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if so, can you asnwer these questions for me?:

--What's your most common dream sign?
--Were you able to control you lucid dream?
--If yes, how much did you try to cahnge your dream?
--Do you dream lucid often?
--Did you have to practice or did lucid dreaming come to you naturally?

sorry its so many questions, but i'm researching. thanks a lot, and i would appreciate truthful answers please.

2007-03-27 13:36:24 · 12 answers · asked by xXUntouchableXx 3 in Social Science Psychology

12 answers

--What's your most common dream sign?
Not sure what you mean by this. I keep going to the same "places" every time. A subway/roller coaster ride that takes me to a huge train station, like Grand Central here in New York, but bigger, then to a station where I get off my train and fall into a normal dream.

--Were you able to control you lucid dream?
To a degree. I always realize that I'm dreaming. I can control what I do and say but not others in the dream.

--If yes, how much did you try to cahnge your dream?
I tried to get a person in the dream to remember me and call me when they woke up. I recited my number and the figure recited it back to me but I never got the call.
I also tried to resist the urge to get on the train. I tried to wander around the dream-scape but I felt very tired and couldn't walk. I always lay down and fall asleep. I can't rebel.

--Do you dream lucid often?
I have bouts. Once they start they last for weeks. Then they stop on their own.

--Did you have to practice or did lucid dreaming come to you naturally?
It comes to me unbidden. I wish it came more often.

2007-03-27 13:52:46 · answer #1 · answered by morrowynd 7 · 0 0

--What's your most common dream sign?
Don't know what you mean. Maybe because I don't have one

--Were you able to control you lucid dream?
Yes, of course. Isn't that what makes it a lucid dream?

--If yes, how much did you try to change your dream?
The only time I lucid dream is when I'm having a repeat dream. In the dream, I know that I'm dreaming, and I say to myself "Hey I remember this. I already had this dream." Then I change the dream to the way I wanted it to happen. All of these dreams are ones in which I am being chased. I know which places in the dream I get caught, so then I try running in a different direction. Sometimes, I remember at the last second, right before I get caught, that I shouldn't go this way. When this happens, the dream literally rewinds, just like if I was watching a movie. Its pretty weird when this happens.

--Do you dream lucid often?
Once a month

--Did you have to practice or did lucid dreaming come to you naturally?
I didn't know there was such a thing until I read about lucid dreaming in book. I thought how cool it would be to control my own dream. Shortly after reading about, I had my first lucid dream, without any practice. It just happened.

2007-03-28 03:25:01 · answer #2 · answered by FireKitty 3 · 0 0

I've had several lucid dreams and look forward to more.

- I haven't quite figured out what my dream sign is. I do usually notice that my environment doesn't look quite right and realize I'm dreaming but no object or something of the sort.

- Yes, it was not always easy to control anything. Most of the time I had to repeat what I wanted, convincing myself that I really did know I was dreaming. And it wasn't always like I wanted. When I flew in a lucid dream, it was more like I was placed in the air and not the sense of floating or flying.

-I tried to change things so many times although there were more than a few times that I just walked around. I don't usually think very well in my dreams because I sure wouldn't choose to just wander and not control it.

-Not as often as I'd like and could do. I'm a nightowl and have the hardest time going to sleep before 2 in the morning, but I still have to get up early. The best times for me to lucid dream is after sleeping for 4-6 hours; this is close to when I have to get up. I've actually thought of using a sleeping pill but thought better of it since I've heard that they're so addicting.

-When I was really young, 6 or 7 years old, I had a lucid dream once and had total control. I only "created" an elephant in my front yard, but I just knew I could've done more easily. I've had more lucid dreams since reading on them after I became an adult. I do have to work at it, and I try different techniques which a few have helped me.

I like lucid dreaming so I don't mind the questions.

2007-03-29 01:50:33 · answer #3 · answered by LOVE2LD 4 · 0 0

I use a traffic light bcause I dream about the city alot

Yeah. Usually I'm in a gang infested city and fighting off bad guys with super powers.

I don't put much effort into changing the dream, or I wake up. Just think a little bit on how your dream would differ when you'd think about what you want, and it'll happen.

Not anymore. It's a little too much preparation for me nowadays.

Practice practice practice. You need to make reality checking a common habit you preform every hour every day or you won't do it when you're in a dream and you'll never have a lucid dream.

2007-03-27 20:44:25 · answer #4 · answered by Durr 5 · 1 0

What do you mean by a lucid dream? Are they dreams where you can realize (while you're dreaming) that it's a dream and that you can change what happens or stop the dream?

If so, I get them a lot. I've always been able to stop or change dreams. It happens when they start to get to scary or frustrating. As a result, I don't have many nightmares because I can usually stop or change them before they get too bad.

Is this a rare thing or something lots of people have?

2007-03-27 20:46:11 · answer #5 · answered by libby1210 2 · 1 0

I have them all the time.
1. I just know I'm dreaming. I don't really know my sign but i would have to say whenever I'm scared or being chased.
2. Yes, that's why its called a lucid dream. I could make anything happen and do whatever i want.
3. Everything, if something was after me i would make sure that i changed it and that I'm in control. I could fly if i want, make things appear, teleport, etc.
4. Yes, all the time
5. They come naturally to me.

2007-03-27 20:43:28 · answer #6 · answered by L3monDr0p 4 · 0 0

I am unsure that I understand what you mean by "common dream sign".
I have had lucid dreams on several occasions.
I do not necessarily try to change them every time.
They began naturally.
Over time, I have been able to practice and become more proficient with them.
If this is genuine research, feel free to contact me for further information.
I understand because I am a MSW student.

2007-03-27 21:20:40 · answer #7 · answered by TJ Crow 1 · 0 0

I don't have a dream sign that I know of. I can control my dreams once I become lucid. I have completely changed the dreamscape, introduced characters I wanted to see, flown, levitated. I lucid dream several times a month. It came naturally.


2007-03-27 22:13:39 · answer #8 · answered by saritadreaming 4 · 0 0

used to happen, these days i just don't have time.... Sometimes I used to do it on purpose.
it usually takes a long time for me to fall asleep, so i think... about millions of things. sometimes this thought becomes a dream... i fall asleep later on.
sometimes, i wake up in the morning (probably a weekend), in the middle of a wonderful dream or maybe a depressing dream. so i try to change it, with a concious mind. I rarely fell back to sleep while trying to change it...
lucid dreaming doesn't happen anymore... i'm usually tired or tired of thinking. i used to think of the same thing each night, that eventually became a dream. but now i have other worries, i don't think about just one thing anymore.....

hope that helps! i just wrote down what ever i could remember. ☺

2007-03-27 20:49:43 · answer #9 · answered by Izela 2 · 0 0

-dont understand
-by definition yes
-usually just a small amount, i never change the entire dream into some other scenario, I just control the given scenario
-maybe once every few months
-naturally, i keep trying to practice, but it never happens when i try. I never try for many nights in a row though

2007-03-27 20:48:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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