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Our daughter is 10 months old, and both my mother & my wife's mother say she's gone way too long. Even our Family Dr. thinks she should stop. We have a healthy, thriving little girl who is eating a variety of foods, but still enjoys getting breast milk. My wife also enjoys it, and even wants to try to continue night & morning feedings when she returns to work next month. I'm fully in support of what ever decision she makes, but people are starting to make us feel weird about this. Are we?

2007-03-27 04:34:42 · 35 answers · asked by isecondthat 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

35 answers

Wow... while you may be getting a variety of answers about when your child "should" be weaned, it's pretty clear that most people think your wife should continue to breastfeed. If my doctor had recommended weaning at 10 months, I would have reported her to the AMA before she'd even finished the sentence.

Someone else already quoted the AAP recommendation, so I won't re-paste it here. It is very clear in the AAP guidelines recommend nursing to at LEAST the first birthday and........... here's the part that a lot of people forget....... "for as long as mutually desired by mother and child." I'd say it's pretty clear that your wife and daughter wish to continue. The AAP isn't the only health organization that recommends breastfeeding that long. The AAP is actually pretty liberal in their breastfeeding recommendation -- the World Health Organization, Health Canada, and UNICEF (among others) all recommend for at least TWO years and beyond.

Babies are supposed to get at least 75% of their nutrition from breastmilk or formula for the first year. If you wean before the first birthday, you will have to switch to formula. Formula falls way short of breastmilk -- it does not provide any antibodies and it does not change daily to meet your child's specific needs the way breastmilk does. It tends to cause constipation, not to mention all the other illnesses your daughter would be prone to if she switched to formula (short AND long-term). If your daughter has never had a bottle, she's not likely to tolerate one now. You'd have to spend a month trying to get her to take a bottle before having to spend the next month trying to wean her off the bottle, since babies are supposed to stop using them around their first birthday. I can't possibly imagine the benefit of switching to formula for two months.

During the second year, they need cow's milk or breastmilk to provide adequate fat for their rapid brain growth. Cow's milk is just another breastmilk substitute like formula. Breastmilk has a higher fat concentration than cow milk, and that fat is crucial to brain development. Cow milk is formulated for baby cows, who need to grow strong bones very quickly so that they can run from predators. Human milk is made for growing healthy brains for smart humans! What do YOU think is best for your child?? Breastfeeding beyond the first year is NOT just for comfort. Breastmilk continues to provide more than just fat for brain growth, it also continues to provide antibodies to keep your toddler healthy in the short AND the long run. Even the mother gets to reap the benefits of extended breastfeeding with lower rates of breast, uterine, and cervical cancers, as well as lower rates of osteoporosis (the list goes on).

We STILL don't know everything there is to know about breastmilk, but the more we learn, the more we discover that babies were meant to be breastfed for at least the first two years. Your mother and your wife's mother are telling you the information that they were taught when they were new mothers. It was very common back then to look down on breastfeeding, before we realized the benefits to both mother and child. If I were you, I'd kindly tell them thanks for the advice, but we're choosing to parent based on more modern medical advice. Then change doctors, because your pediatrician is clearly out of the loop when it comes to breastfeeding.

Good for your wife!! I wish her the best of luck and congratulate her for breastfeeding through a sea of controversy, where everyone around her is questioning her judgment rather than supporting her for giving her child the healthiest start in life.

2007-03-27 08:24:43 · answer #1 · answered by calliope_13731 5 · 3 0

At first I didn't take this question seriously!! I am still a little stunned by it - !

I don't know a pediatric doctor in the world that doesn't recommend breast feeding...and for the first year of life AT LEAST!

Tell your mom's to mind their p's and q's and quit butting in. Your wife has made this wonderful decision to do what is best for baby and she should be commended, not frowned upon. Eating just a variety of foods will NOT give baby the same nutrients that breast milk can. When they start eating food alone - they miss out on some important vitamins.

I say to your wife - KEEP IT UP! Do your 'thang' as long as you and baby are comfortable with it. I nursed for 12 months and 18 months and sometimes regret not going longer.

Support your wife's decision too!!!!! She sounds like she could use all the backing she can get.

