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2 answers

go to projectpsp.com you have to create an account but it is totally free. Once you created the account go to forums tab then download.

2007-03-31 04:21:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly... don't you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

2007-03-31 12:07:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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