First your statement about Conservatives hate Americans shows your absolute ignorance. How can you lump everyone into a single class unless you are a communist. HOw can you be so intolerant and hateful. I am sure your parents would be dismayed that their little girl grew up to spew partisan crap on the internet. Shame on you.
I am not one, I want my money to stay here, in fact I would prefer if Congress just took off for about 10 years and not spend a dime.
The real problem in America is stupidity, special interest and/or laziness of the voter. How does a person who takes bribes on video, laughs about the ineptness of the FBI and puts $100K in a freezer get elected 8 times? And then the Senate leaders yell and scream about separation of powers. Yes they are right, it is about their power and even if it is against the law, you will not thwart their power.
You have career politicians running the government, not citizen legislators. Many accuse the career corporate CEO of only working for themselves, not the stockholders. Career politicians are NO different and they seem to think they are above the law and expect preferential treatment. If the only issue to remaining in power is to obtain cash, buy some votes with special interests and have the media spotlight, then the incumbent has it easy, all at your expense.
In the Senate there are:
44 Dems averaging 20.8 years in Congress
55 Reps averaging 16.1 years in Congress
these numbers begin to make it look like career politicians are in control, who have lost touch with you the citizen and are more entrenched in their own careers.
For the Senate, if you were to use two terms or 12 years in Congress as a term limit
25 Dems would need to leave and 25 Reps would need to leave.
Those Dems are averaging 27.1 years in Congress
Those Reps averaging 24.0 years.
80% of Dems in the Senate have been there more than 12 years
58% of Repubs have.
46% of Dems in the House have been there more than 12 years
32% of Repubs have.
Ben Franklin said of congress, "They are of the People, and return again to mix with the People, having no more durable preeminence than the different Grains of Sand in an Hourglass. Such an Assembly cannot easily become dangerous to Liberty. They are the Servants of the People, sent together to do the People's Business, and promote the public Welfare; their Powers must be sufficient, or their Duties cannot be performed. They have no profitable Appointments, but a mere Payment of daily Wages, such as are scarcely equivalent to their Expences; so that, having no Chance for great Places, and enormous Salaries or Pensions, as in some Countries, there is no triguing or bribing for Elections"
If you like the current political system continue voting along partisan lines. If however you are tired of the corrupt ways of elections and would like to see Franklins words be true again, vote for change.
Our country is being run by career politicians who for the most part appear to have lost touch with what you want, and are focused on what they want.
You can change this NOW.
1. Quit your partisan sniping, it is childish and only serves to remove the focus from the real problem in America.
2. Enlist your friends and family in the fight and ask them, if they agree about Congress to do the same.
3. Vote against the person who has 12 or more combined years in Congress
4. This will require in many instances you having to vote for someone outside of your normal party, but you are a patriot and you can do what is right.
Show congress in this next election that we the people are running things in this country, not career politicians. And we are going to do what is right.
I will end now with a favorite quote of mine.
“If a legislator is "safe" from competition, or if he represents groups with the same economic and political beliefs, he does not have to change his ideas or respond to the needs of the broader population. He can rest content with a mediocre, absentee performance knowing he will be returned to office. And as he is returned year after year the seniority system gives him immense control over people from other parts of the country whose views he need not heed at all.” -Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Decisions for a Decade
2007-03-27 10:33:45
answer #1
answered by rmagedon 6
Can I just point something out here?
"Third World" countries are not in a situation of their own making
primarily, although government control has had a lot to do with it. They are subject to intense globalisation from MEDC countries that are forever wishing to expand their borders and increase their profit margins. Many LEDC/Third World countries are subject to high inflation rates, as well as natural disasters which keep their economy down.
I'm British, so I suppose you want to pin a "liberal" badge on me, but oddly enough I couldn't care. What matters is helping your fellow man and those less fortunate than you. Its called being selfless. And heres another point, stop generalising and get off your behind and do something about it if you feel that strongly about it.
Terrorist harbouring countries? - examples please? Be more specific before lecturing at us. And maybe they do it to appease for the mistakes that they've made.
2007-03-27 13:42:03
answer #2
answered by afterbirth07 4
My first question is....HOW CAN YOU BE POOR IN THIS
COUNTRY? This country has opportunities up the @ss.
You can be anything in this country. So why should I
waste my tax money on abunch of poor lazy @sses who
dont want to help themselves, Especially in this great
country? Another thing Im a conservative and I dont hate
anybody that doesnt have the same views as me. I have
family members that are liberal we get along great. If you
are sooooo concerned about the lazy poor here in America
then why dont you do something about it. Thank you and
have a great day.
2007-03-27 13:43:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Wow...are you ever ignorant of the topic.
Lets recall...
Clinton blew billions and sent 7500 Soldiers to their deaths in Bosnia, Samolia, Haiti, Angolia, Cuba, Rwanda, Persian Gulf, Ecuador, Peru, Former Yugoslavia, Central Africa, Iraq, Kuwait, Albania, Kosovo, Sudan, Turkey, Venezuela, and Mozambique. There is probably more.
Hell, all we have been in is Afghanistan and Iraq. Fact is, Clinton reduced our Military numbers by more than ONE MILLION and then deployed more troops in the remaining six years than in all conflicts combined from 1941 to 1995.
Your should really research, educate yourself or something. You make yourself look rediculous.
2007-03-27 13:53:47
answer #4
answered by Q-burt 5
Conservatives don't hate America, they just aren't as greedy as Liberals when it comes to money. Yeah, we would rather our money be going towards something other than war. But what do you suggest we do right now? Any ideas? Oh that's right, this is where you try to cut down another party with no reason or logic. You must be so proud of yourself.
2007-03-27 13:37:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm not a conservative at all but your question implies all conservatives hate America and I know better. As a liberal, I don't like it when cons generalize about me. Sure, some conservative behavior seems hateful to us liberals, but I'm sure liberals come across hateful too. There's just too much generalization on this forum already. It interferes with our credibility.
2007-03-27 13:39:51
answer #6
answered by katydid 7
I'll bite. 1) No we don't. 2)No we wouldn't.
But the poor in Iraq are poor partly due to our invasion. And if we leave them high and dry, how do we improve our image in the world?
And you aren't going to like this one, but the poor in this country have ample help and opportunities. So stop whining and go pursue your happiness.
I'm not sure who is funnier: Kimmie or Homegrown, following Kimmie around and not bothering to answer any questions.
2007-03-27 13:45:07
answer #7
answered by Shrink 5
For the third time, your thoughts on Darfur. Should the US send in troops to stabilize the region to protect aide workers and end the genocide?
(Conservatives don't want to end welfare, they want to reform it to technical training and education. In other words you must work to get your aid IF you are able bodied.)
Your cries are so off the truth though. I used to volunteer in two different shelters, one for the house-less, the other for battered women. All of the PAYED staff considered themselves Liberal while all the UNPAID volunteers were Conservative (mostly from church groups).
2007-03-27 13:42:10
answer #8
answered by mymadsky 6
My dad is a conserveitive so I know this stuff. He works with an infered company called DRS they sell stuff to the army. the more war there is the more money coming to our family. My dad doesnt like war but he does like not being poor. Also, policing poor countries cost tax money, deal with it.
2007-03-27 13:37:46
answer #9
answered by steven h 2
You are a completely uneducated libtard. It is your bleeding heart Libs and Democrats that want to save the 3rd world with my hard earned income. Just look at the nitwit cause the Hollyweirds support. Alex Baldwin and Dafur.....The way I look at Dafur....muslims killing muslims is a good thing for American...we need to stay out of that.
2007-03-27 13:37:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous