I hate to hear this. I would get the law involved somehow. Speak with someone about what to do about this. She sounds like a very vindictive and sneaky person. When people say it is your husbands problem, they are missing the point of marriage and standing by each other in ALL situations. His problems are your problems and vice versa, so you have all the right in the world to stand up against this person trying to reak havoc in your families life. She is a threat to what you and your husband are trying to build. Somehow, with some good guidance and help, maybe this problem can be resolved before it causes any more damage.
2007-03-27 07:27:15
answer #1
answered by Goober W 4
Can you arrange to find another town to live?
As soon as you can, change your life, your rules, your routine. This woman can end as film movies and make your life a living hell.
Go elsewhere, leave town, leave country. If it is all difficult, then find another change.
You can never go to 'woman to woman' with a woman that was an X to your husband. Emotions are there, and she'll use you or your husband with it all, especially that she's pregnant, even worst emotions. do you feel sorry for her present husband? talk to him then, may be he'll put her straight on the ground with rules and regulations!
2007-03-27 07:22:21
answer #2
answered by Spark S 5
I think you should let your husband deal with her instead of you. It is wrong of her to use her son as an 'instigator' and it is wrong of her abusing his son telling him bad things about you and his father. She is doing all she can to find fault in you and him and is using her son as a weapon, which is totally wrong.
I think your husband should get himself a good lawyer and he should also keep a record of the things she is doing with dates etc... so in case she takes him to court again, he can use that against her.
There is nothing else you can do if she is not being cooperative. What is sad though, is that the son is the one getting hurt with all this. If your husband can show proof that she is an unfit mother, that's if she is, he can take full custody of his son. Something he may want to think about for the sake of his son and his safety.
2007-03-27 07:29:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
thats the bad part of marring a man with a family
all that baggage is there.
She may be telling your son awful things but I worry more about your son learning for himself who is wrong.... they watch you they will know who is full of crap and who is not and you may want to concider MOVING AWAY........... and when court cases come up if not founded Id push that she pay court cost, then get a cort order for ehr to not call write or come by.
even if you have kids some times this moving far apart is a must
2007-03-27 07:21:02
answer #4
answered by Peggy C 4
I feel so sad for you, as being the step parent is such a difficult role, one that usually gets the least praise from people, as people don't like to see other people close to their children. You have done your best already, comfort your husband, be nice to his child. A bitter, mean old b i t c h, can't change her ways, but the child will no longer be little one day, and you have a family with your husband and his child enjoy the happy moments, and ignore her rants and raves, she is only proving what she is all about, the child will see for himself when he gets older. Hugs and good luck, don't let it get you down.
2007-03-27 07:40:42
answer #5
answered by Maria A. 3
She is your hubbys problem, you should have no dealings with her at all. He should go to family court and tell them what she does. As far as her watching and following you from work, she is not breaking the law. But how sad for her to not have a life except to make yours miserable. She will be divorced again because she is not taking care of her marriage since she is so busy with you.
2007-03-27 07:50:36
answer #6
answered by kitkat 7
SAD very very sad...I see why your husband divorced her....she is an immature woman......stay out of it completely...do not look at her..talk to her..go to her house...don't let her see you with their son....do everything you can so she is not in your life...if she is on the caller ID ? Don't answer it..don't call her...she has to be in upir husbands and their sons lives until the boy is about 18 years old, sorry to say....she is still inlove with your husband and she is very very very jealous of you.....let her say what she wants to their son...it is SICK..but don't add to it..in the future the boy will NOT like his mother very much for doing that....if he asks you anything BE HONEST...and tell him you love him.....he'll believe the good people in his life...the positive people...he will want to stay away from negative people than things........MAYBE she will grow up someday but I doupt it......
2007-03-27 07:31:31
answer #7
answered by angeleyez1956@verizon.net 4
Honestly honey...This is not your battle.This is your husbands ex wife and his problem to deal with it.You need to stay out of it at all costs.His ex wife is obviously very immature and even though she is remarried she is obviously miserable.Be the bigger woman and ignore her you now have the life she wishes that she still had..Good Luck & Best Wishes.
2007-03-27 07:55:51
answer #8
answered by Maureen B 5
Ignore her!! Never say bad things about her to her son - in fact, do just the opposite. Kill her with kindness!! People like that love to make others miserable. Don't give her what she wants. Your step-son will begin to realize what she is all about as he gets older. People like that can't be reasoned with. Just avoid any conversations with her as much as possible and love your husband and his son as much as you possibly can. It will all even out in the end - trust me!!!
2007-03-27 07:22:01
answer #9
answered by Kailey 5
unfortunately there isn't much you CAN do with kids involved. If she didn't have a son by your husband you could get a restraining order but she has a right to her child and her child a right to his daddy.
Sorry - it's just what it is unforunately..
2007-03-27 07:21:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous