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It's just one procedure done on baby boys that they've been doing for many, many years. Billions and billions of men have been circumcised and are perfectly fine, all over the world. Yeah maybe it's painful at the time, but it lasts 10 minutes and then it's over and they have a life-long of benefits and self-confidence. It's a medical procedure, not mulilation. Thoughts on this controversial topic?

2007-03-27 05:14:36 · 15 answers · asked by Timothy 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

Mystic, that's soo not the same thing. Ears have no purpose? You use then to hear, without them you can't hear! I'd say the function of the ears is way more important than cutting off the foreskin which decreases SOME pleasure, not even all, for health benefits.

2007-03-27 05:31:57 · update #1

15 answers

Thats a great question! Because I don't understand it either. It seems a lot of people out there don't have a clue that most hospitals and doctors these days use proper anesthic on babies, it's even recommended to be used by the AAP! My son was numbed and had no pain. Or even showed any signs of pain. Everybody thinks it's so traumatic,painful, or even go as far as saying it's barbaric but none of the words above were in the room for my son's procedure.

I think it all comes down to people just make it a bigger issue then it needs to be. Every guy that I have ever known or been with that has been circumcised has had no problems with it and no sexual problems. I hear of more men that are not circumcised getting it done at a older age. It's fine that people are against it for whatever reason's but don't be radical about it! Because I don't care if people do it or don't so why critize me? It's my son, let me deal with it. I did do research about it before I made the decision too. People act like I don't know all the pro's or con's or that it's not a necessary prodecure, well I do know and I still got it done and I don't feel the need to defend myself about it. I really don't get how people can compare it to female circumcision because it's not even allowed in the US so female circumcision is unheard of in my opinion, so theres nothing to compare it to.....Yeah sure it's done in other countries but I'm kinda on the fence about comparng the two.....Just doesn't seem right to try and compare it to that.

That's what parent's do when it comes to children, why doesn't this issue and all the other issues arise when are children are adults? Because there is nothing wrong with them! People really need to get over this issue because life is too short to be making a issue like this controversial! It's so stupid to me......Be against it that's fine and don't circumcise your boys but don't voice your negativity on others for doing it...It's ridiculous.......People could give me all the resources in the world and I could care less because I have peace of mind about it and that's all that matters to me.....I know I will be telling my son legitamate reason's if he ever asks, I really think that some parent's reasoning is very poor and for the wrong reason's........Or is it just because people ASSUME that we do it because "every one else does" Blah blah blah. More then likely yeah they do....

Parent's peirce their infants ears without their permission and that's considered ok.....Parents do a lot of things without their children's permission, why? Because we are the parents!

EDIT** Hypermama I do not believe in attacking people......I agree to disagree. That's a perfect example of ASSUMING.

Well said curious dude! That's why I only worry about MY kids......

2007-03-27 06:21:44 · answer #1 · answered by KDB 3 · 3 6

Billions and billions more have gotten along perfectly fine without being mutilated.

"Circumcision" does meet the definition of mutilation!

It alters the appearance and limits function! Removing more than 70% of the nerve endings of the penis cannot have a good result!

Would female circumcision be acceptable if it "only" removed 70% of the girls sensitivity?

Take it from a grown man that knows, sooner or later circumcision will adversely affect your enjoyment of sex! I thought I was "ok" with "circumcision" when I was a 20 to 30 year old child too, then I grew up. I learned that I had been mutilated.

I am "restoring" my foreskin (non-surgically) to regain sexual pleasure. Many thousands of other men are doing it too.

We don't "get in any body's pants" with a knife like a cut happy doctor does.

The African experience is only important if you are:1. very promiscuous like they are; 2. too damn stupid to use a condom. I would rather keep my body whole and be just careful how I use it.

That "flap of skin" has 40,000 nerve endings, the prepuce has more sensitivity to touch than all ten finger tips put together, a study published in the British Journal of Urology proves that circumcision removes almost all of the sensation from the penis!

