How can someone claim to be both? Yes, God loves all people but, when a person claims to be a Christian (not just a person that believes in God but, is born again) I assume that they are trying to live their lives out as the Bible states to best of their ability.When reading the Bible do you just skip the verses condeming what you are supposed to be proud of? Why would a gay person want to be part of a religion that believes that homosexuality is a sin? It just seems to be hypocritical to me.
8 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Cultures & Groups
➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
If you are a christian you repent ( turn away from) your sins, you can't be a christian and then actively and willfully continue sinning. the two are mutually exclusive.
2007-03-29 15:16:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Perhaps you are not aware, but there are many churches that accept gay and lesbian people as both members and as clergy. The interpretation of the biblical passages that condemn homosexuality is not uniform across Christianity. Churches such as the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Unitarian-Universalist Association, and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches include no condemnation of their gay membership.
Consider which verses in the Bible you and your fellow Christians reinterpret (eat pork lately?), and you may begin to see that Christianity is more about loving human beings as they are than about obeying culturally bound rules that are outdated or have been undermined by science.
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2007-03-29 21:30:38
answer #2
answered by NHBaritone 7
well, it seems that you must skip parts of the Bible and read it out of context.
Yes, God created and loves us all, and if He didn't create homosexuals, there wouldn't be any! And, YES! we can be both Christian AND homosexual! Perhaps YOU need to read your Bible again? and exactly how can you claim to be Christian when you are passing judgment and preaching intolerance?
2007-03-29 21:32:19
answer #3
answered by redcatt63 6
Simple, because not all christian religions believe the Bible is against homosexuality
2007-03-29 21:34:58
answer #4
answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6
First of all it does not say in the bible about condemning homosexuality. I know, I used to be a christian. But I don't think it is the brightest of choices for us LGBT's to become christians because the majority of christians hate us.
2007-03-29 21:26:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes hypocritical.Gays can not be christians.They either revoke their gay behavior and become christians or stay the way they are and remain satanic.
2007-03-29 23:41:02
answer #6
answered by mukwathagicu 4
its people like you that i hate. God loves everyone, One of the great things about chirtianity, is you do not have to agree 100% with it, as long as you a re a decent person. **** you guys, and **** you biggot ideas
2007-03-29 20:46:05
answer #7
answered by questiontheanswers 1
no. and #1, God does not love alll people. it says in the Bible that if you say that you hate him, that is a really bad sin and i think he hate you then. #2, if God were to like Lesbians and Gays, they would be able to reproduce together, but they can't. Its agianst human nature to be gay.
2007-03-29 20:42:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous