It is by basic human nature to be a good person. The only reason why a human may do an evil deed such as killing is because of his emotions getting stirred up in a bad way, or if he is a professional who kills people for money, or loyalty to a group whose intention is to come to power.
2007-03-29 07:06:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
People kill for many reasons. One being self-defense, then it can be power, money (killing for someone else), sexual satisfaction, control (which they do not have in any other area of their life), passion of the moment, medical problems can drive a person to kill themselves or others because of resentment of these problems, extreme depression, involvement with drugs that distorts the moment or drives them to kill for money for their habit. It can be greed or the need for money.
I think the main reason is that they feel inferior, in some manner, and this power gives them momentary superiority due to the fact that they erased the person or persons from this earth and they want to do it over and over again.
The final reason is that they are "criminally insane" and they enjoy the kill such as the hunter enjoys killing animals.
2007-03-29 14:09:52
answer #2
answered by madisonian51 4
As a matter of perception by the perpetrator, one generally kills to eliminate a threat in their life or to make their own life perceivably better in some way. If you think about it, everything anybody does in this world, whether it be getting married or committing murder is to make ones own life more pleasant, convenient, enhanced, or better in some way. From taking a walk in the woods to getting pushed over Niagra Falls in a barrel, everything we do is geared to bring us more enjoyment in our own lives. It is because murder is gaining more for you at the expense of another's life that it is so dispicable.
2007-03-29 14:07:11
answer #3
answered by Vernon D 1
There is no simple answer. But in the USA more people are killed for love than any other reason. Husband's kill their wives, boyfriends kill their girlfriends. I know you will say that is not love, but that is the situation that motivates spousal abuse and intimate killings.
Sociopaths kill because people get in their way. Sexual Sadists kill because it does get them off. There are many motivations. Good luck on that paper.
Dr. J
2007-03-29 14:06:16
answer #4
answered by Jerry H 2
People kill for power, revenge, to get rid of evidence or just because they are little of in the head.
2007-03-29 14:15:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
to get rid of the philosophical bull that the mundane intellectuals spew for the own self gratification
2007-03-29 14:14:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous