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Why has not one of the THOUSANDS of witnesses or conspirators needed to pull off the 9/11 attacks ever stepped forward in 6 years?

Are we to believe that in 6 years no one’s loyalty to the president has wavered enough or their guilty conscience has not forced them to confess or step forward?

They continue to bring up “proof” that proves nothing, and yet the one thing that would silence all neigh Sayers still eludes them or they ignore the fact none exist.

Can’t they just finally admit they are wrong, they have no proof and leave yahoo answers alone?

2007-03-27 00:17:32 · 15 answers · asked by Stone K 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Jack C: wow you sound like the user once known as Nancy… any relation? One of “her” many accounts perhaps?

N. cognito & Humanist: A straw man argument? If you took all the “theories” and added up the estimated numbers of people needed to pull it off it would be in the thousands.

To set demolitions like theorized would take hundreds of trained men the short amount of time needed to load 2 huge buildings and 1 smaller one with enough explosives to take down the structures.

The explosives supplier and Transport Company and all it’s employees as well.

The mayor of New York and his staff and been accused as has the president and his staff.

The port authority, FAA, Cell phone companies, the families of the people killed the military, and NORAD.

2007-03-27 01:34:04 · update #1

If you include the Missile on a drone theory you have to include the people who modified the plane and loaded it. Then the thousands of ground witnesses who never noticed a Vietnam era plane and a missile or its contrail. Sorry but some on in a military district like DC and Virginia not notice a Vietnam era plane shooting a missile? Not likely.

You would need to have all the ground responders’ media and civilian witnesses also agree to remain silent.

That’s thousands of people

2007-03-27 01:34:21 · update #2

Brian M: not quite the same thing… really its not.

2007-03-27 01:34:37 · update #3

American…: you’re telling me every one in the conspiracy would remain silent for those reasons? Sorry but I am not buying it. We can’t even keep wiretapping and banking searches secret, yet some how the thousands of people involved are either too scared or are complicit in the tragedy? Yeah and I actually own sea front Arizona property… care to invest?

2007-03-27 01:47:49 · update #4

American: Yes I know about WTC 7 falling.

were you aware one side of the building was literaly sheered off?

were you aware of the fire left unatended on the lowwer floors?

I know enough about buildings to know thats a disaster waiting to happen.

did you actualy do any research like i did? or did you just yake a movies word for it?

2007-03-27 10:01:42 · update #5

heard bombs? you mean heard explosions?

have you ever heard several tons of material fall in on its self? it sounds like an explosion. you have exploding transformers, steel rivits and welds breaking, these are loud poping sounds.

I heard these sounds before and it sounded like gun fire.

People "hearing explosions" is not proof. did they actual see an explosice charge go off or the demolitions being set? no, they heard loud bangs. if you can show my how a building can fall silently I will pay you a hundred bucks right now.

2007-03-27 21:51:44 · update #6

American: you dont think things pop and break before a building falls? why else would it fall unless the suport sructure was failing?

I have seen enough of your "documentry" thanks, I will stick with common sense and facts.

2007-03-28 14:24:40 · update #7

15 answers

No, they will never admit they are wrong because they are not rational or reasonable people.

2007-03-27 00:22:14 · answer #1 · answered by vegaswoman 6 · 10 3

If you were involved would you be in a hurry to step forward and admit your guilt and subject yourself to 2800 counts of murder?

Would You do it with the same administration in power?

If you think the Government could not easily, with some planning, disappear a few hundred people, you are foolishly naive.

We don't know the complete factual story of 9/11.

Not knowing is good enough for some, but I believe that since all of our foreign and domestic policies have been shaped with a post-9/11 mindset that there should be no doubts as to who did what when, how, why and where did the money go.

Osama did it, but 6 years later, still has not been charged for any 9/11 related activities?

If the building collapsed as claimed, why has there been no push to inspect, repair or retrofit any similar structures?

Where are all of the studies showing exactly what part of the buildings design or construction contributed to it's complete destruction after relatively minimal damage?

Why were none of the other buildings with similar structures around the world being investigated to ensure the safety of the buildings?