2007-03-27 04:50:25 · answer #2 · answered by momto3 4 · 5 0

I think the baby will decide when it's time to stop. Some babies don't want breast milk after a few months, and some after a year or more. Some women (especially in very poor areas) breast feed their children until they are 2-3 years old. I think if your daughter eats regular food with her breast feedings, then it's okay.

2007-03-28 07:24:59 · answer #3 · answered by Mari76 6 · 0 0

Most Dr's will tell you to breast feed for at least the first year! It is most for sure not to long! If she is enjoying it and your daughter wants to then they should continue and everyone else should butt out! And you might want a pediatrician in stead of a family Dr. I have never heard of a Dr telling a mom to stop breastfeeding unless there is some thing wrong..like the baby is not getting enough or the mom is really sick.
Good Luck and God Bless

2007-03-27 04:54:02 · answer #4 · answered by knight_janette 3 · 2 0

I think you are both doing great, I say breast feed as long as possible. People in other countries do if for much longer than the one year mark and it's not looked upon as being weird. I think it's too bad that we, as Americans, think there should be a time limit as to how old a baby should be when she shouldn't be breastfed anymore. It is a personal decision and you should do what feels most comfortable and don't worry about what other people think!

2007-03-27 04:59:33 · answer #5 · answered by cmbwgol 1 · 1 0

No Whoever says that is wrong. My mom's friend breast fed until her son was 2 1/2 years old. but if u hit 3 that is way too long to be breastfeeding. Besides Breastfeeding is the bonding time between mother and child. So don't worry about it. Everything is ok.

2007-03-27 11:11:32 · answer #6 · answered by Thick-N-Cute 2 · 0 0

Absolutely keep going! The breastmilk is so good for the baby/ toddler, and if you wean her now you'll have to do formula until she is 12 months and can start cow's milk. If your wife and your baby are enjoying and benefit from the breastfeeding, why stop? My 1st son nursed until 18 months when he lost interest. My 2nd son is 13 months and although he drinks organic cow's milk, he still nurses morning and before bed. I plan on letting him nurse until he gives it up, or I'll wean him by age 2. But that's just my plan - your wife can nurse as long as she wants! My friend did until her son was almost 3 and she was pregnant with #2. So don't listen to mom's or mother-in-laws or anyone else. (My mom thinks it's "gross" so I'm glad I didn't listen to her!)

Good luck :-)

2007-03-27 05:26:20 · answer #7 · answered by Dawn T 1 · 3 0

Not at all!

I am nursing my almost 15 month old, he still gets alot of nutrtion from milk, and most of all, comfort.

It is the best tool for bumped heads and hurt feelings. Also calms tantrums really well!

The only reason we think we need to switch kids to cows milk at a year is because of formula. Formula was invented to get the infant through until they could tolerate cows milk.
Breastmilk is made specifically for the child and is the best thing for them for, at least, the first 2 years... Why give your child the modified milk from another mammal instead of the fresh milk made to fit his exact needs?

Find a new doctor, tell your family to mind thier own and support your wife in doing the best thing for your child.

2007-03-27 07:24:07 · answer #8 · answered by Mommy to David 4 · 3 0

Dont let anyone influence your decision. Breast milk is very good for a child as it gives them immunities and anibodies that they may not be able to develop on their own. My gynocologist actually gave her kids breast milk (in cups) until they were 3. I even gave my 3 year old some breast milk (in a cup) this winter to fend off nasty colds - it works - since I am nursing a 3 month old. IF she likes it, keep doing it. Obviously she may have to stop nursing at some point, but she can always pump and give it to your daughter in a sippy cup.

2007-03-27 05:41:36 · answer #9 · answered by glazeddonut27 3 · 3 0

NO! You guys are not weird, good for you for being so supportive!!!!!

The official pediatric recommendation is to continue breastfeeding for the first year. If your dr doesn't agree, or makes you feel uncomfortable about it, get a new one!

As long as your wife and the baby both enjoy it, go right ahead - the baby will not come to any harm.

2007-03-27 04:45:25 · answer #10 · answered by baby_savvy 4 · 3 0

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