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I have heard there is going to be a remake. Do you think that this film needs a remake or do you think the original will never be bettered (for want of a better word).

2007-03-28 00:23:56 · 2 answers · asked by LadyRebecca 6 in Entertainment & Music Movies

2 answers

Here is some info that may have some use for you about so-called sequels and a much assumed sequel by the original director of "Cannibal Holocaust". Below is a link so you can read more. I think if it does become a remake then it will not be a very good movie but if it becomes a sequel with its original director then it may become something bigger and better but we will have to sit and wait till this day comes.

Though no official sequel has been released, several films have adopted the moniker Cannibal Holocaust II as to be associated with Cannibal Holocaust's notoriety. These films were originally released under different titles which were then changed for various releases; none have been directed by or associated with Deodato. The first of said films came in 1986 with Mario Gariazzo's Schiave Bianche: Violenza en Amazzonia. Known in English as Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story, it has also been released on European DVD as Cannibal Holocaust 2: The Catherine Miles Story. In 1988, Mondo film director Antonio Climati made his film Natura Contro, which was released as Cannibal Holocaust II in Thailand and the UK. Italian director Bruno Mattei also made two straight-to-video films back to back in 2003, which have been released as Cannibal Holocaust sequels in Japan.[37]

In 2005, Ruggero Deodato officially announced that he planned to make a sequel to Cannibal Holocaust.[27] Though he has written two screenplays, filming has yet to begin. Deodato was later hesitant about directing his new film, thinking that he would make it too violent for American audiences. However, while in Prague filming his cameo appearance in Hostel: Part II, Deodato received the chance to view the original Hostel and decided that he would direct after all, citing Hostel as a similarly violent film that made a mainstream release in America.[38] The film is scheduled for release in 2009.

2007-03-28 00:39:18 · answer #1 · answered by lexiematsi 2 · 0 0

never seen it who was in it?

2007-03-28 18:52:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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