There isn't any evidence of "liberal media" although if you watch Fox News, you'll find plenty of evidence for the opposite argument.
2007-03-29 09:20:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Here is your evidence. Listen to a broadcast and write down how many times they advocate change or how we need increased government on something. Change and additional government programs/funding are at the heart of liberalism and it has no place in media. Media is to report what is going on, not tell the people how to change it or how they should feel about it. Take in the information, do some of your own research, then make your own opinion on something.
Another way is how much time is given to the good in a situation (like the building up of Iraq) and the bad (death in the streets). Then ask yourself, is there that much more bad in the world than good? The answer is quite simple, no. There is actually a lot more good in the world but that isn't what sells. Ask yourself, why the only thing we hear about in the news today dealing with Afganistan is on how we haven't gotten Bin Laden.
2007-03-29 17:01:28
answer #2
answered by Nate 3
As Stephen Colbert once stated, "reality has a liberal bias". There is no liberal bias. Cons just say that because the info. coming out of Iraq is negative. But it is hard to put a good spin on the 100+ people killed in car bomb attacks today, or the 60 people gunned down by the Iraqi police force yesterday in revenge for the 60 killed in a car bomb attack earlier in the day. McCain claimed that you could walk down the streest of Baghdad now, but the Iraqis just issued a mandate that any officials maust have security details with them at all times in the "green zone" in Iraq, which is supposed to be the safe area.
2007-03-29 16:19:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Couldn't agree with you more. That's one of the neocons' mantras: Bush and his supporters have been treated cruelly by "the liberal media". And invariably there are no examples provided; we're supposed to accept this as being self-evident. Pathetic.
2007-03-29 16:35:28
answer #4
answered by David 7
It's all relative. The media has been liberally biased for so long most people see the media as middle of the road. Look at news reports from the mid 1900's where they just reported the news not editorialized it. There you will see un-biased news.
2007-03-29 16:24:10
answer #5
answered by Homeless in Phoenix 6
When media questions, bad for those who hide the reasons. Therefore if you ask you must be LIBERAL.
2007-03-29 16:21:17
answer #6
answered by edubya 5
They only call it the "liberal media" when the media reports something they don't want to hear. Simple, but true.
2007-03-29 16:24:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
CNN. The New York Times. MSNBC. The Washington Post. CBS News, ABC News. These are all on the conservatives' watch list.
These media outlets generally do not believe they are biased to the left. They actually think they are main stream.
If they were any more liberal, they would lose customers and advertisers faster than they are now.
2007-03-29 16:20:15
answer #8
answered by regerugged 7
When Team Clinton Was Subpoenaed, Reporters Found “Hard-Charging Partisans” Wasting Tax Money
Ten Years Ago, Subpoenas
Drew TV Yawns
With the Democrats back in power, network anchors are dwelling lovingly on congressional hearings now with liberal stars like Al Gore and Valerie Plame. They've shown no loss of appetite for hearings on the U.S. Attorney-firings scandal, deemed a “constitutional crisis” by NBC Wednesday night. But ten years ago, when a Republican Congress prepared subpoenas for the Clinton White House on receiving political contributions from China, viewers heard the networks sing a very different tune.
ABC wondered whether subpoenas and hearings weren't democracy in action, but a waste of America's resources. On the April 10, 1997 World News Tonight, anchor Peter Jennings promoted a story: “When we come back, two investigations of fundraising abuse, two of them on Capitol Hill. Is it a waste of time and money?” Reporter John Cochran underlined the problem of GOP partisanship: “Dan Burton is a hard-charging partisan and has resisted investigating anyone but Democrats.”
ABC’s Linda Douglass insisted there was public boredom at the end of a story on the July 18, 1997 World News Tonight: “Democrats gripe that the hearings are too partisan, so next week the committee will focus on foreign contributions to Republicans, all the while wondering if the public is paying attention to any of this.”
CBS cast the House subpoena plans as a partisan food fight. On the April 11, 1997 CBS This Morning, substitute anchor Cynthia Bowers began: “Not long ago, there was a lot of talk on Capitol Hill about returning a sense of civility to congressional debate. Remember that? Well, forget it. When the debate is over money and politics, the gloves come off in the House of Representatives.”
Reporter Bob Schieffer warned: “The House committee trying to investigate campaign irregularities has broken into complete partisan disarray over how much power to give Republican Chairman Dan Burton....Democrats did everything but throw food when Burton laid out ground rules for the investigation, under which he could subpoena witnesses and documents without the Democrats' permission....Democrats say Burton is destroying the committee's credibility by concentrating only on Democratic irregularities....Democrats fear the probe is already out of control.”
On July 31, 1997, the Senate committee probing the Asian money scandal voted unanimously to subpoena the White House after they took months to release documents about illegal donations to the DNC. The only network mention came from Bob Schieffer on the July 30 CBS Evening News – but nothing after subpoenas were issued.
NBC theorized that the media were too Clinton-scandal obsessed in 1997. On June 17, 1997, Today co-host Katie Couric asked reporter Bob Woodward: “But are members of the media, do you think, Bob, too scandal-obsessed, looking for something at every corner?”
On August 1, even as the Senate moved to subpoena the White House, co-host Matt Lauer professed: “But there aren't any major storm clouds on the horizon for Bill Clinton, other than maybe Medicare reform.” Newsweek's Jonathan Alter replied: “Yeah, but of course there are these possible scandals, but when the economy is doing well, the public really doesn't seem to care much about anything else.”
On October 8, Today co-host Katie Couric framed the hearings for Sen. Arlen Specter: “Perhaps this is an intentional effort to embarrass the Democratic Party?” On the November 7 Today, NBC's Lisa Myers pressed Senator Fred Thompson: “Your hearings clearly reinforced the public's already low opinion of politicians and politics. Beyond that, what did it accomplish?” — Tim Graham
2007-03-29 16:20:30
answer #9
answered by GREAT_AMERICAN 1
Cons love to blame the media for all the ills of the world. It legitimizes their whackiness and makes em feel all warm and cozy when they watch Faux - and nod their heads in agreement with everything said.
2007-03-29 16:19:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous