Great questions! Your third is the crux of the matter, and is key to the first two. The only problem is that "middle ground" is not necessarily the correct place to be. If one is right and another wrong, the middle ground is also wrong.
The political arena is about power, and only power. All other considerations are moot if the idea-holder does not have the power to foist those ideas on others.
The solution is not "to elect better people." It is to limit the power the system bestows on the winners, making the winning less-valuable. The Constitution was a good plan. Too bad we don't pay it any attention any more.
2007-03-27 16:19:11
answer #1
answered by Yesugi 5
Humm, let me take a shot ... I'm neither conservative or liberal ... But, I may have an answer or two ...
C1. Most conservatives are begining to questions Bush's ideas on the war, and many think he is wrong. So, he isn't getting so much love and support there ... However, when it comes to economy/jobs and education, his administration isn't doing so bad. So, conservatives don't want to "throw the baby out with the bath water" and are hoping he'll pull himself out of this tailspin.
C2. People hate what they fear. Most conservatives can also be called the "moral majority" as they feel that even though there is a seperation between church and state, must church idologies are the core of our laws (thou shalt not kill, steal .. etc) and they believe that controling "moral" behavior is the corner stone to a moralistic society.
L1. This is a hard one .. Libs believe in abortion, but not the death penalty (conservs are visa-versa.) I think the idea here is "when does life start?" and if a cluster of cells indicates "life." If it doesn't then shouldn't the person carrying that cluster of cells be in charge of their body and what happens to it?
L2. As for the death penalty, Libs believe in second chances and reform. To them, this is a "life" in the balance and that is important to them. Think of the extremes the ACLU goes to to ensure their fair treatment. They believe that the death penalty is over used and often time inappropriate for the crime, especially if the person is "reformed" amd "repentant" ... PLUS, studies have show that the dealth penalty is disportionately applied - meaning more minorities who can't afford fancy lawyers get sent to the chair.
C/L1. We all blame the "other side" in everything we do. It the nature of beings ... If you don't agree with me you are wrong and bad and I hate you. It happens in religion, politics, hell, even in sports! However, no matter how excruciating the constant bickering and battling is, the two sides provide a "checks and balances" or sorts. Neither side will get everything they want ... but they will meet in the middle to get some of what they want ... Meaning the rest of us gets what we really want ...
2007-03-27 16:35:11
answer #2
answered by janine_says 2
Your point about all the vitriol between liberals and conservatives is right. I am answering this because I think that this debate needs some facts about the death penalty system and its alternatives. (As you will see, these have nothing to do with being liberal or conservative.) Here are a few verifiable and sourced facts about the death penalty in the United States.
Re: Alternatives
48 states have life without parole on the books. It means what it says, is swift and sure and is rarely appealed. Being locked in a tiny cell, forever, is certainly no picnic. Life without parole incapacitates a killer (keeps him from re-offending) and costs considerably less than the death penalty.
Re: cost
The death penalty costs far more than life in prison. The huge extra costs start to mount up even before the trial. There are more cost effective ways to prevent and control crime.
Re: Victims families
The death penalty is very hard on victims’ families. They must relive their ordeal in the courts and the media. Life without parole is sure, swift and rarely appealed. Some victims families who support the death penalty in principal prefer life without parole because of how the death penalty affects families like theirs.
Re: Deterrence
The death penalty isn’t a deterrent. Murder rates are actually higher in states with the death penalty than in states without it. Moreover, people who kill or commit other serious crimes do not think about the consequences or even that they will be caught (if they think at all.)
Re: Who gets the death penalty
The death penalty isn’t reserved for the “worst of the worst,” but rather for defendants with the worst lawyers. When is the last time a wealthy person was sentenced to death, let alone executed??
Re: Possibility of executing an innocent person
Over 120 people on death rows have been released with evidence of their innocence, many having already served over 2 decades on death row. If we speed up the process we are bound to execute an innocent person. Once someone is executed the case is closed. If we execute an innocent person the real criminal is still out there and will have successfully avoided being charged.
DNA is available in less than 10% of murder cases. It’s not a miracle cure for sentencing innocent people to death. It’s human nature to make mistakes.
Opposing the death penalty doesn’t mean you condone brutal crimes or excuse people who commit them. According to a Gallup Poll, in 2006, 47% of all Americans prefer capital punishment while 48% prefer life without parole. Americans are learning the facts and making up their minds using common sense.
2007-03-27 17:18:32
answer #3
answered by Susan S 7
Okay here goes
Liberal responses:
Conservatives are not hated. It is the fact that they believe that you must believe what they do. You are to have not other opinion but the one that they have. The totalitarian mentality and they don't even realize it. Liberals might/will disagree with you but they can respect that you have a differing opinion from theirs. This does not work on the flip side.