2007-03-28 03:15:08 · answer #2 · answered by cut50yearsago 6 · 1 4

Holy Cow! Take a look at the essays that people have written here. 9 out of 10 of these people are desperately trying to sway public opinion that they sense does not agree with them.

I was circumcised at birth and have no scars or trouble whatsoever. The skin flap on a newborn is so small that is is dramatically easier when they are that age. Most of the (American) women that I have known prefer circumcised men. But if an uncut guy is already grown, then it is probably best to leave well enough alone. The skin flap has very few nerves - it's a flap of SKIN for God's sake. Take a look at the one topic answers provided by these fanatics. That is the best way to spot a red flag. Obsessed much?

As far as medical research goes - some of the other "agenda" responders have their facts wrong. The NIH concluded a study 2 months ago in Africa researching the impact of circumcision on HIV. You all should read the story yourselves. One direct quote is:

"The trials, in Kenya and Uganda, were stopped early by the National Institutes of Health, which was paying for them, because it was apparent that circumcision reduced a man’s risk of contracting AIDS from heterosexual sex by about half. It would have been unethical to continue without offering circumcision to all 8,000 men in the trials, federal health officials said."

Who the hell do these responders think they are? They should mind their own business and get their heads out of other people's pants. And in case you haven't noticed (and apparently some have not) circumcised men were circumcised because their PARENTS wanted them that way. You don't like it? Sue your parents. And then get some therapy.

Cut50yearsago, you are just plain wrong about losing almost all sensation. How do I know? Because I have one! I really feel sorry for you because it sounds like you either had the world's worst circumcision, or you are using it as an excuse for poor sexual enjoyment. I have never in all my years come across someone a disturbed and obsessed as you (check out his other answers folks). By the way, I wasn't joking about the therapy.

2007-03-27 20:20:48 · answer #3 · answered by CuriousDude 2 · 4 4

The medical "benefits" are tiny.

The AAP actually recommends AGAINST circumcision being done as a routine procedure.

"Existing scientific evidence demonstrates potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; HOWEVER, these data are NOT sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision."

The foreskin is there FOR A REASON.

It's a medical procedure when there is a medical indication that it is needed. Otherwise, it is purely a cosmetic procedure.....same as a boob job or a face lift.

Are you saying uncircumcised boys and men don't have self confidence? I beg to differ. My uncut 8 year old is pretty darn confident.

Do you know WHY circumcision became routine in the USA? To prevent masturbation!!!!! Didn't work, did it?

2007-03-27 12:23:50 · answer #4 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 8 3

hummm lets see....because your hacking a functional piece of your child off...AAP no longer recommends routine circ due to the fact it has no benefits the wives tales about lowering risk of cancer and stds have been proved wrong, and puts it a child at risk of infections and other complications...

its only cleaner if you don't wash your child..and even then i don't think it much cleaner

female circ is done in many countries and billions of women are "perfectly fine" does that make it right..?

why do parents have the right to do this to their children?..why should you be the one who decides weather or not to chop a part of your sons penis off...shouldn't that be up to him? it is his after all..

our society is so strange...i hear it all the time "i don't want to have to clean it, or have to ask my son weather or not he's cleaned it" but without blinking an eye you'll let a Dr. cut it off...wow

its there for a reason and just because you choose to believe he dosen't need it dosen't give you the right to do away with it

Chinese bound women's feet
African tribes enlarge their bottom lips and ear lobes...lengthen their necks
Hawaiians tattoo their bodies
we lob the foreskin off out newborns

2007-03-27 14:35:19 · answer #5 · answered by adriannemae 3 · 5 2

because most people now days especially the american's need something to complain about 24/7. and most men now days are bred to be sooks. circumcised is a hell of alot better. i've been cut as an adult and sex is alot better. it is cleaner. and does look better. i know i havent noticed any lose in sensitivity. and i'm the first circumcised guy my g/f has been with. and, well, she'd never go back to uncut. gross, ugly ect ect

