And what credentials does this man have in the subject under discussion? None. I have more, I have a degree in physics.
I ask you, why do all the conspiracy theories only appear on the Internet? Could it be because they are unactionable there? Why, if there is so much 'evidence' do none of the 'experts' publish their findings in reputable professional journals and allow those who have expertise in the field to comment on their 'findings'? Could it be that an economist has no knowledge on structural engineering or aeronautical engineering?
No one has 'debunked' the Popular Mechanics article other than to say it is not true. That of course means the experts who wrote that piece are wrong, by your standards. Someone who knows nothing about engineering says an engineer is wrong so of course the engineer is wrong. Really proves it was a conspiracy!
A few, self-proclaimed experts who actually have no expertise in the fields they are holding forth on are the only evidence the conspiracy theorists can produce. Very convincing, if you have already decide it was a conspiracy but not if you are rational. Until these 'experts' put their 'theories' in a reputable professional journal it will remain no more than the meanderings of unqualified fanatics out to make a point.
Edit. The only 'peer' reviews you produce are in comics specifically written for and by conspiracy theorists. There are many reputable, and I repeat REPUTABLE journals, why not use those? Because the so called research is sloppy, unauthenticated and by people who have absolutely no knowledge in the field they are talking about. I don't care if your expert is an economist, he knows nothing about engineering, less than I do so he is irrelevant. I want to see articles by engineers in engineering journals, not conspiracy comics. The popular machanics was authenticted and based on hard facts and evidence. It as only beeen debunked in the minds of those who don't want it to be right but by no reputable engineers.
Here are a few sites and documents I have researched
Report Ties WTC Collapses to Column Failures
Simulation for the collapse of WTC after aeroplane impact - Lu XZ., Yang N., Jiang JJ. Structure Engineer, 66(sup.). 2003, 18-22
Bazant, Z.P., & Zhou, Y.
"Addendum to 'Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? - Simple Analysis" (pdf)
Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 3, (2002): 369-370.
Brannigan, F.L.
"WTC: Lightweight Steel and High-Rise Buildings"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 4, (2002): 145-150.
Clifton, Charles G.
Elaboration on Aspects of the Postulated Collapse of the World Trade Centre Twin Towers
HERA: Innovation in Metals. 2001. 13 December 2001.
"Construction and Collapse Factors"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002): 106-108.
Corbett, G.P.
"Learning and Applying the Lessons of the WTC Disaster"
Fire Engineering v.155, no. 10, (2002.): 133-135.
"Dissecting the Collapses"
Civil Engineering ASCE v. 72, no. 5, (2002): 36-46.
Eagar, T.W., & Musso, C.
"Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation"
JOM v. 53, no. 12, (2001): 8-12.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Therese McAllister, report editor.
World Trade Center Building Performance Study: Data Collection, Preliminary Observations, and Recommendations
(also available on-line)
Gabrielson, T.B., Poese, M.E., & Atchley, A.A.
"Acoustic and Vibration Background Noise in the Collapsed Structure of the World Trade Center"
The Journal of Acoustical Society of America v. 113, no. 1, (2003): 45-48.
Glover, N.J.
"Collapse Lessons"
Fire Engineering v. 155, no. 10, (2002): 97-103
Marechaux, T.G.
"TMS Hot Topic Symposium Examines WTC Collapse and Building Engineering"
JOM, v. 54, no. 4, (2002): 13-17.
Monahan, B.
"World Trade Center Collapse-Civil Engineering Considerations"
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction v. 7, no. 3, (2002): 134-135.
Newland, D.E., & Cebon, D.
"Could the World Trade Center Have Been Modified to Prevent Its Collapse?"
Journal of Engineering Mechanics v. 128, no. 7, (2002):795-800.
National Instititue of Stamdards and Technology: Congressional and Legislative Affairs
“Learning from 9/11: Understanding the Collapse of the World Trade Center”
Statement of Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr., before Committee of Science House of Representatives, United States Congress on March 6, 2002.
Pinsker, Lisa, M.
"Applying Geology at the World Trade Center Site"
Geotimes v. 46, no. 11, (2001).
The print copy has 3-D images.
Public Broadcasting Station (PBS)
Why the Towers Fell: A Companion Website to the Television Documentary.
NOVA (Science Programming On Air and Online)
Post, N.M.
"No Code Changes Recommended in World Trade Center Report"
ENR v. 248, no. 14, (2002): 14.
Post, N.M.
"Study Absolves Twin Tower Trusses, Fireproofing"
ENR v. 249, no. 19, (2002): 12-14.
The University of Sydney, Department of Civil Engineering
World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects
A resource site.
"WTC Engineers Credit Design in Saving Thousands of Lives"
ENR v. 247, no. 16, (2001): 12.
The Towers Lost and Beyond
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eduardo Kausel, John E. Fernandez, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Liang Xue, Meg Hendry-Brogan, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Oral Buyukozturk, Franz-Josef Ulm, Yossi Sheffi
2007-03-27 15:35:31
answer #9
answered by Elizabeth Howard 6