Its human to hate even Jesus hated the money changers didn't he . Just don't let it take over your life.
2007-03-27 05:16:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, its not. I have been faced with similar circumstances before, and the best solution is to let them go from your life and never look back. The hate and the revenge won't end with whatever evil little thing you have in mind, it only escalates once more until it gets out of control. Take care.
2007-03-27 12:13:10
answer #2
answered by Paul 2
Yes its OK to hate ...hate is a healthy human emotion. It's when you can't let it go and it becomes an obsession to get revenge ....that's when you have to worry. Put the person you hate in your past and let it go, live your life and don't look back. Dwell on what is and is going to become, not what was.
2007-03-27 12:17:29
answer #3
answered by pamomof4 5
Hate is OK, but hate for a long time is really bad
you have to let it go at some point, but you can alway dislike the person, everyone is not a good human
2007-03-27 12:14:50
answer #4
answered by bkbarile 5
Revenge isn't the way to go. It doesn't solve the problem, if anything, it makes it worse. I have a better idea. Take the high road and prove that you are a better person than the one that hurt. By doing this, you get to keep your dignity.
2007-03-27 12:17:36
answer #5
answered by WhyNotMe 6
Hate is a wasted emotion. The person you are hating obviously doesn't care so you are expending all of that energy for nothing. Dont let people take up space in your head all the while you are plotting vengance you let life pass you by.
2007-03-27 12:37:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
"Holding on to anger is like taking poison and expecting it to kill your enemy." Unknown.
It's a good quote and it really is true. Hate and anger are negative emotions and they do more damage to the person who feels them than to anyone else.
I try to find ways to let the anger/hate go. Let it slip away and leave it. The best revenge is living well and being happy yourself.
2007-03-27 12:14:53
answer #7
answered by Critter 6
Anger is OK. I reserve hatred for people like Hitler. My list is very short and those people are dead anyways.
Just realize that it's best to just let the jerks go. Hate eats you up and turns you into a bad person. Like Darth Vader. It consumes you and drives you to do terrible things. Now you are just as bad a person as the person who wronged you.
2007-03-27 12:14:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Christ continued to love even those who nailed Him to the Cross. If you are a Christian, it is never right to hate for any reason. Hate is a waste of time anyway.
2007-03-27 12:14:17
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This is something I sometimes struggle with as well.
It's a hard battle, but not one than can't be overcome. Just keep your faith in the Lord.. and trust that He can and will bring you out of it.
2007-03-27 14:31:44
answer #10
answered by arkiegirl 4