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Why can't more core subjects be taught ? Is this a problem of Methodology ? Does it have to do with Teachers' training ? Or even the fact that there is no Minister of Culture ?

2007-03-28 15:26:56 · 4 answers · asked by Frederique C 3 in Education & Reference Teaching

Europeans systems have equivalences which are difficult to establish here, in the Public School Systems. But I am more interested in finding out your observations and suggestions within the American context.

2007-03-28 15:56:22 · update #1

4 answers

Check with any city, schools are not only teaching the core subjects but are mandated to meet state and federal standards in performance and achievement in those subjects. Schools must also offer, non core subjects such as music, art, phy ed, tech, computers etc. This is state law. Public schools are held to accredidation standards for thier states and by the NCLB law from the federal government. If they do not meet these standards the school can be closed. Public schools must operate and report under a much stricter schedule than private schools, who are expempt from the testing regulations. Teachers here are highly trained, and must continue their education in order to maintain their licenses. It is not the curriculum that is not stringent, the admininstration and teachers are presenting challenging material and holding up high standards for the kids. What is not stringent is the disipline and the lack of respect that is instilled in homes and by people and media who talk about things they do not know about. Parents and students blow school and responsibility off and then blame the school system for their own short sightedness and laziness.

2007-03-28 15:58:49 · answer #1 · answered by fancyname 6 · 1 0

It has mostly to do with politics and the misguided notion that central planning, when applied to education will be successful - in spite of the fact that it has inevitably failed everwhere else it was ever applied.

2007-03-28 22:35:21 · answer #2 · answered by squeezie_1999 7 · 0 0

The US schools are run by UNION teachers,that means they teach what the Liberals want them to. School now consists of politically correct crap,like multiculturalism,gay rights,not hurting peoples feelings,etc.

2007-03-28 22:51:12 · answer #3 · answered by K H 4 · 0 2

It's all about NCLB.

2007-03-29 07:00:15 · answer #4 · answered by bandit 6 · 2 0

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