Well it don't make sense, however why spend the whole wellfare check on food and your kids. You need to spend some on watching Jerry Springer after you smoke your crack. Just send me a thank you card around Xmas for the satellite. In a few years you can get cable after my taxes go up. Then you won't lose signal when it rains hard.
2007-03-28 13:11:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"Poor" people today are often not poor.
Helping poor people is good. Taking my tax money, which I give involuntarily, to do it is not good.
Here's something to contemplate: Statistics prove that Republicans give more to charity, and more often, than Democrats.
2007-03-28 13:10:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Didn't u know this is how the government controlls the population? Brainwashes them with Satellite so that they don't realize they're poor and this keeps 'em passive.
South Park, Season 10, episode 9
"Kyle: [after the conspiracy is blown] So who caused 9/11?
Stan: Wha'dya mean? A bunch of pissed off Muslims.
Hardly Boy: Yeah, what are you, retarded?
George W. Bush: Shut up! You think we don't know your name? We know everything. We control everything. We've all worked very hard to keep our involvment in 9/11 a secret. But you just had to keep digging.
Kyle: Really?!
Head of the conspiracy group: You won't get away with it! People know!
George W. Bush: People, you mean sheeple. We have the majority of them kept in blissful ignorance. Just one more leak to fix.
Head of the conspiracy group: Wait, what are you doing?
George W. Bush: You've been a thorn in our side for too long, I'm afraid.
Head of the conspiracy group: No! You can't do this! Please! I'll stop, I'll take down the website.
George W. Bush: Too late.
[Head of the conspiracy group pleads for his life, then Bush shoots him in the head.]
Stan: Jesus Christ!
Donald Rumsfeld: Hahaha, he died like a pig.
George W. Bush: Some pigs never learn.
Kyle: No way.
Stan: He was right, you did cause 9/11!
George W. Bush: Yes, quite simple to pull off really, all I had to do was have explosives planted in the base of the towers, then on 9/11 we pretended like 4 planes were being hijacked when really we just rerouted them to Pennsylvania then flew 2 military jets into the World Trade Centers filled with more explosives then shot all the witnesses of flight 93 with an F15 after blowing up the Pentagon with a cruise missle. It was only the world's most intricate and flawlessly executed plan, ever, ever.
Kyle: Really!?!?
Hardly boy (brown hair): That thure ith a mystery.
Hardly boy (black hair): Yeah, it thounds thuper hard.
Hardly boy (brown hair): Whoever did it must have been angry with the thchool. Oh, euh, I think I'm gettin'a clue.
Hardly boy (black hair): Really?
Hardly boy (brown hair): Yeah, this is totally givin' me a clue right now.
Hardly boy (black hair): Euh, I'm thtarting to get a clue too.
Hardly boy (brown hair): My clue ith kinda pointing this way.
Hardly boy (black hair): Euh, yeah now I've got a total clue.
Hardly boy (brown hair): I've thtill got a raging clue.
Hardly boy (black hair): My clue ith pointing over there now.
Hardly boy (brown hair): Oh, let'th follow that clue.
Mr.Mackey: Now you might all think I've given up finding who crapped in the urinal, M'kay. And maybe, maybe you think it's a victimless crime. This is Mister Venezuela, the school janitor, M'kay. He's the person, who has to clean up, when some trickster drops a dookie in the wrong toilet. Mr. Venezuela makes six bucks an hour at best! M'kay? He's got three kids at home, he's got a car that barely works he's gotta clean up puke with sawdust, M'kay. And then he walks into the boy's room and sees a big meaty chud staring him in the face. So when you crapped in that urinal, M'kay. You might as well just dropped your pants, and layed a turd right on Mr.Venezuela's head.
[Children laugh.]
Mr. Mackey: Oh, you think that's funny, huh? Yeah, that's real funny!
Head of the conspiracy group: You don´t understand! The government controls everything! The media, the corporations, they have the power to do anything they want. Here look, read the labels. Go on, read them.
Kyle: "Code 234."
Head of the conspiracy group: We think they came from a government office.
Kyle: What is it?
Head of the conspiracy group: It's anthrax.
Police Chief: This is too big a mystery for me, I think we better call in the Hardly Boys!
Mr. Mackey: Oh no, not the god damn—
[Hardly Boys Music hits and cut to the Hardly Boys intro video.]
Announcer: The Hardly Boys: two young whippersnappers with a taste for solving mysteries. The Hardly Boys in: The case of the World Trade Center conspiracy.
Mr. Mackey: Why, Clyde? Why did you do it?
Clyde: I dunno.
Mr. Mackey: You got a whole school here clyde! M'kay?, you got over 300 people that need to use the boys room!, and you decide your gonna be a comedian M'kay?, and pinch one off in the urinal! and leave it laying there for everyone to look at!
[Clyde begins to chuckle.]
Mr. Mackey: M'kay?, M'kay? you think it's funny but nobody else does, there gonna walk in that bathroom and see your rancid duke prob up against to back of the wall like a brown ragdoll!
[Clyde starts laughing.]
Principal Victoria: Mr Mackey Clyde's parents are here.
Mr. Mackey: Oh thats good! lets see what your mom and dad has to say about your little poop-scpade! Come on in please, I'm trying to get your to explain why he would drop a duke in the urinal!
Clyde's Dad: Mr Mackey theres something you should know.
2007-03-28 13:16:35
answer #5
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7