Is the filter new or clean? If the filter is not clean then it cannot filter the algae out of the water even with the shock. Make sure the pump is working properly, too. It usually takes a few days to get the pool back to it's right color! Good Luck!
2007-03-28 07:19:32
answer #1
answered by rattgrrrl 3
First off, adding shock and Algecide at the same time have negative effects. Dont worry about algecide right now. Algecide is simply put more of a "soap" (loosely used) that sits on top of the water, and will not remove algae.
First off, If you have just opened your swimming pool, you want to run the filter continuously. If you are only running it during the day, it will take you a good week or more to start seeing any effects. Run it 24 hours a day..
If you have an inground pool You dont want to shock the water immediately after adding water. If your town water has metal minerals in it, Such as Iron, Copper, or Manganese the addition of shock causes these metals to stain your gunite plaster.
Now. You have it running, and you have shocked it. Did you use the right amount of shock? If your pool is 30000 gallons, and you only added in 1 bag of shock you are pretty much not doing anything. You need to really hammer it. Use 5 gallons of Liquid. If its Green and you cant see the bottom, the odds are that if you were to add 5 gallons of shock at 8am in the morning, come the next day at 8am, if you took a chlorine Reading, the chlorine level will be ZERO. The Algae will have consumed the available chlorine. You are going to have to keep shocking the pool every day or every other day until it clears up.
Thats the chemical Side.
Now comes your Equipment side.
Run it 24 hours a day as i said. If you only have a SKIMMER suction Here is a trick to help you. The Skimmer only draws water where it is placed in the pool. If you have a 4 foot deep Pool, and its 18 feet Round, the skimmer is never going to draw water from the center of the pool. Take your Pool Pole, attach your Vacuum to it, now attach your Vac hose and connect the vac to the skimmer. Now take your Vac and using the pole, put the vacuum in the center of the pool, and try to turn the vac UPSIDE down this way it doesnt get clogged with leaves, or anything else you may not see in the water. What you have just done now is created a Bottom suction using your skimmer, and this will increase your turnover of the water tremendously.
Now with your Equipment. Algae will clog filters easily. If you have a Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) Filter, make sure you are using enough DE to coat the filter grids. If you do not, the filter will not work effectively. IF you have a Cartridge filter, you are going to have to take it out of the tank and hose it down every few the algae will clog these grids very quickly.
IF you have a sand Filter or DE filter, you should Look at your pressure gauge when you start the system after cleaning the filters. If the pressure starts at 12 PSI, When your pressure gets to about 20-22 PSI you want to consider backwashing your filter. If you have a DE Filter you may want to take the filter apart and use a hose to clean the grids. You will save yourself alot of water by not backwashing 50 gallons each time you backwash, and it ensures that the filter is completely clean. This will also help to speed up how fast the pool water cleans up.
Hope this information helps.
Any other questions just send me a message, and if i can answer it for you i will be glad to help.
2007-03-29 23:31:12
answer #2
answered by Chris 4
keep your pump running constantly
back flush the filter a couple times each day
keep adding algeacide
sweep the pool daily
shock once per week
if you are using might need to empty the pool and start over....Baquacil "wears" out after a couple of years.
2007-03-28 14:21:11
answer #3
answered by toothacres 5
You need to drain it, clean it up, then refill it. Then, use the proper chemicals for it. I was renting a house that had green water in the pool & there just wasn't any other way to clean it!!
2007-03-28 14:19:56
answer #4
answered by ilovepoison2820 5