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Fact is fact and in this Q&A forum...it's a fracken joke. So thanks for the laughs you lib-a-pinheads. BTW if that offends anyone, you should be a bit more tollerant of other peoples point of view....pinheads!!!!!!!!

2007-03-27 15:16:38 · 31 answers · asked by Working Stiff 3 in Politics & Government Politics

31 answers

They like the idea of big government running their lives! That's why they champion crap like: socialized medicare, public housing, welfare etc. etc.! Careful, mention the word offend and you might invoke a political correctness rant! They cannot handle any opposing views to there own either, and if you do oppose, you're just called a neo-con idiot because they are so much more enlightened!

2007-03-27 15:20:54 · answer #1 · answered by Bunz 5 · 0 6

My, you certainly are a tolerant and free thinking gentleman. I, on the other hand, am a good liar.

What gives the conservative viewpoint a claim to infallibility? Are all the doctrinaire neocons on FOX agreeing with everything the White House does because Bush is always right, or because they have lost the ability to see and/or say he is not?

Now, possibly your hydrocephalism has limited your capacity to understand this, but there are a lot of us out here who are neither liberal nor conservative. We make our minds up issue by issue and election by election, and we really hate it when some right wing masturbator (or a left handed one, for that matter) stereotypes us because we think they are wrong on this one.

That has been going on too much, and particularly with the White House and its sycophantic followers in Congress. The last election was a warning that was not heeded, and this next time we will vote Democrat in massive numbers to say it louder.

You Republicans have been vile, dishonest and viscious in your behaviour for years, figuring that power gives you that right. Wrong! We moderates are sick of your act, and will not put up with it anymore.

When 2008 boils down to McClain/Giuliani versus Clinton/Obama, the GOP will no doubt go for Ms. Clinton with all their usual gentlemanly flair. Enjoy thesatisfaction of the campaign while it happens, because out here in voterland we are going to reward you with a four year excrement burger.

Your manners suck. Watch what we think of them in November 2008.

2007-03-27 15:31:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, unfortunately it is a conservative trait to call names, and insult, rather than to discuss intelligently. It is a very sad state of affairs when people cannot see past the bullsheit on both sides. Try engaging a liberal in conversation, and relase the childish instinct to mock. Like someone because their ideas are good, not because they happen to support a political extreme.

2007-03-27 15:34:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh, you poor wretched conservatives. How dare liberals not allow you to express your irrational religious based hate for homosexuals? How dare the socially minded not see you conservatives as the social default for pitiful one-sided economic plans? How dare liberals keep explaining to you, ad naseum, that your war on terrorism was doomed from the start? And how dare they not let you conservatives call those liberal protestors "terrorist sympathizers" without resistance?

You poor conservative. Your philosophies are in danger of being held under rational scrutiny. You are all such victims, aren't you?

You're just the poster child for discrimination, aren't you?

Go cry to someone who cares.

2007-03-27 15:29:20 · answer #4 · answered by Zenrage 3 · 1 0

Maybe if liberals and conservatives didn't spend so much time calling each other names, our country wouldn't be going down the toilet. different points of views are what makes life interesting. But it's obvious I'm talking to someone who has already made up his mind. What a shame.

2007-03-27 15:21:58 · answer #5 · answered by Kat 3 · 4 0

We don't! It is the conservatives who "follow the crowd" when it comes to the war, siding with corporate America over the average person, and "staying the course" with a failed war policy - all because their Conservative leaders tell them it is right. Liberals think for themselves and are willing to change if Plan A don't work. Oh, and it is mostly the conservatives who "send violation notices" because they can dish out the insults, but they can't take them!

2007-03-27 15:23:47 · answer #6 · answered by zowar1363 4 · 2 1

Since I am a member of the liberal community, I must attempt to enlighten you as to how we come by our thoughts.

It's from the Founders.

This country was founded by a bunch of liberals with a capital 'L'--even the flag is deliberately changed whenever warranted, and reflects the inclusion of several groups of people.

Keep in mind that those were the folks who separated Church and State, vowed to stay out of 'foreign wars' and who put together the first Bill of Rights for human individuals in world history.

Nothing about them, their writings or their actions was conservative. On top of that, this country succeeds like crazy during its 'liberal' periods, and fails like hell during its 'conservative' periods.

Liberals are liberal because it WORKS.

By the way, you have decent working hours because of liberals, you have computers and a network because of liberals . . . . I hope you thank us every day.

2007-03-27 15:23:13 · answer #7 · answered by nora22000 7 · 3 2

Because the liberals are nothing more than a bunch of communists with an IQ way too low for them to ever be able to think / govern themselves, hence their belief in "big government" with an abundance of rules, regulations and frivolous laws. Libertarians are the total opposite of liberals and a libertarian government would rock!!!

Edit: Wow.... lots of thumbs down..... If you guys are so anti freedom / self government then why don't you move to North Korea or Cuba?

2007-03-27 15:24:47 · answer #8 · answered by Sven B 6 · 1 4

Liberals must respect the views of others in order that criticisms must be constructive without the insults.

2007-03-27 15:20:33 · answer #9 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 2 1

Liberals give up their right to think for themselves, just as conservative 'ditto heads' give up their rights to think for themselves. Listening to the froth that serves as "liberal" or "conservative" thinking simply dulls the mind, sours the senses, and creates a nation full of brainless morons who can't think for themselves, but - instead - can only spew forth their bigotry and hatred that helps to destroy the social fabric and moral fiber of this great nation. No, I don't expect you to understand this; your bigotry and hatred has obviously already warped your though processes and turned you into a hateful, spiteful, vindictive, sub-human.

2007-03-27 15:28:32 · answer #10 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 2 2

Wait a minute. I thought that liberals were the ones who flip-flopped and couldn't make up their mind on anything. Or that they were the ones who were all secretly members of Al-Qaeda. Or that there is a vast liberal media conspiracy that threatens to undermind all of you low-brow red staters who are the "real" intellectuals. People like you make me sick. Republicans have rednecks and hillbillies, Democrats have scientists and college professors. Do the math, you're the pinheads.

2007-03-27 15:19:18 · answer #11 · answered by weezerlp123 2 · 2 4

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