How to prevent a husband from doing all these?
The method we 've tried is by talking which is useless.
These bad habits lie greatly in Indian villages,lesser in cities.They are great health hazards which should be prevented. While wife+son will be planning,crying,worrying,being in trouble&in urgent need of money;the husband will enjoy himself nicely at the bar,leaking out personal information&wasting money.He will pay heed to our words for some days&then start the old bad habbits.
The result:= Diverse by wife,wife becoming the saddest person.Husband:no memory,no sense,no peace of mind& at last death.
The idea of keeping smart camera with transmitter will work out I think.
Please sUGGest a way.This the greatest blocking stone of India.
Bad friendship should not be allowed to continue. :=}
10 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
It is problem of addiction and the withdrawal symptoms, arising out of the depletion of the toxin level in the blood of the person. No doubt, psychological support will go a long way in the person coming out of the clutches of the addiction. Acupuncture is said to have a cure for de-addicting a person.
2007-03-27 23:21:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The person with the bad habit is the only one that can stop it. They can only do this by making up their mind to quit. Encouragement can help, but constant badgering will not. Let the person know what the consequences are even if they include divorce. Many that are addicted to these drugs, even though legal, need to go through the bottoming out process, in order to climb up. Good luck as all the habits you mentioned are extremely difficult to stop.
2016-03-17 03:16:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think the best you can do in that situation is to teach children the common outcomes of this type of behavior. In the meantime, the best thing the woman can do for herself and the children is to leave. Tough love. There are shelters in America for these people, maybe in India too. These shelters can take care of women and their children (if any) until they get a place and a job, providing food and clothes and shelter. Unfortunately, the husband will not listen until he hits rock bottom and then it might be too late. If anything, you can do an intervention and the family can gather and convince him to go to rehap. good luck
2007-04-03 07:28:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Reiki healing given by a Reiki healer to the person needing it , asking a Reiki healer to do it for him/her and paying for the services rendered, will definitely help in eliminating such addictions. Try with any Reiki channel.
2007-03-27 19:13:17
answer #4
answered by sudershan Guddy 4
Dear friend
When you say that those are bad habits then you appear to know it by heart that they are detrimental to health of the husband whom, I hope, the wife love the most and she can not sacrifice her love at any cost. Try to make him understand this and don't nag him for his bad habits. I am sure he does not believe them as bad as you or his wife think. May be he knows but does not believe. Convey to him that his wife can sacrifice anything on this earth except her love for him. I hope you will succeed. But stop nagging him right now, and ask his wife also to do so. Believe me that I had all those bad habits; being a doctor myself I knew them well as bad for health but did not give up so long my wife continued to insist on me to give up. After she was fade up I tried to excel over her and gave her a surprise by giving up those habits. I wish the same thing be repeated in their life; show him this answer; I hope he will get courage to get rid of his bad habits; man can do anything he wishes sincerely; I hope he loves himself first and then his wife, so have confidence in both of them to succeed and to build confidence love is the best medicine.
Be happy
2007-03-31 23:50:49
answer #5
answered by d kundu 3
I think the best approach is CHOOSING if that's an option in your culture. (Even some cultures with arranged marriages give one choice to say no.)
If your husband is chosen for you, then I don't know how you manage him. (Even in pure love marriages, women usually lose the changing their husband game.)
2007-03-27 14:27:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
smoking-patch or the gum
tobacco-coucelling and if you dont yo will get cancer
2007-03-27 13:49:39
answer #7
answered by Cutie 4
i think they can prevent it by another family memeber keeps telling them to quit and the dieseses and makes i hope i get chosen as best answer
:) hope i helped
2007-04-04 03:26:32
answer #8
answered by ThatDude 2
Migrate to IRAQ.
2007-03-31 00:15:33
answer #9
answered by kzpc 2
2007-04-01 21:34:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous