I was very disappointed to see an otherwise thrilling movie corrupted by ultra-liberal garbage. 10 points to whoever can name the examples if youve seen it too.
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Politics & Government
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Nostra: Im not suggesting they dont have the right to speech, but I have the right to criticize it. And no, people who walk out of movie theaters are knee-jerk reactionists. I have a much better chance of making a fair judgment if I see the WHOLE thing.
NJS: The left is all about proganda and if they ever had the truth they would vomit it in an instant.
Well since nobody saw it....
A. A reference to Abu Ghraib being a conspiracy going all the way to the top. Fits with the democrats mindless accusation that Rumsfield ordered mistreatment.
B. The bad guys in the movie are a corrupt (seemingly conservative) senator and CIA head who execute an entire village of people in Africa to make way for an oil pipeline. Gee sound familiar?
It just makes me mad to see a great action movie tainted by mindless conspiracy theories.
12:08:58 ·
update #1