Exactly how does a hydrocarbon fuel, even with an excess of oxygen burn hot enough to melt or seriously weaken steel?

Why don't these principles apply to the buildings used in firefighting training, made of concrete and structural steel that see near perfect combustion temperatures for hours on end?

Exactly how does a vertical steel beam disintegrate from partial heat weakening, and physical overloading? What happened to path of least resistance?

Having questions does not make wrong. Supporting the official story with all of it's inconsistencies may very well make you wrong, however.

2007-03-27 00:55:08 · answer #2 · answered by Jack C 3 · 2 1

As I have answered many times, I don't buy into the conspiracy stuff. I do however have questions about Flight 77, which no one seems to want to answer. Whenever the government holds back evidence, you should ask yourself why??

The government could squelch all this conspiracy nonsense by showing the American people the Virginia DOT tapes that would clearly show Flight 77 crossing the highway and smacking the Pentagon.

Unless there's some reason they don't want us to see it....

What's a reasoning person supposed to think?

2007-03-27 00:37:48 · answer #3 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 3 0

Why would it take thousands to pull off 9/11.

Military tactics used to indoctrinate and dominate the 19 is well and truly known and practiced. The inner circle of people that would have constructed the plan would be military and government pea bodies and therefore will always keep quiet. Large corporates like Silverstein would easily go ahead with the plan. United as I understand it were under a bankruptcy order but are now a viable business.. now you think about it.

2007-03-27 00:30:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Wasn't our nation founded on a conspiracy? Didn't George Washington, Thomas Paine, Jefferson, Hancock, Adams, et al get together in a ROOM somewhere and discuss formenting an open revolt ?

2007-03-27 00:35:19 · answer #5 · answered by AZ123 4 · 2 0

It doesn't take a conspiracy of many people to allow something to happen. I don't think Bush conspired to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks. I think he knew, or ignored the evidence of, the 9/11 attacks. This is almost as bad.

2007-03-27 00:31:02 · answer #6 · answered by Matthew P 4 · 3 1

The study of history is the study of conspiracies. They happen all the time and people go on trial and off to prison every day convicted of conspiracy. Many of them are Republicans.

One of the myths about conspiracies is they it require the KNOWLEDGE of thousands of participants. While there may be thousands of participants, most of them participate unwittingly. Only a few people at the very top need to know the real conspiracy.

2007-03-27 00:27:06 · answer #7 · answered by Renegade_X 3 · 3 2

Well if you notice most conspiracy theorists completely ignore eyewitness testimony because they directly contradict their convoluted theories. They also are not above outright lies and distortions when the facts cannot be reconciled with the myths. The fact is they are agenda driven and they will not answer questions if they don't fit the neat little mold they have created for themselves. Instead they just begin to regurgitate the same tired facts which are already in dispute. The conspiracy types are not interested in facts and never have been.

2007-03-27 00:28:03 · answer #8 · answered by Bryan 7 · 3 3

Because there was no 9/11 conspiracy.

For it to be real, thousands would of had to be involved, planned years in advance, nor is there any proof of a conspiracy.

2007-03-27 00:22:15 · answer #9 · answered by Villain 6 · 7 3

Comfortable people do not dissent. They rarely question authority, unless overwhelmed by fleeting pangs of conscience or momentary madness. Why would any self-satisfied comfortable person want to discomfort themselves? The whole purpose of a comfortable person is to acquire more comfort or to ensure a perpetual state of comfort. Why would comfortable people, contented with their place in the world--
a comfortable home, a well-paid job, respect within their community--
want to upset that equilibrium? Why would any comfortable person question his government about circumstances he cannot control? Why risk discomfort, disapproval, suspension from work and community scorn simply to question something like 911 that cannot be changed? To a comfortable person, that makes no sense at all.
2. Complacency.
Complacent people rarely make waves, create dissension, cause an uproar. They prefer not to talk about politics and religion, nor to do any independent thinking. Because a complacent mind is a safe mind. Complacent people prefer "to get along to go along," to swim with the tide, to run with the herd, to blow with the wind. They like to mind their own business which, on the face of it, seems like common sense and the safe thing to do. Because to get passionately involved in any cause or belief
(aside from sports)
would require a lapse of complacency. Complacency, unlike comfort, requires a more practiced inertia. To accept the state or the status quo, with mild complaint--
but only the mildest, acceptable complaint--and plod along like herd animals. To dare question the state, or debate popular consensus, is not only foolish and insane but borderline treasonable to the complacent citizen.
3. Cowardice
Cowardice is the most understandable of denials of 911. It is convenient to deny 911 out of fear, because to do otherwise, to look at the evidence presented by the most powerful empire in the world, requires a heretical leap of independent thought. A mental insurrection worthy of revolutionaries, pioneers, patriots and outraged citizens. But cowards cannot sift the evidence and arrive at an independent conclusion. They have been beaten and cowed and, at most, can only cringe and howl in derision from the rear. At every original thought or contrary opinion
(contrary to the state and the corporate media that is),
they howl and scurry away, anonymously. At best, their children may lead them, by example, into a braver realm of thought.
4. Conviction
Conviction--to be convinced of one's rightness---
and the courage to assert it, is admirable even if one is proven wrong eventually. A great many believers
(in the official story)
are as convinced of the Kean Commission version of 911, as we skeptics are of their error. These believers claim, with many, many intelligent professionals to back up their claims, that steel does weaken and melt from fuel fires and big buildings do indeed collapse, that falling concrete does indeed pulverize into micro-sized dust particles, that incompetence does not necessary indicate evil.
We truthers, in turn, claim the mass of incriminating evidence overwhelms the experts and trumps their testimony. So who is more right? Time will tell. But the only way we will ever convince these true believers
(our co-workers, friends and family)
of the falsity in the official, government version of 911 is to show them what a lying, poisonous, murderous, mercenary, fear-mongering, war-mongering, fascistic group they have put their faith in. And every day more and more disgruntled citizens are becoming convinced we may have a point.
5. Collusion
A secret activity undertaken by two or more people for the purpose of FRAUD.
The definition of collusion. The US media colludes every day. They collude with the White House or Pentagon or State Department to perpetrate some fraud or other. And many of us collude right along with them. The smallest group of 911 deniers, numbering several million, which I call the Colluders, includes many who have worked for the US government, still work for the US government, receive huge chunks of money from that government to fund their work, depend on contracts from the US government and, more often than not, support the official US government line. Many of them, working high in the US government--NSA, FBI, CIA, Pentagon officials---
know exactly what happened on 911 but keep quiet. Colluding all the way to the bank. Privately they may not agree with many aspects of the official version but, publicly, they will NOT utter a single statement, will NOT go on record, publicly, with a single dissenting word. Not while there is money to be made. And so, of all the 911 deniers, they are most complicit with the crime.
Comfort. Complacency. Cowardice. Conviction. Collusion. And sometimes a combination of all of them.
Footnote: A tip of the cap to those activists at 911Blogger.com Not only do I read the columns posted there but the remarks (an addiction) and sneers from the trolls. This column is dedicated to the 911 activists everywhere, in recognition of the five types of people you run up against every day--and I mean against.

So what about wtc7? What was the reason for that building falling? It wasnt hit by anything. Could it have been possible for that building to have been blown up? Have you ever watched 9/11 revisited? Watch it then get back to me. Look what happens when someone does speak out about it.

There are many eyewitness accounts saying they heard bombs. When will enough be enough for you? Again look what happens when someone does speak out about it,some highly educated people who have spoken out about it have been fired or reprimanded or had their character attacked. It is not walmart greeters saying it it is physicists and scientists.

They say this before the building fell.But your right I have never witnessed a building fall due to fire. All Im saying is you should watch the doocumentary.

2007-03-27 01:36:47 · answer #10 · answered by lalalalaconnectthedots 5 · 1 1

they have no prove they just like to talk. these are the same types who make up alien and ghost stories and try to get attention

2007-03-27 00:57:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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