The various reasons why Rocky lost are plenty, and all across the board, so I hope my answer wont be too meandering (good luck if you've ever seen my answers, though)
The way he lost, with the fight "going the distance" and ending in a judges decision is basically where neither fighter wins by knock out (or technical knockout) and the three judges scores are tallied. Each judge awards a score to each fighter for each round, and these are all added up. If all three judges vote for the same person, this is considered a "unanimous decision" if one judge's opinion differs from the other two, your result is called, as in this case, a "split decision"
Honestly this was the right call for the judges if this were real life, in that Rocky did in fact put on a great show and fight, but simply did not win enough rounds to win the entire fight. In fact his strategy was more of a rope a dope type of strategy to get his opponent who had never gone the distance to unload all his energy early, and then unload and try to knock him out before the fight ended. In doing this Rocky strongly lost early rounds he would've needed for the decision.
Now as a film, the movie was really pushing reality severely as it is, for Rocky to beat a fighter in his prime would have simply taken the movie waaay over the edge. Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie (definately much better than 4 or 5!!!)
And I really feel you didn't NEED rocky to win. Rocky won by SURVIVING, when everybody and their brother said he'd be destroyed within the first round or two. For him to also push a fighter to something that no other fighter had done, again forcing Dixon to go all 10 rounds, was a major accomplishment and Rocky won the respect of his opponent, his fans, himself and Peter Pettrelli, and thats all that matters, and thats all Rock was looking for.
Also, back to making believe this was a real fight, boxing today is a sghamble of what it used to be. And the movie made that point very well, in my opinion. The judges (especially since this was an exhibition fight, and because the honesty and validity of boxing is questionable at best) would very likely forced to make sure the young champion not be embarressed by having his first ever victory at the hands of a nearly geriatric italian.
Plus, Mason was well served by this, also. He comes out as a class act by conducting himself professionally (not bighting off any ears, no low blow, headbutting, etc) and not murdering a man in an exhibition fight. Plus, as I stated earlier he was pushed to do something he never did and that was fight into the middle let alone the last rounds of a fight. In doing this with Rocky being an obviously formiddable opponent, he proved that he wasn't just a pretty face that could only retain his championship by fighting bums.
If you actually took the time to wade through all of this, I hope it helped.
2007-03-26 19:25:42
answer #1
answered by daughters_a_wookie 4
Rocky Balboa 6
2016-09-30 10:07:27
answer #2
answered by whisman 4
He lost because he got beaten. they should have stopped the fight early in the fight. At the end he puts his glove on the canvas to keep from going down and was called for a knock out. he should have been. It is a rule.
As is he lost on a split decision.
If he had won there would have to be a Rocky 6
It was only an exhibition and by winning it he would have become the number one contenders spot and this time mason would come out punching from the get go and his hand may not break next time.
This was an attempt to put Rocky to bed not make him fight another fight.
2007-04-02 17:17:07
answer #3
answered by LORD Z 7
Holy crap the fiurst two answers are novels. I like how it ended. Yeah ~ he lost, but he also won. He proved to himself that he still had it. He was the tougher fighter. His lose was set-up by boxing officials that could not have the champ loose to an old-time boxer who does not want to pursue any more fights. The champ would look terrible and boxing would go down the tubes. How it ended everyone could move forward. The champ onto tougher fighters and claiming his title outright, and Rocky by going out tough in his LAST fight.
I gotta watch it again. So many flash backs.
Q: What are the two turtles' names? He named them in the first Rocky. Do you know? See my 360 for more...
2007-03-29 02:58:25
answer #4
answered by DJFresh 3
Split Decision Movie
2016-12-31 03:19:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i think its pretty obvious and i wont write as many words as somne people did.
Rocky is retired. he's 60 years old. he's fighting a 20+ year old.. what are the odds that he could have won?
There is a alternate ending on the dvd where he wins.
i see only one word that comes to mind with that ending... "SEQUEL"
Stalone wrote this as a ending, not a new generation of Rocky.
he made it for him to lose.
by the way... the producer, director, writer, and main star are Sylvester Stalone.
same as the first 5 movies.
Did you know that the guy he fights is a professional boxer?
Every hit was real. If i hear right, that nice cut he got on his head is real too.
Stalone trained professional boxing for 6 months just to get ready.
only thing they asked the guy to do was not to box stalone at 100% capability. They didnt want it to be a slaughter.
2007-03-26 21:22:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
have you not seen the other moneys. He does not always win. He loses in part1 part 3 part 6 and in part 5 he doesn't even really fight a boxing match
2007-03-28 22:12:20
answer #7
answered by tatimsaspas 4
Many good answers guys. The turtles are Cuff and Link
2007-04-03 02:37:11
answer #8
answered by H.E. G 4