Probably. I don't report anyone. . . . .just laugh and go on my merry way. It's not like someone is going to die over this stuff. They suspended poor George and Uncle Billy for no reason and then keep letting this pornographic avatar continue so it must be spite or jealousy or something.
2007-03-26 20:46:34
answer #1
answered by icunurse85 7
I would tend to think so based upon the Violaitons that I have received. In 5 years none of thi will matter anyway.. Yahoo is opnly a phase...there are better formats for communicating. What i do see is this, the hiding behid a screen, it some eventualities, is a way to take on a different persona, perhaps a dark side and vent...therein hurting others....we live in a world encased by fear. A majority of people will lash out to get their balance and in the interim lay down their depths of anguish and fear...the net is safe, thus far as the rules have NOT all yet been established....and after venting, just walk careful people, words are powerful things.
2007-04-03 14:27:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Mainly spite. It's sad that once you have an enemy on YA they can report you for almost anything.. Once again, free speech isn't so free anymore, and opinions don't count.
To those of you out there, just reporting purely from spite - wake up to yourselves!
What goes around comes around...
2007-04-02 14:07:14
answer #3
answered by axix9 3
If I see a penis avatar or a butt hole avatar I may report those...yesterday...the little gal that followed us around on here spouting about how she was getting Yahoo to get rid of polls and surveys? Well, she wasn't answering the questions and she was chatting which are some reasons some want to get rid of this, every time she popped up on our questions with her pronouncements of getting rid of us,......YES, I did report her! I have nothing to be afraid of cause I have NEVER EVER reported for SPITE...ever ...but, I know my violations is because of spite/ jealousy/ ignorance. I have a stalker...I know who she is now.. She has done nothing but let me know how bad I am on here....she doesn't like me...oh, well, there are so many more on here that do like me! ,,,and I like you all!
2007-04-03 14:30:31
answer #4
answered by missellie 7
Definitely. I've never seen so many spiteful gits gathered in one place, (well apart from at the school gates).
I only report the paedophiles who hang their sick @r$es around at 'Pregnancy and Parenting'.
As far as I'm concerned, anything else goes...
2007-03-26 22:32:11
answer #5
answered by Welshdragon 5
I sure think so... most of the violations I've gotten have been due to spite. The last one this chick wrote a rude answer to one of my questions so I added a detail and told her that if she's not a fan then get off my fan list... and she reported me! So lame...
2007-03-26 22:09:40
answer #6
answered by THATgirl 6
definently...why b/c i have been violated for something that i said and it was a normal sentence,no swearing nothing!
when i disputed it nothing was the dispute part is crap too!
i hate violations but if they are genuine then why not?
but for sakes purpose-no!
its like when i asked my mum about virus' that get sent around the worlds computers-i asked where they come from?
mum said it some idiot sitting bored who make the program just for the sake of doing so.. and send them out.
its stupid to me! but i say tomato yada yada...
its like they want to make the news or something?...
anyways i think the dispute part needs to be over hauled that way they can be given back...what would p!s you off more than setting a violation too see it put back...i wish people would grow up...ever heard of the boy who cryed wolf!
2007-04-03 14:27:27
answer #7
answered by jo.joggers 4
I say about 85% spite. It's like trying to get a guy kicked off an online game for no reason. Jus becasuse.....
2007-04-02 16:35:07
answer #8
answered by djlilrob2003 3
89% spite. ever notice in jr. high how some people can't stand the popular people? just like here, don't get too noticed or you'll be next it's the way it goes here. George and now I see uncle billy, helping hand etc. just stupid. I miss those guys.
2007-04-03 14:39:44
answer #9
answered by sideways 7
I couldn't have said that better myself!Most are all spiteful and have nothing at all to do with being concerned.They come to this category specifically to find people to report.
2007-04-03 14:42:37
answer #10
answered by IAM2INSANE 5
personally I think its sad little people that have no life and no friends that go about reporting us. Those with a mental age of 3 would be about right.
Ive allready been reported for asking a question that should have never been removed - no doubt the same person that reported me for that will report me for answering this as well.
2007-03-26 21:38:43
answer #11
answered by Anonymous