Liberals believe in choice, conservatives belief in being pro life. They fail to understand what pro choice means. Choice means that you have the choice of either having the child or terminating pregnancy. Women choose to go either path but they still have that fundamental thing- a choice. You used an analogy about your kid being raped and killed. How about this one. Your kid is raped and is now pregnant by her rapist. Shouldn't she have the choice to not have a daily reminder ot her horror or if she chooses she can go through with it and give the child up.
As far at conservatives are concerned she would not have a choice and to prove it they will blow up an abortion clinic, or shoot and kill a doctor who provides them. Former Conservative Republican Senator Rick Santorum (Pa) had proposed a bill that would have made it illegal for anyone to have an abortion even in the cases of rape or incest. What right did he have to try to take away a person choice from someone like the rape victim. This is the ultra conservative mentality.
You are not supposed to express an opposing view from theirs. If you do, you are supposedly condemned to hell. Ironic considered their own Christian teachings say, " Judge not, lest ye be judged" ( Matthew 7:1)
Don't paint all liberals as hating the death penalty. Some don't, some do. Right now, I am leaning towards the don'ts because we are coming across more and more cases of people sent to Death Row for crimes they did not commit. I have included a link to a possible case of this in Good ole Texas.
Conservatives support the death penalty. If you are a supporter for the pro life movement and love to talk about preserving ALL life (which part of their favorite mantra when outside an abortion clinic), how is it then okay for them to turn around and talk about the death penalty being okay. If you are for life then it should be all life, if you are for choice, you can make that choice, to yell at the top or your lungs for the death penalty or you can have the choice to follow one of Jesus' teachings which is to forgive them same way he did when he was nailed to the cross " forgive them father for they know not what they do" ( Luke 23:24). Here we are back to that critical word- choice.
I agree with what you said, both sides are to blame. Their rabid behavior on both sides is why they cannot find a middle ground.
The thing is we need fresh mindsets in Washington. It is the only way to change this crap
2007-03-27 16:20:54
answer #4
answered by thequeenreigns 7
answering for the liberals: i dont hate the hypocrisy of those that are against abortion YET when in need, have no probleming running down to the clinic to dump a fetus.
I am against the death penalty because SOMETIMES they get it wrong. People are getting released on DNA evidence constantly nowadays. What if we kill someone that is innocent? Would i want someone that raped my kid dead? of course, but by law i am not allowed to make that decision. What if i was mistaken and ordered the death of the wrong guy? Should i then be killed as well? See how the cycle never ends.
The MAIN problem with this country right now is CLEARLY the iraqi war. And that is CLEARLY the fault of the lying bush crimy family and thier advocates.
2007-03-27 16:19:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He has repeatedly shown that he does not back his conservative base and will not resolve the issues we want addressed. He had plenty of time to restore many conservative values over his previous 6 years in office, but failed to do so.
He has mismanaged the war in Iraq pitifully, refusing to allow our troops to fight without restrictive rules of engagement, thus preventing a victory.
He has failed to secure our borders at home by ending illegal immigration.
He has failed to ensure the survival of our culture and language by setting English as the official national language of the United States and by having the America-Haters in the ACLU brought up on RICO statute charges which would decimate that organization and show it to be a biased, money-seeking group that wants nothing more than the destroy this country and that for which it stands.
Conservatives don' like Bush much. Republicans do, and the two are no longer the same.
As for gays, I understand that they are suffering from a mental disorder and I have a certain sense of pity for them. I don't believe it should be taught as acceptable in our schools, no more than schools should say that it's acceptable to have multiple personalities. A don't ask, don't tell approach wouldn't bother me in the least. Many people have various mental maladies and survive just fine in society. The issue I have with gays is that they see the need to force their values on me and on my children instead of keeping their relationships to themselves just as heterosexuals do.
Conservatives don't blame Liberals, they just blame what Liberals stand for. It's a slippery slope when you begin down the path of moral depravity, so no middle ground can be reached.
2007-03-28 06:00:52
answer #6
answered by Tristan H 2
Republican. (not a conservative)
1. I support gay rights
2. I support the War on Terror because we did start it, might not have been the best decision, but it cannot be taken back now. I do like the fact that we helped another country to become a democracy, and I think we owe to the Iraqi people to stay and fight.
(It is a good thing France and Spain did not pull-out when we needed them most, or the United States would probably of not been formed)
2007-03-27 16:23:28
answer #7
answered by Dina W 6
I dont hate the conservative i hate the idea it isn't as much as the baby as it is for the women abortion used to be illegal and we dont want to go back to those days of coat hangers etc.i dont disagree with the penalty i just think in some cases it isn't necessary i think a life of boredum and insanity in jail is a much beter punishment than being killed
2007-03-27 16:24:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
-Why do you hate Conservatives who are against abortion?----I dont--I disagree and choose dialog over violence
-Why must you continue to oppose the death penalty?---Because it is primitive and unneccesary--life in prison is less expensive, and in my opinion a much worse penalty
2007-03-27 16:25:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men" (Daniel 4:17).
2007-03-27 16:17:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous