Yeah, its 4 weeks old. Its out of date.
2007-03-26 20:04:49
answer #1
answered by Sea Eagle 6
First off computers cannot die. At worse the operating system can be deleted or corrupted along with your files witch is close to dieing. I would call it extreme amnesia. They can get broken or damaged but virus really cannot cause physical damage. Second most viruses do not go this far but can make you lose data , money if they steal your credit card info or something or if you run a business.
Or you might half to pay to have someone help you.
Now most virus can be removed fast and will do almost no damage if handled properly. I suggest you obtain an uptodate anti virus program. Run it and see if it helps. If not get an other program and or seek help from a friend or computer tech. Finding out the name and research a virus will help you keep it under control. You may want a to get friend to assist you if your young, do not know much about computers , if the virus is a bad one , or if this is your first time dealing with a computer virus.
Thats all I can really say.
edited--- If you got anything really important on your PC you may want to back it up if you already have not. Pictures and text document rarely contain viruses so its pritty safe to back them up without spreading the virus. Once you know how the virus you got works you can safely backup other data without fear of infection. You can back up the data and not put it or use it on any other PC until you know its safe.
2007-03-27 02:10:21
answer #2
answered by SummerRain Girl 6
Depends on what virus it is.Some viruses cause the disk to defragment,and you could say the computer 'to die'.Other sjust make it move really slow...make you wanna 'kill it'(so the computer has a chance 'to die').Others just send themselfs over the network,causing the the neighborhood to riot,and you and your computer will have a chance to die 'die'.So no matter what you do,remove it using an antivirus,or there are big chances your computer will die.
2007-03-27 02:18:54
answer #3
answered by Dazetec G 1
Uhm.Viruses can dmg your computer.They can mess with your drivers,and cook your components.Remove the viruses ASAP(or your computer might die 4 real).Don't panic tho,not every virus does that.
2007-03-27 02:22:44
answer #4
answered by Gabi 1
no if you got dsl jus download mcafe full version of mcafe virus remover 2006
hope i answer the question
2007-03-27 02:08:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
no just download norbert or avast & clean it out or save everything you got on it to a cd or floppy disk & then degfragment your computer.
2007-03-27 02:05:36
answer #6
answered by Faith 3
Give it two asprin and it should go away in seven to ten days
2007-03-27 02:06:15
answer #7
answered by icunurse85 7
Give it two aspirins and call me in the morning.
2007-03-27 02:05:28
answer #8
answered by canguroargentino 4
throw it out the window before it spreads!!!
... well what the hell are you waiting for why are you reading this go now throw it out before the world collapses.
2007-03-27 02:15:28
answer #9
answered by JOhNe=mc² 6
Cough Cough cough... Sorry about that
2007-03-27 02:05:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous