You simply go to the police station and press charges along with a copy of the incident report from your school. Have your mother ask for a copy of it, she's entitled.
Then head to the police department and tell them what happened and that you want to press charges. They should be able to help you with the situation or point you in the right direction of legal help/aid.
But isn't it great when someone is a crazy bully and acts out physically and violently towards a person and when the person tries defending themself or warding off the attack they get into trouble also? My cousin who is now a senior in high school was attacked two years back by a boy that outweighed him by about 150 pounds (a morbidly obese tall boy) and had my cousin down on the ground on top of him punching him in the face and my cousin was pushing him or I should say TRYING to push him off of him and hit him back a couple of times and they both were suspended. Nonsense....
2007-03-28 08:34:51
answer #1
answered by Jen 5
It depends on where you live but most police stations will NOT handle these types of calls. Since it happened at school, it falls within the school domain.
If the police dealt with everyone that had been hit, slapped, punched within the school system their would be no police on the streets.
However, if the girl escalates her behaviour to the point that she threatens your life or causes you bodily harm (ie. stabs you) than you can call the police nad they will take action. Usually a warning, depending on the severity and the age of the girl is given. Threatening to beat someone up isn't a police matter unless it happens.
2007-03-28 16:33:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Start by going to the police and reporting the threats. This will start the paper trail needed to press charges. Then keep a record of every threat you receive, make sure to record date, time, and who was present. Also go to the main office of the school district you are in and report this to the person in charge of school safety. It is their job to make sure you feel safe in your school.
2007-03-28 15:39:53
answer #3
answered by dxle 4
Go down to the police station and file a formal police report.
Just so you know, they probably will never get around to it though. The judicial system isn't all it's crackled up to be.
My brother started smashing my head into the concrete, he tried snaping my neck, pressing pressure points ( and he's been inlisted in themilitary for 4 years now, with all the combat training)And oput wealts and bruises all over my back I'm tiny, TINY
and he is three time my size, He almost killed me, and I bit him to defend myself.
But the cop told me I would get the ticket since I fought back.
apairently your just suposed to let people kill you,
it's pretty f*cked up
2007-03-28 15:37:04
answer #4
answered by danksprite420 6
Just go talk to the police and tell them you want to press charges for assault, harrassment, the whole nine yards. They should take it seriously considering it was in a school. Then, sue the shite out of the school district for not doing anything!
2007-03-28 15:35:29
answer #5
answered by starlight_940 4
Go to the police station and file a complaint. Expect for the other person to file a countercomplaint. You will both end up with legal fees, a record, and a lot of wasted time.
2007-03-28 15:35:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
just go to the police station and report it....I dont care how high end your school is..there should be a police officer in every school.
2007-03-28 15:34:44
answer #7
answered by ♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥ 7
It's simple. Go to the police station and file a complaint. How hard is that? I'm sure they will get all the necessary info.
2007-03-28 15:33:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Just go to the local police station or call them and ask.
2007-03-28 15:34:56
answer #9
answered by ShadowASL 2
Call your local police station and ask this question.. they should be able to let to you know how, and if you are able to file a complaint.
2007-03-28 15:35:38
answer #10
answered by TmB 3