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I always wonder "what if s/he hadn't done that, would s/he have found the courage or luck or strength to get past what ever was making her/him so sad, and would s/he have been able to live a live that s/he would have considered tolerable and normal?" What you you think? Is talking people out of doing away with themselves enough to get them motivated enough to fix what's broken, or are they better off?

2007-03-27 07:46:43 · 27 answers · asked by Hot Coco Puff 7 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

27 answers

I think the majority of suicides are tragic over-reactions to short-term situations, but this is not always the case. If you draw a distinction between euthanasia and suicide (which many don't) it becomes even more complicated. What about someone with a chronic illness and a lot of pain? Should they always suffer interminably waiting for a cure that never comes? Would their loved ones really want them to, or would they (if they really understood) prefer to let them have peace and remember the good times? What if the pain is mental, as in severe and chronic depression that does not respond to medication or psychotherapy? What then if the pain is just as intense and severe, but transitory. After all depression is a mental disorder, so can a person really be judged for making a bad choice in an impaired state? The best thing is to love and forgive those we lose to suicide...
(religious people - I'm sure your God(s) would do so - after all (s)he's/they're perfect.)
...and try as hard as possible to save those we haven't yet lost, and try to remember (difficult when you're depressed) that where there's life there's hope.
To put it another way - it's possible to talk them out of it if you do - but it's not possible if you don't.
Either way they're doing as well as is possible in the situation.
We all draw from each other, so even if there's no religion, they're not truly gone as long as you remember them - particularly the good times. Sorry - went on a bit there... Very important question.

2007-04-02 14:35:52 · answer #1 · answered by Boris the Oval Banana 3 · 0 0

It's very easy to understand why people suffering a terminal illness commit suicide. We probably all would, given the chane.

Most suicides, I think, come under the old description of 'suicide while the balance of mind was disturbed'. This is very true indeed because, at the time of the suicide, the despair must be such that no hope is foreseen. My own experience is that, whilst when younger, I had a few really black depression, I always somehow managed to believe that tomorrow is another day and things will get better. To have no hope is a truly terrible thing.

2007-03-27 10:41:26 · answer #2 · answered by Beau Brummell 6 · 2 0

Every man and woman on this planet has the right to choose when and how they die. It is their choice whether or not to exercise that right.

When you ask "could they have mended their life" you imply that there was something wrong in the first place. Although this is true in the majority of cases it is not always the way. People who subscribe to absurdist philosophy for example.

You are in fact asking an impossible question. Once someone is dead we will never know how the rest of their life would have turned out.

I would also like to address the people on here who claim someone who commits suicide will 'miss out' on life. Again (in my personal opinion however no living person can know the truth) that is not the case. Once you are dead you are dead. You don't have the ability to feel you have missed out on your life as you don't have the ability to feel anything.

In the vast majority of suicide cases though there is a good chance that person could have gone on to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

2007-03-28 09:23:27 · answer #3 · answered by Luke 2 · 0 0

Long aswer --- bet e x t r e m e l y DEEP QUESTION.
Ab-soul-utely YES. It's mostly a matter of perspective. Once
one hears enuff stories of others who have ' Survived and Fixed ' the most incredible difficulties ' imaginable ' one
cannot help bet BELIEVE that they can do it too .
Isolation of Perspective is the #1 reason people committ suicide anyway . They are only thinking ' of their view ' of
their " SITUATION " when they make the decision. Largely
WHY 99% of the attempts are dissolved by simply :
' Talking to Some One else. ' By conversing with some one else about your ' situation ' usually changes one's perspective thus altering ' that ' as a solution to change.
SUICIDE IS mostly A CRY FOR HELP. Or sometimes , tho rarely , as an ANGRY answer to : I DIN'T GIT WHAT I WANTED SO - I ' LL SHOW YU !!!
A Useless ' Solution to Problem Solving ' because what reward is gained.....? And a thotless decision when one considers ' what it does ' to all those yu leave behind who
' care ' about yu. It " hurts " them far , far worse than any form of SUICIDE helps Yu. It also ENDS any chance of encountering ANYONE who could of /or/ would of HELPED.
It is LIFE ENHANCING 2 Help Others. For ' the Giver ' and
' the Receiver.' More Importantly , tho , is that We are ' in this World ' 2 u n d e r s t a n d our relationship with the
Problem that cannot BE SOLVED once One understands
this basic position We are ALL in. Kno Doubt it is the cause of CHAOS in the Land of the Living bet it is also ' the Key ' to
the Solution of Every Problem as well as WHAT creates the Saint. In this case ,' the Saint ' meaning ANYONE who comes up with Solutions that solve Problems for Thousands
even Millions who dwell on this Whirling Sphere .
SEEK and yu SHALL FIND ............. This is Forever True and
even P R O G R E S S I V E L Y M O R E S O as we cont inue to EXPAND in POPULATION.
SUICIDE ends a n y c h a n c e of some one or some thing helping yu find a solution to your problem.
And , ultimately ,
robs yu of YOUR CHANCE 2 witness HOW PROBLEMS CAN BE SOLVED every time. THE REASON for your very fortunate BIRTH in this World in the 1st Place. YU learned
to WALK ----- did yu kno that : ' Scientifically that is an impossibility ' ??? We do it - each and every one of us -
by sheer WILLPOWER. That is THE SOLUTION to each
and every problem in this World. The MASTER sedd :
" ASK and yu shall Receive ! " " Simply BELIEVE that yu will
Receive and 2 yu it SHALL BE GIVEN." To BELIEVE means to THINK - TO think ENDLESSLY about what it is yu want.
See how these basic life tenets go against ' the grain ' with SUICIDE notions.
CONFIDENCE occurs win yoor Mind is Set.
decide WHAT yu WANT - Focus on it .
A C H I E V E .
Win 2 Give Up ??? N E V E R !!!

