doesn't ask taxpayers to subsidize its $10 billion in profits. A U.S. congressional study found that Wal-Mart costs you, the American taxpayer, up to $2.5 billion in public assistance. One newspaper editorial titled it, "Wal-Mart Welfare."

A company that reflects America's values doesn't put profits before its people, morality and the law. In the past few months, Wal-Mart agreed to pay a record fine for exploiting illegal immigrants and settled extensive child labor violations. It still faces the largest gender discrimination lawsuit, 1.6 million women, in U.S. history for unfair pay and unequal promotion.

Wal-Mart is not creating jobs in our communities. Wal-Mart's business practices simply exchange decent jobs with health benefits for lower-paying jobs and taxpayer-subsidized health care. The truth is Wal-Mart is forcing good-paying American jobs overseas. Wal-Mart is creating an America of lower wages, no health care and lack of retirement security.

But here is the kicker Americans!

At this time, you may be buying a $25 item for $20, but it is slowly wrecking your economy, and eventually you will be paying full price. Nike shoes pulled the identical scam, when it gave you $22 sneakers for $12, but as soon as they bankrupted their competitors, you were paying full price.

How could ANYONE want such a place in their city? Australians have wisely been keeping the corp out. We have had 2 Wal-Marts open up in my area in the past 10 years and since then our whole downtown core has begun to erode dramatically.

These policies are only good for the scum of the NWO and their zionist compatriots. They certainly in no way help the Tennessee Housewife OR the Chinese wageslave. It is also proven that many of those wage slaves are prisoners who do not see a bit of their wages. They are ploughed into the Chinese regime.

How nice is that? Remember this when you save $.45 on a bottle of nailpolish at walmart.

2007-03-30 08:42:23 · answer #1 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 2 0

Its not, and its not good for the company either. Just imagine you were working there. What would your attitude be?

Fortunately, I'm starting to see more and more people voting with their dollars on issues like this. I haven't shopped at a Walmart in at least 6 years. I won't buy Tyson products either. And from now on, I won't be buying anything at Circuit City.

Folks, if you don't reward this behavior, eventually it will stop.

2007-03-29 16:13:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

That stinks, but I don't remember WalMart ever doing that.

They do end up letting people go, but those are Christmas hires.

(Walmat gets blamed for everything!)

2007-03-29 16:23:26 · answer #3 · answered by Smart Kat 7 · 1 1

It makes me sick. If some salaries are getting cut, then ALL should be cut.

Email these idiots.
cc-jobs@circuitcity.com, PR_Director@circuitcity.com, investor_media@circuitcity.com

2007-03-30 11:32:09 · answer #4 · answered by photoguy1967 3 · 3 0

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