who would put it past him,, he is an admitted liar,, he would rather cross the street to tell a lie than stand still to tell the truth,,
the man is a habitual liar,,, he will read his speech,, if he's not to high,, he will say whatever the GOP tells him to say,, or God,, or whoever is talking to him before a speech,,
his spiritual leader for more than 6 years,, Pastor Ted was sucking ***** before they prayed every day,,
we can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth,, or his VP Dick.. or the Attorney General of the US..................
2007-03-27 15:54:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If no plane hit the pentagon, what happened to the plane that disappeared, and the people on it? Demolition crews got away with planting explosives on a building where people work everyday to systematically demolish the buildings. What kind of person would have done that? Think reasonably.
Those websites that you use for "research" how can they be considered reliable? They are websites made by "conspiracy theorists" with a biased, and should I say stupid, point of view. Popular Mechanics had published an article some time ago disproving each conspiracy that made up the 9-11 conspiracy. So let me ask YOU, please do some research!
2007-03-27 15:58:10
answer #2
answered by JJ 5
The first step is to make sure most people realize that the three NYC WTC buildings were demolished. It's obvious that the 47 core columns had to be destroyed before the building would come down at free fall speed. If it somehow broke loose from the center columns, the columns would have been prominent afterword. Also, the "pancake theory" does not explain how concrete was disintegrated and the speed of collapse contradicts the pancake theory.
Clearly, someone would need to have access to the building. It's not been reported by the media that GWB youngest brother was in charge of security at the WTC and 9/11 was the last day of the security contract.
This could have been pulled off by a small group of well organized and technically competent people who did not intend to kill anyone. Obviously, the message to evacuate was not communicated as expected.
The Secret Service guarding GWB is suspect because they did not remove GWB from a vulnerable and well-publicized location. Apparently, they were not worried about a terrorist assassination attempt against GWB.
Another "tell" is that the planes were not intercepted despite plenty of warning. The most puzzling of all was that many people were promoted for apparent incompetence. Why weren't people held accountable for a huge breach in security that day given all kinds of specific warnings about the attacks? Condoleeza Rice appears to have lied because the FBI and France provided specific warning about time and place of attacks. Conveniently, a security drill was being run in NYC at that time. There are a huge number of loose ends, and families of victims have been attempting to get a more complete answers from specific individuals. Congress has not been responsive to another investigation.
We spent more money on the Monica investigation than on the investigation on 9/11. Why didn't the 9/11 Commission take testimony from firemen who heard quick firing timed explosions at various floors and in the sub-basement. Why did the commission deny the existence of 47 internal support columns in the twin towers? Why have the 13 assertions by BYU Professor of Physics Steven Jones not been refuted. These points support the fact that the three buildings were demolished. The steel support beems were quickly removed preventing forensic examination. Where are the forensics?
It appears that people near the president should have known specifics about the attack and seem to be involved in a cover up of either incompetence or complicity. Unfortunately, a cover up suggests to people that these same people are guilty of the crime. It is apparent that many people are afraid to come forward with their opinions about 9/11.
I don't know who destroyed those buildings, but I don't believe it was Muslim terrorist extremists as repeated by mass media incessantly. Let's spread more factual information and ask people to verify the facts for themselves.
I believe that the Popular Mechanics article did not deal much at all with physics or mechanics, but soft speculation. There is still no comprehensive offical theory that explains the building collapse and dissentigration. Popular Mechanics did not effectively refute any of the 13 points made by BYU Professor Steven Jones.
2007-03-27 16:08:55
answer #3
answered by Skeptic 7
No. Bush did not set it up. Although it is fun for the conspiracy theorists to come up with far reaching plots and concepts and pose them as ridiculous questions no one can answer - and since there are no answers, they must be true, right? Why don't you ask, "Why would Bush set it up?" What possible theory could justify the President of the United States killing over 2 thousand people? For Oil? Are you kidding? We get less now that a "war" is going! For military money? Again, why? There was a surplus budget. Certainly it wasn't to flex the "American Power and Superiority," because most people feel we should be long out of this war. And do you have any idea what the economic devastation was at losing those these buildings and people? Immeasurable!!! Families devastated. Businesses shut down. Insureres going broke. Greater separation in political parties and ideologies. September 11 was chaos and disaster for everyone. It was the truest tragedy for our generation. The President of this country would not cause a loss of this magnitude. It has marred his legacy as President as one of the worst - what President wants that? ... And, as for a plane hitting the Pentagon ... My best friend's husband was there when it hit and my cousin (who is a flight attendant) lost three friends in that crash. Yes. A plane did hit the Pentagon. No. Bush did not set this up.
2007-03-27 15:52:12
answer #4
answered by janine_says 2
No. This theory is off the chart.
Try and consider the sheer number of conspirators it would take to succeed in such a complex plan. Now imagine that every one of them was sworn to secrecy. (Hell, we both know that even the government can't keep a secret) The planes necessarily had to strike the building exactly where the first explosives were placed and timed exactly as each succeeding floor collapsed - an engineering improbability - and that's for just one building. Three buildings would be a one in a million shot in the dark.
Do not waste your time on this ridiculous theory - channel your efforts into real concerns that face this nation.
2007-03-27 15:58:50
answer #5
answered by LeAnne 7
So actual Trout. like the only that shot all those law enforcement officers up final 300 and sixty 5 days because of the fact he heard on Fox that "0bama grew to become into going to take my unlawful weapons away". This appears like yet another mendacity rant via wager who? A Republican.
2016-11-23 20:28:19
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I was in Texas at the time so I actually did not see anything,,everything I saw was on tv but I did see a plane in the pentagon.
I had a personal friend that worked there at the time and he said it was a plane.
I just cant understand you people.
You tell me how dumb Bush is in one breath and then tell me he set up something like this .
Do you know how many people it would take to pull something like this off. And then those people would have to remain silent.
But you know you may be right,,,it rained here in Texas today ,,and Bush may have caused that also. WMT
2007-03-27 15:51:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I cant believe how many morons believe this insane conspiracy, that our president killed over 3000 americans, to start a 4 year war, and not a single person has come forward. They come forward about the firings of some procecuters but not 9/11. Maybe the guy on the grassy knoll was paid by bush to set it all up. Insanity, you are all insane, I believe that you would blame bush for a marble missing from your childs bedroom, if there is no answer for the wrong that has been done.....ITS BUSH. He has a year and a half left get over it already.
2007-03-27 15:46:52
answer #8
answered by Papa Joe 4
Check out the article by Popular Mechanics.
Also use some common sense.
Do you really think a President can create, design, and flawlessly carry out this attack while being President for 9 months, keeping thousands of people quiet and hiding important documents, but another can't get a ******** in the Oval Office?
2007-03-27 15:48:37
answer #9
answered by Chopper 4
Number one buildings are built by forming a structure. Once the structure is compromised the weight of the building will make it collapse. Number two, I did, but the government is not going to continuously show how an aircraft violated a government facility. No Bush didn't set it up!
2007-03-27 15:44:17
answer #10
answered by Dwayne H 2
Well, 9/11 is an inside job, but Bush did not likely plan it he only approved of it. Rogue elements of the gov't and MIC were the likely guilty parties.
2007-03-27 16:52:47
answer #11
answered by Luke F 3