2007-03-27 09:10:59 · answer #4 · answered by Nik Tao - Third Eye 4 · 2 0

A wonderful friend of mine committed suicide in 1994. It all seemed so pointless because he was a wonderful man who had built up his business from nothing, had many friends and aloving family. He had backed himself into a corner and couldn't face the music. His punishment in the eyes of the law would not have been too bad(no custodial sentence or anything like that), but he was so concerned about public opinion that he hanged himself. If only he had sought help or spoken to his close friends it wouldn't have happened and would have been forgotten long ago. I look upon it all as a tragic waste of life. He had so much to give.

2007-03-27 08:11:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Committing suicide is the gravest sin in the realm of God. God never forgives those who commit suicide. It is quite contrary to what people think. Most commit suicide with the hope of getting a better life in the next manifestation. But would that ever be? Why?

Suppose I was born at number 43. At 99 one gains enlightenment and at hundred salvation (aka moksha in Hinduism)! Unable to bear torments of the present life... What if I commit suicide? In the system of God everything is governed by the doctrine of karma. As we perform so shall we get... nothing less or more!

By committing suicide if I am awarded minus four by God then, the residual balance of the balance sheet of my life would be 39. Suppose human beings get to born at number 40 then, due to the suicide committed one may revert back to animal kingdom. Does that mean I would manifest the body of an animal instead of a human being in next life... yes, the truth is so!

For the simple reason that at number 39 only the manifest life of an animal is possible. Having born an animal... I need to earn plus one to be born a human being again. What a waste of time in the cosmic sojourn. Whatever happened was absolutely in contradiction to what one desired.

I again repeat... committing suicide and cutting short the journey destined by our soul atman within is just not permitted. Why?

For the only reason that our soul atman within that has manifested the body is the owner of the body. It is our soul atman within that has manifested the body and the vice versa is never possible. To cut short the journey of the soul atman within is a deeply punishable offense in the kingdom of God. The sooner we learn this absolute truth... the better! More on suicide - http://www.vijaykumar.org/articles_on_teen_suicides.html

2007-04-02 08:07:29 · answer #6 · answered by godrealized 6 · 1 1

Perhaps those people simply had a different perspective toward death. They may have viewed it as a beginning, or a continuation of sorts, rather than the end. I tend to think they were actually quite courageous... I would never have the guts... and probably brilliant as well. Courageous and brilliant enough to believe that life will find a way, no matter what. They just took a shortcut that the rest of us weren't willing to take.

2007-03-27 09:19:24 · answer #7 · answered by BooBooKins 5 · 1 1

Suicide is never a good answer.and yes there was a time i entertained that thought myself but i overcame it with help. and overcame the circumstances behind it.So i do understand coming to a place where the pain is so overwhelming that the only answer seems to be escape through death.the thing about suicide is beforhand the person is isolated (alone with his pain) with no options.if something or someone can break through that isolation.and give that person options then yes i think they can be restored to sanity . i was. and have a chance at happiness. i have.
to any one who thinks of suicide I would say .Please dont! It,s so final and cowardly, not to be mean but it,s true. if you hang on things change, always and people out here care. Ive lived for 32 years without my best friend who just went to bed one night and ended her life.(because she was afraid to tell her parents she was pregnant) I never experiance some milestone in life without wondering where she could be now.without feeling sad that she has missed so much,without missing her.without being angry that she said nothing to me.

and had i succeeded at 21 to end my life, i would have missed out on the awesome adventure of living and growing and experiancing love, pain, joy,winning ,losing, overcoming obstacles,and my children! id have missed out on my children.So if your life sucks do something about it. talk to anyone and everyone untill you find someone to listen and help you.
(DORI 1956-1973 ---i miss you)

2007-03-27 08:49:19 · answer #8 · answered by matowakan58 5 · 1 0

Many years ago, I ended up in a comatose state for 3-4 days. That was the result of an overdose. I'm still here.

Later, I joined the Oz (Australian) army. Spent six years attempting suicide by being shot by someone else. I'm still here.

Got extremely depressed and stuck a rifle barrel in my mouth and pulled the trigger. See the previous paragraph. Over-trained in weapon safety, it wasn't loaded. Embarassed, I'm still here.

So. My point is, that had I been successful, I wouldn't be talking to you and I wouldn't have a wonderful daughter who is about to graduate with her second degree. We're still here.

'Course, I'm on a fairly large dose of anti-depressent meds. And, I'm still here.


2007-03-27 08:07:50 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

My dad tried to kill himself when my mum left him when I was small. He didnt manage it because my uncle found and stopped him. I was very lucky because this was when I was about 7 years old so I would never have known him. I only found out about 5 years ago when I found his note. My mum still doesnt know I know and neither of my sisters know and I'm going to keep it like that. When I read it I saw just how desparately unhappy he was and it broke my heart. However now he's been with my step mum for around 14 years so he's happy now. everytime he gets down I worry about him but I know he wouldnt try it again simply because I think he knows how much he would have missed if he'd have suceeded last time.

2007-03-27 07:57:14 · answer #10 · answered by Tilly 5 · 3 0

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