I would resign immediately.
Being President of the United States must be the worst job possible.
The media and party partisan's attacks on both Bush and Clinton have shown what an awful role it must be.
Life is too short to have a spotlight on your grammar mistakes and your cigar collection.
2007-03-28 12:15:18
answer #1
answered by Blitzhund 4
I would change the rules of engagement in Iraq so that our guys can actually go into these cities where they know terrorists are hiding and take them out.
I would encourage new technologies that are safer on the environment. Including urging Congress to make incentives for companies (oh no! Corporate welfare) that come up with more environmentally friendly technologies. I would not sign an international accord aimed at crippling the global economy in an extreme attempt to reverse all human effect on the planet.
I would get the federal government out of education altogether, as that is a state and local issue.
I would put guards, with the ability to shoot, on our problem border areas.
I wouldn't be a Democrat, but I would prefer to be Libertarian.
I agree that stem cell research should be done, but it is not the place of the federal government to offer funding.
The death penalty is another state issue that is of no concern to the president.
2007-03-28 12:21:36
answer #2
answered by Chris J 6
I would develop a close working relationship with house leadership in the congress. I would do whatever the commanders on the ground in Iraq wanted to do with respect to the Iraqi Govt. I would fight terrorism. I would try to help the environment as long as it didnt involve hurting business. I would seek to figure out why the dropout and illteracy rates are so bad and so something about it as well as help get God back into the classroom in a limited way. I would enter into talks with Mexico for them to become part of the US. That solves illegal immigration! And Then I would secure the border between mexico and central america so we dont have a repeat of the same problem. I would be Republican as I am obvioulsy conservative. I would do whatever I could to outlaw embroinic stem cell research because that would lead to human harvesting. I am all for the death penalty and would expand it in cases of child abuse/torture, molestation, and rape.
Hey now youre getting me excited thinking I can make a difference! : P Although 1 good intentioned person cant fix our govt, its corrupt, too much politics. The people that want to do good like me are stopped by people in washington that are not good and have no good ideas.
2007-03-28 12:41:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'd fire all the house and senate people. Create terms for those positions no longer than 2 seperate four year terms. I will support any war on those who would extinguish the American way of life or democracy. Education I'd take and make my first priority instead of helping some other country. Charity starts at home! Kick out the millions of illegal immigrants. Close the borders and allow only visitors. I'd be Independent. Agree with the reserch. because anything that benefits the human race deserves a chance. Pro- death penalty with no waiting. Get sentenced die the next day!
2007-03-28 12:19:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Secure Iraq as a place to base our troops and tame the Middle East. Troop buildup in Iraq and Afghanistan for possible assault on Iran and negotiate with Russia to sit out.
Environment: Give states freedom to enact cleanup laws in toxic areas. Instill more discipline in the classrooms and reduce teacher-union power. Initiate pay incentives so the kids read and write. Immigration: worker permits. Independent, as a President needs to be. President needs to work for the nation but encourage dialogue from Congress which represents states and districts. Continue government funding of adult stem-cell research. Continue to allow PRIVATE funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Leave the death penalty as is.
2007-03-28 12:17:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I would first enact the first principle of solid modern day government. Uplift the poor and disenfranchised. Jesus said, “…if you haven’t done it unto the least of these my brethren, the same have you done also unto to me.” This means if we treat the poor like dirt we are treating God like dirt.
I would immediately withdraw from Iraq and provide humanitarian aid for the fall out. I would insist that the Saudis and Jordanians pony-up financial support for the Sunnis and the Iranians vow to protect and stop the violence from their Shia brethren upon the Sunnis.
I would take a more covert approach regarding terrorism...and stop this blanket attack on countries in the Middle East. America says its not a war on Islam. But if it walks and talks like a duck…
I would begin to decrease our dependence on foreign oil and enact stronger environmental policies that protect poor communities and offer economic incentives to poor communities that house environmentally hazardous materials.
I would establish an educational task force with the mission of bringing our antiquated "harvest time" educational system up to the 21st century. We are lagging behind the world in science and mathematics because we refuse to piss off a few teachers who love their summers off.
As for immigration I would start by securing our border. Once the border is secure I would have a strict policy that establishes citizenship for those who are already in the country. This will be controversial, but we have to come up with something that maintains the standard established in the early 20th century that welcomed Europeans to this country. I find it interesting that now that we have our "compliment" of what we want as our population. We now want to make Mexicans and other Latinos the boogeymen and women. If it was okay to welcome European whites, it should be okay to welcome Latino browns and reds. Hell, half the country used to be Mexico.
I would abolish the two-party system and make it mandatory that candidates adhere to strict public funding limits. I would make Election Day a national holiday that falls on a Friday and extends to 4pm on the following Saturday. This will remove much of the voter apathy and increase voter participation from 20% to at least 50-60%. And yes I would have a mandatory ID card for every citizen 18 years and older. This ID card will be bar-coded and used to count each persons vote. I would agree with Stem cell research as long as there is a form of consent from the potential donor or family member. This includes all types of stem cell research. I would abolish the Death penalty in all cases unless there is irrefutable DNA evidence of Rape, Murder.
2007-03-28 12:36:34
answer #6
answered by Winter Storm 2
Iraq - Quit fighting a political war
Terrorism - Execute
Environment - Who cares?
Education - The feds stays out. It is for the state and locals
Immigration - No illegals. Shoot first,. Ask no questions.
Stem cell - No
Death penalty - Yes
2007-03-28 12:18:06
answer #7
answered by Slow Poke 5
I would surround myself with thoughtful, educated and fair people. I would agree with stem cell research and disagree with the death penalty. I would know my limitations and not believe I was omnipotent. I would not wage a war based on lies. And I would know I had the most difficult job in the U.S.
2007-03-28 12:13:14
answer #8
answered by beez 7
If I were president I would close the border with mexico. then using the ricco statue I would bust up the aclu. make english the only language of this fair land. round up all illegals and ship em out.enforce treason laws.then give all islamic extremist a good look at what jhad get them. lower taxes get rid of the irs and disband teacher unions.
2007-03-28 12:14:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.
I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.
FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
2007-03-28 12:11:46
answer #10
answered by mission_viejo_california 2