2007-03-30 04:38:22 · answer #6 · answered by Matt 3 · 1 1

Well, let's not forget that IT HURTS LIKE HELL!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm an Orthodox Jew, and I wouldn't go any other way, but taking a scapel to that reason is not only painful to undergo, its painful to watch, and its painful to even think of! The mere idea of sanctioning that kind of an act on your child might be tantamount to abuse in the eyes of the irrational. I attended my cousin's ritual circumcision, and it was enough to make me want to kill the surgeon the way that baby was crying...

Hope that helps.

2007-03-27 12:26:45 · answer #7 · answered by gallo 3 · 5 1

Ok well my religion says that you have to remove the ears at birth. Afterall it's just a bit of skin and they don't do anything so do you have a problem with that?

Of course the foreskin does do some very important things, but clearly that isn't important either.

2007-03-27 12:23:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Because it is COSMETIC SURGERY performed with inadequate or no anesthetic on an unconsenting newborn. it also allows bacteria to get into the meatus and can cause lifelong complications. And, oh yeah its ABUSE of a child's GENITALS.

Circumcision is NOT a "parenting choice" otherwise it woukd also be perfectly acceptable to surgically sculpt our newborn daughter's labia to "look like mommy" or prevent utis, or because someone had a bad experience with our intact genitals.

If someone strapped you, spread-eagled, against your will , to a board naked...it would be abuse

If someone forcibly peeled back parts of your sex organs that were fused together .... it would be abuse

If somone forced a blunt object INTO your genitals (the glans is an internal organ)... it would be abuse

If someone cut, crushed or tied off up to 50% your genital skin that was packed with nerves and blood vessals... it would be abuse

If someone only gave you a pacifier dipped in sugar and maybe some tylenol for the aforementioned pain... it would be abuse

If someone slipped you a roofie before they did this would it make it okay because you "wouldn't remember it anyway?"

Would it be okay with you because "everybody had it done?"

If it "really didn't hurt" anyway, would you ever miss this VERY sensitive part of you genitals?

These are legitimate questions, as this is what happens to a defensless newborn every 28 minutes in the U.S.A. Over 80% of the rest of the world is intact.

WELL KDB, did you know that it was legal to circumcise women in this country until very recently? Why did it end? Because enough people were outraged! Removing the hood of the clitoris and the labia minora is very akin to what takes place in a male circumcision. You have cost your son the most sensitive part of his genitals because you do not know the purpose of the foreskin and were misled into believeing the "cure of the day" that the pedal to harvest foreskins for cosmetic corporations etc...

Did you know that circumcision was touted as a cure for masturbation? Then Epilepsy and retardation and UTIs and cervical cancer and aids. It can prevent None of these! But Americans keep trying to find ways for mutilating their babie's penises.

Why do American women think scarred, penises and tight hair-on-the-shaft erections are attractive? Why do they then permanently inflict their sexual preferences of their newborns?

As for all those mysterious circumcisions later in life. Did you ever stop to think its because noone in this country has an idea of how a foreskin actually works or what its for. They rarely teach that in US medical schools, so when confronted with a whole INTACT penis a doctor's first thoughts are often "cut it off!" What if they thought this way about women's genitals? I'd be SOL because I had chronic UTIs as a child. Good thing they didn't remove my foreskin in the misguided name of medicine.

Ponder this as well people. The United States has the HIGHEST circumcision rates of any industrialized nation. We also have THE HIGHEST AIDS RATES!!!! Why didn't this miracle cure work for the U.S.?

2007-03-27 12:48:13 · answer #9 · answered by Terrible Threes 6 · 8 7

People will worry about any surgery that is an 'elective surgery'. That's just how it works. And there are SOME risks associated, so that's where the worries come from.

2007-03-27 12:19:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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