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I know we all have different tastes but lets see you fight back my arguments the best one to fight out my points the best wins 5 stars if i consider it an excellent comeback at me.

1) First of all How the hell do you understand the words there not even speaking clearly it sounds like crap thats made for the hip hop culture. Also there songs have no meaning whatsoever

2) It just sounds like wtf?! Rock music gets me dancing and partying rap is just a piece of crap when put side by side by the likes of Van Halen. Those are REAL talented music artists that know how to make music

3) Do you listen to it just to be "COOL" you got to be kidding me! You listen to Rap in your free time it just sounds like Blah Im 14 so Im not one of those old people complaining about rap it just sounds like crap
Yeah, yeah I know I was harsh but I want to give those who do like Rap a chance to defend it so here ya go Dare to prove me wrong bring up some good points...

If you hate rap dont answer.

2007-03-28 16:20:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music

5 answers

Not all rap is the same.. just like all other types of music. Depending on who you may have listened to, there are some who can clearly pronounce words.. (unlike some who sound like they have marshmallows stuffed in their cheeks). The crap on the radio... terrible, in most cases. So I am sorry if you heard really lame stuff. *hugs*

Some songs have meaning. For instance alot of rap lyrics have a tendency to mean something a little different (just like old rock songs too) For example, it may sound like they are talking about something ordinary, but its about drugs lol. They may use types of analogies to keep listeners on their toes. If you're unhappy with the slang.. thats your own issue, and I can't help ya there. :)

Rap is just a different style of poetic lyricism. Its said faster and at different tempos. Whats wrong with culture anyway? The world is about difference. Alot of rap has stayed the same, and has changed over time as well. New influences have come around too.

Hey, come on! Some rap/hip hop songs have dance flavor... (only some have lyrics that are any good) Hip hop producers have also incorporated styles of music from other countries... (India, Jamaica.. to name 2 very popular) very cool in my opinion.

If you ever took the lyrics from a rap song and compared it to a rock song... the rap is probably a whole page versus 2 paragraphs worth of text (if that) of a rock song. Thats alot of writing!!

Talent is found in many sources though. & Rockers, yes, they are talented musicians and writers. But rappers are known for their writing abilities.

I don't listen to rap cause its "the cool thing".. that would be the lamest thing to do. Peer pressure.. bad haha. Most of the junk you hear on the radio is just cause its "catchy" or something less talent proving.

But seriously, just because what you've heard may not be so good... doesn't mean it all sucks. Thats stereotyping...
(in 2 ways!) My analogy... (you say all rap is crap) you're giving a type to what you're hearing on your stereo. *tisk tisk* ;)

2007-03-28 21:55:57 · answer #1 · answered by enticingmind 3 · 0 0

1. Yes I agree some rap is hard to understand but raps that cannot be understand are not made for true rap fans. The rap songs you hear on the radio are not what rap is all about. These songs often do not have any meaning behind them ever. In my opinion the best rappers usually can be undestood very easily and definetely have a message behind their music. Try listening to things like early records by eminem, nas, and jay-z, their music definetely can be understood and have a message behind it. Alot of tupac has very deep messages in the songs and can be easily understood.
2. I dont know how you can say rap artists are not talented. In my opinion rap artists are just as talented probaly even more talented than rock artists. True rap music takes a very high know;edge of vocabulary and the english language to perfect. In my opinion good rap msuic is basically a narrative poem to a beat.
3. I agree that people shouldnt just listen to rap to be cool. If you cannot comprehend what the rappers are talking about and relate to it you really cannot fully appreciate it in my opinion. I believe that if you think rap music just sounds like incohherent noise then you havent listened to the right kind of rap music.

2007-03-29 07:07:05 · answer #2 · answered by kb420 1 · 0 0

Well, instead of responding with an essay, let me sum up my points as briefly as possible.

1) I'll admit I don't always understand the words upon the first hearing. Why does that matter? Is lyrical intelligibility necessary in order for a song to be good? What about the Kingston Trio? Nirvana?

2) Van Halen knows how to make rock music. Pantera knows how to make metal. Paul McCartney knew how to make 60's brand pop. Writers for Britney Spears know how to make contemporary pop. John Cage knows how to make avant-garde. Hank Williams knows how to make country. Why are you equating personal taste with "real talent." If a listener legitimizes rap music, don't those artists all of a sudden become just as talented?

3) What someone listens to in his/her free time is his/her business. It's all just sound waves, right?

2007-03-28 16:39:50 · answer #3 · answered by richard pwnz 2 · 0 0

1.Bob can understand what they saying because bob grew up with hip hop everywhere and bob began listening to hip hop at a young age so it comes natural, like how rock probobly comes natural to you. Bob has a hard time understanding rock, to bob rock is just some depressed crap with a guy either trying to sound like a girl or screaming. A lot of hip hop songs now adays dont have meaning and are just about bitches, bling and cars and ****. Back in the 90's it was about social problems that plauged the ghetto, such as drug, gang violence, police brutality, racisim and how to get through these things. Some songs especially stood out, for example 2pac's Keep Ya Head Up which addresses women, not as sex objects or even objects of love, he talks to them as if they are one of his homies, in the song he questions why we mistreat women and says "i think its time to kill for our women, heal our women and just be real to our women" and tells women when you down keep ya head up. Theres also 2pac's Changes which addresses racisim and police brutality. Through out the song he criticizes the way things are and says "i see misplaced hate, racist faces and i see no changes" He encourages racial differences to be put aside and criticizes police brutality and police officers guilty of it. There are actually quite a lot of hip hop songs like these and basically almost every rap song before 2000, had a meaning maybe not as positive as the ones bob has said, but they werent talking about chicken noodle soup or laffy taffy like they do now, but REAL problems that effect REAL people.

2.This is where different tastes comes in, different people like different things, some people like to dance and listen to hip hop, while others like to dance and listen to rock. While it is true that hip hop artist dont play thier instruments and rely on dj's for that, it actually takes skill to be a GOOD rap artist. Today there are very few rappers who have skill and are good if there are any, but back in the 90's it took skill to be able to call yourself a rapper. To be a GOOD rapper you have to be able to deliver a story with complex cadences, in a intricate poetic form and inventive wordplay in a presentable manner and the story has to be about subjects such as life on the streets, racial tensions, domestic violence and past experiences that are moving, and your rhymes cant just be mad bad sad type of crap, you have to know a wide variety of words and use complex not every day words, along with complex metaphors and similies. For example this is a example of a GOOD hip hop verse

"I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies
and hypothesis can't define how I be droppin these
mockeries, lyrically perform armed robbery
Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me
Battle-scarred shogun, explosion when my pen hits
tremendous, ultra-violet shine blind forensics"-Inspecta Deck on Triumph
"My beats travel like a vortex, through your spine
to the top of your cerebrum cortex"-RZA on Triumph

3. Bob listens to hip hop because bob grew up with hip hop, not becasue the little kids think its cool, the kids think the crap on mtv and radio is cool that lyrically retarded **** from the south, that aint real hip hop thats straight up trash, the 90's was real hip hop. This generation dont know **** about real hip hop.

2007-03-31 12:42:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it tells a story and its not boring because you have to try and keep up wiht the words
sorry i have add and its hard to keep my mind focused

2007-03-31 18:50:28 · answer #5 · answered by Inugurl3 4 · 0 0

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