Yes. I've often stated that this life has got to be a bad dream and I'm waiting to awake from it. I haven't yet. I look around and see that it could be worse and then I feel badly for feeling down about what I have since it's so much better than it could be.
You just have to step out of your comfort zone and try something to make yourself content. I feel that using the word happy is often misleading. You should make lists and weigh your options. Are there any relatives or friends who you could live with temporarily until you find a better place to live? Have you searched for new employment opportunities? Sometimes it helps to know that you are not alone in feeling this way. Keeping a journal may help if you don't want to talk to someone. Try to do positive things to take your mind off of your surroundings like reading. Learn a new skill or how to play an instrument. The possibilities are endless and you never know what may happen.
Best of luck to you.
2007-03-27 04:44:51
answer #1
answered by * Shon * 3
Remeber, rise before the fall, low before the high. Everyone is lost in life-- it's ok to feel some stress about it but if you have suicidal thoughts or are really depressed try seeing a psychologist-- its OK to see one, a lot of "normal" people do and it's not just for nutsos and weirdos, contrary to the common stereotype... Things will get better, as of right now there is probably nothing you can do but focus on school/ or a sport and try to achieve smaller and easier goals that you are able to complete at this time, instead of worrying about achieveing larger ones like college and etc..that are way far off in the future.
2007-03-27 04:37:54
answer #2
answered by Sarah C- Equine Help 101 5
Try looking at these feelings from some different perspectives. If you believe in the could say that you are preparing for a big leap, and this life will be left behind....are you sure that there is nothing you will miss, after it is gone?
Power of positive thinking speak would say that you need to channel your frustration into an enthusiasm for a new and different life.
I hope that you are able to devise a saving plan, or a get ahead plan that you can make work, I do remember feeling the way you talked about. I had to take baby steps toget through it. My friend told me to make a list of ten things that I wanted to do, and one that I could do today.
2007-03-27 04:54:44
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wish you could have been a bit more in depth with your situation Hun,,,,this isn't much to work with,
but for overall-I feel like that sometimes.
I wonder why I am trapped in a life that doesn't seem to appreciate or want me to be a part of it,
but yet I do all I can for others, I like to help people,
All I can hope is that someday,
my good deeds will come back to me.
Karma I guess.........
And you're not so lost dear-you are here,,,
hope that someone can tell you what you need to know.
Good luck, I'm rooting for ya!!!
2007-03-27 04:43:19
answer #4
answered by trinity3x3 3
I was just talking about that with my daughter earlier today. I am in the situation. I don't really dispise it, right now I'm facing difficulties with it. which I am sure I will eventually work through. The truth is I didn't belong in the other place and perhaps in many ways I belong where I am, so that's why I said I'll eventually work through it. All I need to do is to step back a little and observe.
2007-03-27 04:36:58
answer #5
answered by Laela (Layla) 6
i know what you mean. i dont feel like my life is going anywhere (partially because i am on here so much) but i would say that it is a life that i belong to. and you belong to yours, just the same.
sometimes, i find myself sitting on my bed (or the couch, a chair, whatever) and i suddenly realize what exactly is going on in my life, and then i am a little wigged out. but thats cool. if you want to go somewhere with your life, then you have to try, and make an effort. sitting around all day, "despising" where you live, is not going to help. you need to get up, and get on with your life. you are trapped in a life that you DO belong to, even if you dont want to.
2007-03-27 04:39:14
answer #6
answered by smcopeland16 3
We are all trapped into life. Did you choose to live? No. Did you choose the family and culture that reared you? No. Do we have an inherent survival instinct that makes us avoid death? Yes. Are we giving the ability for existential thought but inevitably left without existential answers? Yes. Life is a trap, if that's how you want to look at it.
2007-03-27 04:47:27
answer #7
answered by Subconsciousless 7
Very common feelings--probably shared by 95% of people at one time or another. I just sort of philosophically accept that whatever I cannot change is what should be, or it would be different. Also think that you ARE going somewhere---you are taking life's journey--your personal odyssey--and whether it measures up to other people's experience is irrelevant.
2007-03-27 04:37:56
answer #8
answered by rubehick 2
Yes. I've always felt that I'm not living the life I was supposed to.
Where are my exotic sport cars? The beautiful models? The giant houses? Where?
2007-03-27 04:40:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I Have! I think you do some soul searching and ask your self how do I make my life better? Find the answers and follow through! What works is finding a path and following through. Set up some goals for yourself and act on them!
2007-03-27 05:21:07
answer #10
answered by ♕Soulful Dreamer♕ 5